sometimes you find something so retarded that you can't come up with an adequate title to describe it

30  2019-05-21 by Sea_Safe


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Oh yeah? Well if you're so pro-life then why do you drink the creampie out of your hotwife's pussy? Think about it.

implying anyone would dare infringe on their wife's right to choose that you drink that creampie

Because she's been fixed already.

How is this drama?


you know why babe, same reason every tiny bit of CB2 and CTH nonsense gets posted


Seriously though how is it drama

Yes, we know you're coping. Please find another method.


The drama is in this comment chain

It's not that retarded, just someone who's built a strawman out of leftist veganism. The comments are full of people explaining how a vegan can be pro-choice and still have an internally consistent worldview. Good luck finding real drama in the future.

virgin leftist vegetarianism vs chad Tolstoy christian vegetarianism

My uterus is killing a baby as we speak. I'm a felon.

That's a good point. I'm against killing babies now.