Paranoid snitch releases her deranged ravings as proof that she's not a racist and that Napping While Black really is a crime... or something?

27  2019-05-22 by itsnotmyfault


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Dude sentient lmao

  1. WordPress and still can't make a site that would take longer than like ten minutes to write the html and css for. Ew.

  2. Reminding people some people think your a racist snitch whether you are or not wihh your full name attached is a dumb idea.

"I may have sent a half dozen emails to school officials in the middle of the night while calling the cops, but this is definitely the proof that I was being harassed, not doing the harassing" - this person, probably.

Her actual words are not much better:

"Yes, constantly having to pay attention to whether people are spreading disgusting lies about me & having to act to stop their spread, as part of my ongoing efforts to save my life & career, is overwhelming & exhausting & difficult, especially given my mental health disabilities."

I don't get it. She's publishing her one-sided rants to school officials, one of which reads:

she lives on the 5th floor next to the elevator apparently, has slammed both the common room door and the elevator door as hard as she can several times during the past 15 to 20 minutes.
This is obviously an attempt to harass me. This has been happening all night long as well actually.
I am literally begging you at this point to save me from this ongoing harassment and close the common room until the end of the school year.

Yes, lock this shit down because some inconsiderate person is studying late night in the common room. This behavior is obviously designed to bother you specifically, and not just someone studying late at night.

In another post she publishes, which she largely agrees with, another black student is openly mocking her for being such a paranoid weirdo who's just straight saying that he's making her uncomfortable just by existing.

When she got off the elevator, she did not feel comfortable entering her room with an unknown person beside her so she walked down the stairs to the eleventh floor. She said she waited a moment and then walked up the other tower stairwell and entered the common room from that entry door. She noted the common room was dark and empty. She stood quietly near the Room 1201 door, which is directly across from her room, to listen if the man had left the area. She exited the common room and walked towards her room when she saw the man standing on the stairwell landing between floors 11 and 12. He asked her if she knew where the common room was located. She told him it is the room she had just exited and that it I empty and dark and did not look like there was any event taking place. She told him if he did not belong there, he should leave and the room can be accessed by residents with a key. He told her he was a student. Braasch said she told him he was “making her nervous and uncomfortable”, and he responded by “scoffing” at her remark, turning his head to the side and sighing. She then entered her room, leaving him on the stairwell landing. A few minutes later, she contacted the Yale PD to report a suspicious person. (Yale PD Dispatch confirmed the call came in on 02/24/18 at 1721 hours.)


Braasch said approximately forty-five minutes to an hour after she had contacted the Yale PD, a gathering had taken place at the common room across the hall. She heard a few groups of two or three people speaking loudly, using obscenities, and mocking her. One would say, “You’re making me nervous,” while another would respond, “Watch out, she’ll call the police.” The comments were repeated two or three times by different people over a thirty minute time frame and they were probably waiting to leave on the elevator while they were doing this.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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I didn't read any of this. Is she racist or simply paranoid?

It seems more paranoid from the website, I'll read this stuff RN.

She even game her PayPal to the campus people she was emailing so they could support her through the harassment lmao.


Def paranoid. She wanted Yale to shut a whole communal room because she felt she was being harassed by everyone. She kept calling the cops on everyone and being a snitch.

She seems to have the female version of autism (it’s actually different on top of having paranoia and anxiety.

•Basic summary is this: she feels constantly uncomfortable not knowing who people are when they are close to where she lives (which happens a lot on college campuses).

•She also thinks any noise, social interactions, etc. are directed at her.

•she lives on the floor with some black girl(s) who also have black friends and they interpret her social weirdness as racism instead of social weirdness (cause if we’re being honest, black girls at Yale love calling shit racist).

It sounds more like a paranoia disorder tbqh.

How do you slam an elevator door?

She sounds severely autistic and paranoid. I really don’t think she needs a whole protest against her considering she’s not just a regular call the police on black people type, she’s just an actual crazy person.

She probably barely understands her own actions. Get her counseling and explain to her why she should stop calling the police every 5 seconds when she sees people she doesn’t know.

Are you implying that someone who went to Yale is somehow not the best and most intelligent person ever to grace this Earth, and that even the highest of higher education has a shitload of morons too? Don't let reddit hear about this one!

White people are the worst

I think it’s just autists are the worst because their condition is literally not understanding social interaction.

Yeah dude, emailing campus police is way worse than selling drugs to kids or killing them in drive bys and random shootings like black people do

Yeah maybe she should've just shot them like a black dude would have

Nah that sounds more like mayo nonsense


Unironic yikes.

That’s basically textbook schizophrenia — I’d feel kinda sorry for her if she wasn’t such a foid.

Yale is such a shit show. How and why did admissions fuck up a school so bad when they had so many options?

I love how CNN and washington post report on this while not ever mentioning that the Sarah girl is actually just a crazy schizophrenic autist who would call the police on literally anyone.

Black girl is like: “I’m not going to justify my existence, I deserve to be here, racism happens every day.”

Like wow, how does she even know the police were called because she was black. This Sarah girl has literally called the police on like 15 random people. The black girl who was napping really wants to be a victim for those snap points and the Sarah girl is actually just crazy.

You can't fuckin fart without some mushbrained college liberal telling you how racist and mysoginist your fart really was and how the specific tone of your fart marginalizes non-white people and perpetuates systemic racism.

commit the majority of violent crime

-black people

utterly shocked people suspect them of committing crimes

-also black people