A few users in r/popping aren't fans of a shoehorned 'Bama Abortion reference, proceed to get dogpiled on because "politics is everywhere," even in pimple popping circles apparently.

48  2019-05-22 by Upper_Finish


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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Botflies are nasty as fuck

Redditors are more interested in puss than they are in drama. That says a lot really.

I don’t think reditors get much puss to be honest.

What the fuck that was disgusting holy shit completely overshadows whatever shit drama there was

It's a jew being dragged out of his hole (1942, colorized)

babbies first botfly

stay north of the equator

stay north of the equator

I live in Canada and I seen vets dig these things outta fuckin horses

I know it ain't the same thing but it troubles me that they're so close by

I live in Canada



You can clearly hear they have British accents. Why the fuck does Reddit feel the need to talk about a specific law in one specific state of the USA on a video about British people doing something?

Cause britbongs are the worst people on the earth. They are obsessed with America. They will narrow down to one state that has 1.5% of the USAs population just to find something to be obsessed over.

Except this comment was blatantly left by some middle-class liberal mayo American living in California or New York or some shit.

Same thing really

Nah, it was probably an Australian. They are obsessed with American politics

Australians I meet in bars are the greatest.

Australians I meet on the internet are the worst.

Being pro-abortion is the new religion. I'm okay with that, as there are too many retards out there as it is.

Being pro-abortion is the new religion

This type of new radical progressivism is the new religion. Hence why are these arguments boil down to moral judgements rather than arguing logic.

it's almost as if

Fucking hell that's peak reddit

Yikes sweaty. Let's unpack this

Who hurt you?