A girl stabbed me AMA

46  2019-05-22 by LavenderBeer

We broke up and got back together. She smashed her head and is threatening to claim abuse.


Is she hot?


And I'm guessing crazy, right?

Hmmmm I wonder

Those are all the dude questions I can think of. Walk it off.

Imagine forgetting to ask about her cans.

Like her puss feels good or that it is a really nice looking on? As in "dude, sweet pussy. Is that a 92?"

Ugly pussy, feels nice

My question, the only question that really matters really, what did you do to deserve this?

Wanted to start errands before noon like a normie

Sounds deserved to me tbh

You honestly deserve everything that happens to you for interacting with a foid

Foids, not even once.

Thus spoke Pizzathustra.

Around snatch, always detach 😔

i dunno mang, i hear even the gays like serialflamingo get stabbed

Foids will be foids. Hope you don’t suicide before she posts her “story” on 2X and gets showered with yas kewn

We broke up and got back together.

You fool. You had your chance to escape but you went back like the moron you are. You made your bed now lay in it.


Oh yeah, this is an AMA. So what made you stupid enough to go crawling back?

I'm lonely, and she said things would be different l

I wish i was this retarded

And you believed the foid? Are you on drugs?

Imagine being this dumb

You're done for mate. The foid has full control over you now. Might as well just ask her to peg you.

Only AOC and Tay is allowed to peg him

What'd she stab you with?

Cooking knife

Why didn't she use a butter knife?

It was pretty scary. She got a crazy look and went for the sharpest thing.

What does lavender beer taste like?



Just like my japanese animes! 😍

May as well beat her for real

Just film her spergouts, you lasy larper

Where did she stab you?


Did cops show up? Anyone get arrested?

women committing crimes

Highly unlikely the 5-0 showed up

Based and MRApilled

Well a neighbor could have called, then as the cops showed up and saw him bleeding profusely from domestic violence, they could have arrested him.

lol your body got penetrated by a girl

How much does she weigh?

The same as a duck

You're a /r/drama male, so it was probably deserved.

What part did she stab you in and what did you do about it?

In my hand as I was disarming her. I picked her up and threw her outside.

What were the three sentences she screamed at you right before you got shanked.

I love you. I don't want to leave. I'm scared.

I hope you’re just doing some creative writing, this legitimately made me feel sad.

Welp sucks to be you I guess

Why did my antidepressants suddenly stop working?

You are probably masturbating too much

Did anyone ever tell you to not fuck crazy?

Yes :(

Actually smash her so you atleast have a reason to be in jail