Trans suicide rates brings out peak SEETHING in Chapo.

76  2019-05-22 by GodOfDarknessWine


I need people to stop banning my lolis. That's all I need! Just let me be with my drawings. Let me enjoy cute happy anime lolis that are so full of love and affection. That let me forget about this horrible world and the shitty people in it. Is that so hard to ask for? Why are people so fucking hell bent on banning lolis? What do they or society gain? I don't like scary slasher movies about people murdering people(illegal BTW). But I don't call for them to be banned nor insult those that enjoy them. One of the few things in life that makes me happy. Little glimmers of joy in my shit life and they fucking ban it because they want to make an extra buck fron ad investors.

Maybe there's a reason why people want these pure, perfect maidens? Could it be that the real world is filled with darwinistic people? Filled with murder, drugs, deasise, genocide, virtue signalling, inequality, false politicians, false ronance, bullies, ect. Where everyone is out to push eachother down to get on top? Yea, no wonder people are so eager to want something better.

Is it really difficult for people to mind their own business? If you don't harm anyone, why ban it?

You know. What about GTA that glorifies crime and actually hurts people in the real world with predatory microtransactions? What about rape fantasies? What about guro? What about furry porn? What if she's canonlly legal age? What about girls that look mature but are underage(Ikkitousen, HSoTD)? What about all that incest porn on pornhub? That's illegal IRL but no one is harping to ban that. What about r/trees? A sub dedicated to glorifying marijuana but one problem...weed has been and still is illegal and classified as a class1 drug in the US. Or the sub that literally shows real kids being killed. Or all those propaganda and ad shilling? But no one bans that!




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Foid logic: It’s your fault, it’s never mine.

Trans logic: it’s your fault, it’s never mine.

Literally the same.

So dudes in dresses really are women? 🤔🤔🤔

Smells like 🐴👞 in here

Russians logic: it's your fault, it's never ours

Are Russians trannies? 🤔🤔🤔

Ukrainian kulak logic: the Holodomor is Stalin's fault, it's never mine.

this but unironically

The Ukrainian cries out in pain as he strikes himself and all of his countrymen

they starved themselves on purpose to own future internet tankies

Do I seriously have to say this shit again? In 2019?

Listen chud, the evidence that the 1932 Soviet Famine (frequently referred to as the "Holomordor" by Ukrainian Nazi emigrés) was "man-made" is sparse. First of all, it is not a genocide according to the UN because it was not an attempt to wipe out Ukrainian people. Secondly, it was a natural disaster, as the region had a long history of such famines occurring, many of them more deadly than the so-called Hodor, and this was exacerbated by kulaks burning all of the grain instead of allowing the rest of the peasants to have it. Thirdly, it occurred within the context of rapid industrialization, and the last Soviet famine occurred in 1947, meaning that Stalin ended hunger in Russia. In fact, a declassified CIA report showed that, in the early to mid 80s, the USSR had a better diet than the USA. Now it's time to post hog, chud.

not till u post ur girl hog first


the Holodomor

I thought this is a Game of Thrones reference.

Ukraines really have to learn to market their genocide better.

White walkers caused it

Trans women can't be women so they settle for being massive pussies.


Absolutely. If someone ever uses studies against trans rights you need not look further than the study.

40% of my braincells just offed themselves after reading that.


Of Chapos live with their parents

>Just 40%

That's what the survey said, 39.some%.

That's 100%

Not an argument

constantly tell transgender people to kill themselves

they kill themselves

lol gottem

Why should we care if they kill themselves no one cares when guys do it

People should also care when men do it.

What if it's pizzashill

Imagine caring about made up people on the internet

I don't care when anyone does it


Yeah they should but they don't

He's saying that the same people that are fighting for one thing also support the other. If men are experiencing inequality, then feminists should be their closest ally. On this subject, here's a well made video about the Red Pill movie:
(I think it's in the conclusion of the second part that he talks about this, but it been like 6 months, so idk)

Implying women care about moids.en don't even care about men. 🙄

Tbh, I don't know what you mean by moid.

Moids just means men.

Maybe if you learned about feminism, you'd see that they do.

Learning about what “feminists do” or lack thereof doesn’t solve any problems that moids have

Proof: look at r/menslib. Literally just liberal MRAs and they always talk about wamen issues and never men. It’s not like anyone should care on the internet anyway

I'm saying that feminists are fighting for things that would bring about positive change to the issues that you're referring to.

In theory yes. In reality, as a feminist, I tell you lol nah

This. If a dude dies it means a higher chance for me to wet my noodle.

linking Big Joel

LOL. Also when has a feminist ever cared about mo*d problems beyond shallow virtue signalling?

Idk, countless times within the past 10 years? If you need sometime specific, I'd say when Big Joel concluded in his video essay about the Red Pill that feminists and "meninists" should be working together as they're fighting for the same thing?

Lol no they shouldn't

People already care about trap self-own rates tho

Did you not just hear what Alicesnakebae said?

Lol androcide

Caring about suicides isn't a zero sum game, you can care about trans people and men.

men arent people

You’re a moron stfu

they quite literally are gotten

This but unironically.

I’ve seen one of them compare the trans suicide rates to Jewish suicide rates in Nazi Germany without a hint of understanding their own irony

Comparing yourselves to jews in nazi germany without a hint of irony

Excuse me? If anything trans folk today are being persecuted more than jews were back in the 1940s so yeah you should delete your comment because it's so ignorant

Trans people are the most discriminated people in history. Death or slavery has no comparison to having to pretend you aren’t mentally ill.



You're right. At least the Nazis respected the Jews proper pronouns.

I mean, it's completely impossible that "being trapped in the wrong body" makes you so unhappy that you would commit suicide, right? Yes, completely impossible, because that would mean they would lose victim points.

they have fucking 5x the suicide rate of prisoners of war and they claim ITS SOCIEEUHHYTEEEE no you're a fag

I mean tbf be fair at least they use the prisoners' preferred pronouns.

The true equal society: everyone is just a subject with a number

I'll have you know I'm transnumeric, my birth certificate might say 78930473 but I identify as 83849347

If you trust the findings of these studies, why don't you trust the conclusions? The same sources that show the suicide rates consider "socieeuhhytee" a major factor.

Implying most trans studies aren't either biased for them or against them. 🙄

fun fact, this guy accused me of stalking his post history because i replied to three of his comments in one thread, and then stalked my post history. based and dramapilled

Checks his post history

most recent post

Does anybody not feel like a woman but want to be one


Don't drive him away guys he fits right in here

We just gotta remember Don't downvote the lolcows

Using my whiteness to boost this from our underprivlegeserved comrade

Well, can you blame me? Most people aren't like you or I, most people don't go down a thread replying to half of them. It's usually a good assumption.
If you count looking at one post stalking, then I admit it.

Weird flex but okay

If you trust the findings of these studies, why don't you trust the conclusions?

because 'trans suicide attempt rate high' is statistically tested

The same sources that show the suicide rates consider "socieeuhhytee" a major factor.

while "society is at fault" comes from i shit you not asking them "is the reason ur badoinking urself society" and then saying "yep, its statistically certain they say its society" so "it must be society" (they ask about meanness from friends, discrimination, etc, but yea its retarded)

Alexa translate this for me

big nose white coat man is not nice

being trapped in the wrong body

Is such a retarded argument i cant believe the people who spout it dont see the contradiction. Because it implies there is a biologically woman brain and a man brain. Implying there are biological differences between men and women. IMPLYING that gender is biologically grounded. IMPLYING that gender is biologically centered on a binary system.

Yeah there was a lolcow in here ... it was like exceptionallypancoyote or something ... that was claiming to be both non-binary and trans. Bruh those can't mix. As you said, not possible to have a differently gendered brain than your body if gender isn't biological.

But lets not accuse these types of even remotely understanding science.

Some people use the term trans to just mean not-cis sometimes. So, a non-binary trans would just be a non-binary.

trans is a catch-all term for people with fucked up impressions of gender now

Noted, thx

See my reply to the guy you replied to.

Implying I can read

no one can tell you how to identify, you get to decide that for yourself!

WRONG. Wrong wrong wrong. Want to identify as someone with a college degree? Better go to college bucko. Want to identify as an athlete? Better start working out. I can't be a 400 lb lardbucket who hasn't left my bed since the age of 16 and then identify as a start quarterback with an astrophysics degree. I mean, I guess I could, but society would have every right to call me a lunatic.

Want to identify as someone with a college degree

You can have sound arguments and you choose the retarded strawman way smh

yeah but the retarded strawman was asking for it, who was I to deny him? smh at YOUR smh, you smher

identity and expression

No, a woman who wears fucking pants is not transgender REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

It's an expression to help comprehension, but I guess for some people it doesn't.

I guess you could say gender is based on a binary system if you meant it like "morality is based on a binary system." There's good, there's evil. But in between them there's that moral spectrum.
Of course, what about things that are amoral rather than immoral or moral? Well, those don't even fall on the spectrum, they're just actions.
If you're thinking of it like that, you're not too wrong about how people view it.

Yes, sex is correlated with gender, but it's not a straight causation.

For example, what makes you of the male gender? Well, penis doesn't factor in that much, most people you meet don't see your penis, and people that have been castrated are still men. It's not sexuality, because gay people exist. It's not ability to grown facial hair because a bunch of men can't do that all that well, and some women can. It's not bone structure because that varies too much, some cis-women have broader shoulders than some men. Not strength, a lot of women are stronger than a lot of men. It's not testosterone, women have that too, and you can just get artificial testosterone if you don't have much. This can go on for awhile.
Not much separates the two main genders physically, both Dwayne Johnson and r/feminineboys/ exist. Both Selena Gomez and r/butchlesbians/ exist.

If the difference can't be physical, doesn't it have to be mental? How we think of ourselves and how others think of us? How we socialize?

That degree finally paying off

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bad bot

bad human

Somethings you can't just respond to with one liners.


Bots dont care about getting the point across. you decided that its a good use of your time to post a wall of text on reddit. the bot reminded you that you can spend your time doing actually useful things.

Well, I find trying to convince people that trans rights are humans rights a worthwhile usage of my time.

on reddit

You can do a lot of good irl and even on social media assuming you know the people irl. But noone gives a shit about reddit.

I like to be more optimistic about it, maybe my arguments might nudge their mindset in the right direction. Maybe my interaction with them could help them get on the path to change their mind in the next 10 years or so.

As long as your arguments are close to those of transactivists they will only push people away. Do trans people have fucked up brains? yes. But how many do you think had proper therapy and medication?

Then theres the thing about teenagers, where like 20% have some form of dysphoria but for 19% it goes away when they get older. If those are allowed to transition they are fucked because de-transitioning is even worse than transitioning in the first place (god help them if the had srs).

Even hormone blockers completely fuck your development even if they are technically reversible.

Even worse is that most trans advocacy is on social media aka by people that dont give a shit about others and dont have to see the fallout they cause. Or revel in the misery they cause. IMO: if you think you might be trans, go see a doctor (proper md), go see a therapist >2ys and listen to their advise. If you have a reason to not trust them go to another one.

1 thing that is true, but is rarely mentioned by online transactivists is how societal expectations play into this. For example: for most women it is completely acceptable to behave and dress as feminine or as masculine as they want. For men it is significantly less acceptable to dress or behave feminine (see reactions to men wearing a dress). This leads to men having to either suck it up or tell the world they are actually women. This is probably why most online transcommunities are chock full of transwomen with only a few transmen.

Also: this only applies to western countries. In the middle east, africa and most of asia youre straight up fucked if you dont fit in.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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That hurt m8.

I agree with what you say, but I think a bit of the problem resides in how people think about gender. Like, what does being a male or female really mean? There are butch women and feminine men (one time, while I was still questioning, I checked r/feminineboys and some of them were considering HRT, still boys though), what makes them their gender?
I came to the conclusion that the categories don't matter and I'll just do what I need to be how I want. I guess I'm part of that weird crowd suggesting to abolish gender. Not "gender critical" though. I think trans women are women just as much as cis women are, but also question why it matters.

I don't know why I just told you all this, guess I just felt like expressing my views to someone that wouldn't be a dick about it. Ignore this if you want

Lets get the easy one out of the way first. Gender is 100% necessary when it comes to medicine. If you arent honest with your doc you are putting your life in danger (this position is sadly argued among trans activists and I have 0 patience with those people).

Why do you think boys kill themselves in record numbers? Why do you think there are so many incels? Because they have no identity, nothing that makes them THEM. Gender norms are a good thing. They give people direction, some to look at and say this is what I could be. This coincides with a rise of single parenthood. You have a depressing number of children that lack one rolemodel (and the other has to work all the time to make enough money, so theyre lacking even more).

As I mentioned before I think it would do our society a lot of good if not adhering to gender norms wouldnt be punished so hard (hes a guy wearing a dress? so what). Remember gender norms didnt just suddenly come into being. They evolved so people would be likely assigned the role they were best at fullfilling. Is it perfect? no, especially these days a lot of qualities have shifted in priority. But its better than nothing and better than the alternatives that I have heard.

To come back to what does it mean to be a man/woman. There are a lot of components and if look at individual characteristics (beard etc) then some women have them more than some men (and vice versa). But if you look at several of them that becomes exceedingly rare. Do a little though experiment. Think of the most masculine woman you know and compare her to the men you know. Do the same for feminine men. I predict between 50 and 75% of men will be more masculine (and women feminine)


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Forgive me, father for I have sinned.

Er, you mean sex. Yeah, no one serious actually promotes getting rid of notation of sex in medicine.

Ah, here we get into Nietzsche stuff. Everyone is thinking god (gender) is dead as we know it. I'm proposing that we move beyond that and reach higher, you're just proposing to believe in god again, even though we have now heard of his death. Yes, there is a danger in his death, we must strive to be worthy of killing him.

Yeah, no one serious actually promotes getting rid of notation of sex in medicine.

Then you havent paid much attention. It isnt a common opinion, but it comes up often enough and there is too little backlash imo.

Gender roles serve a purpose (guidance). Until we can fill that void in other ways abolishing gender is suicide.

trans rights are humans rights

No one is saying they are not.

You are using a Motte and Bailey fallacy: say things that can be easily attacked and when you lose the argument you retreat to a point where no one disagrees with you.

Well, I just used that phrase because it was easy, thinking it out what it really is, it'd be closer to:

"trying to convince people that trans-people are valid and deserve to be treated fairly, where fairly means respecting their choice in gender."

I’m sure getting health support is way more important than pronouns, sorry.

But one of the main reasons they need the mental health support is because of the discrimination. Without discrimination, there'd still be need for it, but the discrimination exasperates the issue.

I said the same thing to some guy above.

Not everything you want is a human right.

Lol, I love this being posted under “no one is saying they aren’t”

They're just letting you down gently.

Also, spending over 4 hours defending delusions. Lmao

Ah, delusions.

Don’t delusions have to be impossible to reach?

Ah, delusions.

Don’t delusions have to be impossible to reach?

Yes. Like a man will never be a woman. :]

Well, for me I’m not trying to be a woman, I’m trying to appear in a way that women do. This doesn’t have to make me a woman, but eh, I think it’d make more sense to call me a woman at that point. What else would the word be used for?

Well, for me I’m not trying to be a woman, I’m trying to appear in a way that women do.

So, you're not trying to transition, you're just trying to put on a convincing disguise. Got it. Thank you for being honest.

Er, no. Unless you call every appearance a disguise. If we call wearing clothes in general wearing disguises, then sure.

I'd be expressing how I feel, isn't that more real than how I currently am? Wouldn't my male appearance be the disguise?

Refrain from referring to Longy as a bad bot you cad

r/botabuse Typical of the vile chapo to abuse an innocent bot.

Lol. Oh boi. Let's unpack this sweaty.

When you say "It's an expression to help comprehension"; you mean "it's an expression describing the biological reality of gender dysphoria."

When you say "sex is correlated with gender, but it's not a straight causation" you mean "gender is literally caused by sex"

When you say "what makes you of the male gender" you mean "having XY chormosomes makes you of the mail gender"

When you say "It's not testosterone, women have that too" you could also say "What separates you from being a billionaire? It's not money, you have that too" but you mean "It's pretty much testosterone. That's a big one."

When you say "Not much separates the two main genders physically, both Dwayne Johnson and r/feminineboys/ exist" you mean "They have in common their XY chromosomes, making them men."

When you say "the difference can't be physical" you mean "the difference is physical"

Hope this helps sweaty

Wait, if it's testosterone, then doesn't that mean trans men are men? If all you need to be a billionaire is a billion dollars, and money is a metaphor for testosterone, then trans men would be men.

How do you know they have one X and one Y chromosome, and why does that matter? Isn't it about how the X and Y chromosomes affect you? Wouldn't the phenotype make more sense to base things off of than the genotype? If you have an X and a Y, but the Y isn't affecting your phenotype, why does it matter that it is there?
Why do things we can't even perceive matter so much to you? And why does it bother you that people want to express themselves as women?

You don't base whether someone is bald on if they have the gene for balding, you look at their hair.

I think you meant sweety, though you might've just been insulting me.

though you might've just been insulting me


Wait, if it's testosterone, then doesn't that mean trans men are men?

How? By hrt?

Yeah, trans men on testosterone.

Oh, you mean getting treatment right? Not biologically produced.


So, not biologically men?

Well, depends on your definition.
Yeah, they're pretty biological men. Got the skin of a man, body-fat distribution of a man, libido of man, hair growth of a man, etc.. They act like a man, are (usually) treated like a man.
I'd call that a man, a biological man.

Because they are taking medication for that. If I’m [condition] and get treatment for that it doesn’t stop me from being [patient].

Huh? Sorry you might have to explain it again.
If I'm [gender dysphoric] and get treatment for that it doesn't stop me from being [gender dysphoric]? I must be getting that wrong because that doesn't make any point. It makes sense, but so does "apples are apples."
What were you trying to say?

You still need an external help to curb your condition.

Oh, ok. Well, yeah, but you could say the same about older men and women. They need to take T or E too.
This is where you get into the part that argues that trans people not on HRT are still that gender, I usually don't go there because it's hard to convince people of if they're not already on board with trans people.

And why does it bother you that people want to express themselves as women?

It doesn’t, you can express yourself however you want. What bothers people is that they claim to be actual women when they are in fact men playing dress up.

Holy shit are you delusional kid. Just because there is a specific, hand picked, man out there smaller than a specific, hand picked, woman, does not negate that men are larger, stronger, faster, than women IN GENERAL. I mean, it doesnt even stop at bone structure and muscles, there's differences in metabolic rate, Oxygenation, reaction times, internal organs, temperament.... I mean, the list goes on and on forever.

Then your equivocation of gender to morality? Makes zero sense. 99.9% of all people on this planet are A born one of two sexes B outwardly expresses their gender in conjunction with their sex C identify as the gender that correlates to their sex. To claim that the mere existence of the 0.01% negates the entire 99.9% is pure ideological pathology.

In general, yes, men are more ____ women are more ____. But if that's what you base gender on, then the outliers that aren't more ____ wouldn't be considered men/women. So, if someone was not strong, had narrow shoulders, is attracted to men, can't grow facial hair, and is fairly short, and has low amounts of testosterone, you'd have them be assigned the gender woman, even if he's a man.

Just saying your numbers are really far off, about 1.7% of people are intersex, about .5% are trans, so just based on two groups within what you mentioned, you're off by 2.1%. That's about 690,000 Americans.

1.7% of population is intersex

Hmmm... thats seems really high... oh yeah, thats because its bullshit.

Some groups use an old prevalence statistic that says we make up 1 in 2000, or .05%, percent of the population, but that statistic refers to one specific intersex trait, ambiguous genitalia, which is but one of many variations which, combined (as they are in medical diagnostics and coding), constitute the 1.7% estimate

ambiguous genitalia


Regardless, lets take your "2.1%" number. Youre saying 2% of the population negates a 98% correlation between sex and gender? Wow. Hmm... if thats true i guess we need to throw out every bit of science that doesnt have a 100% correlation rate. I guess that means A all of psychology B all of sociology C all of Newtonian physics

thanks for fixing that for society!

Did you read the thing you quoted? "constitute the 1.7% estimate." I wasn't just going based on ambiguous genitalia, I was including all Intersex people. This doesn't even matter though, it's just pedantic differences in numbers that aren't really relevant to the conversation.

If you actually cared and knew about the accepted psychology and sociology of transgender people, you wouldn't be arguing against me.

Im not saying they dont exist, im saying you have to be functionally retarded to throw out a 98% correlation rate, found across the world, just to support your pathological trans theory. Which would make you a science denier.

So, people that sex doesn't directly choose their gender exist then? I was just keeping the definitions loose to include them, if you're just saying 98% of the time sex is the cause of gender, I agree.

Yes, and they are an exception to the rule.

Okay, well, guess we're in agreement. Trans people are of different genders than the ones defined by their sex, cis people are of genders that relate to their sex.

I didn’t say that.

You agreed to something that would require that conclusion

I agree that they should be treated with dignity as any other human being. Especially health care and labour protection.

So, you're a "they can call themselves a girl, and I'll call them a girl because it's polite, but I'm just being polite" person? That's fine I guess, far better than some others in this post.
I hope you have a good day, you seem like you're pretty nice.

That’s correct. But trans activists would call me a t&rf for that in spite we can agree in more than one thing.

Well, you are a terf, but you're not a super rude terf (like many, if not most).

Nah fuck that shit. Seriously dude? We were having a polite conversation and now you come with that strawman bs.

Well, seems like you describe yourself as a feminist, and you think trans people aren't technically women. Not trying to offend you, but based on what you said you're a trans-exclusionary radical feminist. I guess maybe not radical? Is that it? You could just be a Tef. Heh.

You are excluding all the dogmas they have (dysphoria is bs, trans women who don’t pass are gross, transition is just body amputation, they should be ridiculed and harassed etc) and using just the acronym.

I have one question: isn’t feminism against men (since the term doesn’t include them)?

I suppose? I guess I'm just technically right, but not really right. Ok, sorry I guess.

My Answer:

The term, I think, is neutral because treatment of people isn't a zero sum equation. If you have a down-trodden group, you can treat them better without treating the others worse. If the down-trodden-ness involves treating others unfairly better because the down-trodden group is treated poorly (i.e. white people having better economic opportunities because the black people aren't options leaving more open positions) then you could maybe argue that?
The effect might be negative, but the action isn't against men. The negative would only be balancing. Also, with a lot of feminism, the negatives that men have would be dealt with too! If everyone's treated equally in society, then things like men's suicide or whatever it is would be addressed more.
The thing is, many see the calling out of specifics as ignoring things not included. Like black lives matter. What the group name is saying is "black lives matter TOO" but some people take it incorrectly as "Only black lives matter." Hence, All Lives Matter. Yeah, all lives matter, that's not the point, the point is black people are treated unfairly.

Now, how feminism actually is would be different. There are a few radical groups where the negative view of men is the case, but I'd say more than 90% of feminism isn't like that.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Storms are proof global warming doesn’t exist.

mfw gravity is a bad theory

Well, whatever. The % of intersex people that exist wasn't really that important to what I was saying.

So we are talking about approx 0.5.

You cant into basic science dude. Yikes.

Go back to being a 90 iq dunning krueger "i fucking love science!!!" Drone

To claim that the mere existence of the 0.01% negates the entire 99.9% is pure ideological pathology.

lol you realize when you quantify things empirically your categories have to cover 100% of cases, right? otherwise you're just dressing up idealism in scientific language. not that empiricism isnt inherently ideological, but this pseudo-empiricism youre trying to do is way more pathological.

heh, your typo means i dont have to refute your argument, chud

literally dont know what youre even trying to get at with this one

Platypuses are birds because they lay eggs unlike 99% of the mammals.

Right now, I’m considering coming out as transgender, but I wanted to ask about this first. I’m just wondering if this is common. Most stories I hear seem to be about people that feel inherently like one gender, but I’m just attracted to the attributes of being a woman.

You're literally just an autogynephile. Put on a wig, get your bussy blasted, and snap out of all that nonsense.

But it's not sexual, I'm not aroused by it. Watch this video if you're still so sure

before i even clicked your link, i said to my self "i bet this faggot linked a contra points video because he blasted in these comments" and well.... what do you know.

It's better than anything I could think up. Please just watch it.

I would stay out of eggirl if I was you.

Why? Because my egg has now cracked? I still like hanging out there because I can relate to the memes.

Because of stuff like this

I wish you good luck and a happy life, sincerely.

Eh, yeah. I kinda noticed that. It also seems to me the comment sections of egg_irl can often be pretty good though, and I like to make them good. I guess I'm there for a someone similar reason as I am here, trying to bring positivity.

No need to worry about my mental health, I'm quite unshakably happy. I do appreciate it though.

Good :)

No need to worry about my mental health, I'm quite unshakably happy.

Then you're per definition not trans.

No, not really. I don't experience a whole lot of gender dysphoria, but it's still there. I don't let it affect me too much either. You also don't need to be dysphoric to want to be a different gender.
A metaphor:

I like apples, but raspberries are much better.

You can eat apples one day, and raspberries the other. You can only fuck up your endocrine system with hormone therapy once, and reversing it is very difficult.

Pretty much everyone experiences mild forms of body dysphoria from time to time. Like looking in the mirror and wishing you looked more like a fit dude, like Brad Pitt or some shit. Most people leave it at that. Some people get a haircut like him, dress a bit like him, etc. And then there are people like this faggot who are so mentally ill they go way overboard to feel happy.

If in your case you wished you'd look more like Angelina Jolie instead, that's fine. But just because you think that from time to time, doesn't mean that you're a fucking woman. Transitioning is only a solution for people who are so goddamn obsessed with it that they literally cannot function as a normal being anymore unless they give in to their brain's delusion and start taking pills.

because egg_irl is fairly toxic to your health if you actually relate to it. I'm sorry but I'm going to seriouspost here for a second, because I genuinely do not want you to get hurt.

Egg_irl can be funny. It can be fun. It can be dramatic. Hell, I'm subbed there because I subscribe to every subreddit that seems like it could be a good drama mine, and it definitely fits that ticket. But I feel OK going there only because I feel comfortable enough in my identity as a fag that I'm not overly worried about getting tricked by it.

You, though, seem vulnerable and easily influenced, which is exactly what you shouldn't be on places like r/traaaaa and r/egg_irl.

I'm not saying that because I think all trans people are a massive evil conspiracy death cult, as some people here believe. I actually do support trans rights mostly, and use the right pronouns, etc. With that said, though, a minority of vocal users in trans spaces - and traaaa and egg_irl are some of the worst for this - do genuinely try to recruit people. As in, they will go out looking for people with symptoms they truly and genuinely believe are signs of someone being repressed trans, and try to bring them into the fold. Not out of any malice, you understand, but because they think they're doing others a favor. If transitioning helped them so much with their problems, it will help others as well!

The problem is that none of these people are trained counselors, and none of them know what to do. They're mostly exactly what the people they're targeting are: depressed, isolated people with few social skills. Not their fault really, but that's the way of it. And people like that should NOT be giving advice on what constitutes trans-ness, what treatments someone should take, what tests work or not, etc. Yes, they have their own personal experience, but that's not actually a good guide. You need real medical training, because everyone's individual experience is different, so using yours to try to help others is very bad. There's a reason that's one of the first tendencies trained out of potential doctors: they're supposed to learn to ignore their own personal biases and experiences because otherwise they're going to be a biased, shitty doctor.

What you end up with when it is like egg_irl is the blind leading the blind: people who have no business giving serious medical counseling giving it in an environment it should never be given in.

You get those dumb fucking bingo charts where all the boxes to find out if you're "trans" are really just common symptoms of depression and/or autism. You get stuff about "oh, you don't get along well with your family? SAME!!! That must mean you're like me in other ways, too! Maybe you're trans!" and "you have body image issues? Definitely full-blown dysphoria, I remember when I was like that. Regular people just don't get body image issues, sweetie!"

You say you're trans because your egg got cracked on egg_irl and other places like it. Fine! Really, genuinely fine. If you're trans, that's good for you, you're on your way towards living your best life. But I do think it's worth questioning, at least a bit, whether any of what I just described happened to you during your process. I'm not saying to be paranoid that people are out to get you, I'm saying be healthily skeptical of well-meaning people without proper training giving bad advice based on inner biases.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

not a woman, longy. Literally the whole point of my post.


I do not like that emoji. It's smug aura mocks me.

its so cute though

linking youtube tranny mommy

Oh sweaty....

Watch the video if it's so baseless.

Inb4 using tiny exceptions to subvert the rules.

It’s called a normal distribution curve.

But if you have two curves that overlap on the ends, like so:
How do you tell the difference between the individuals that overlap?

Except a curve is just a single variable.

I don't see how that matters? It's just a way of visualizing things, if you want the x axis defined then its "average of gender attributes" with lower being masculine and higher being feminine.

don't they also argue that the only difference beetwen men and women are social constructs or whatever lol

idpols is the most retarded shit

gender is a social construct. Thus trannies are merely social constructs that want to chop their ding dong and trick manlets into fucking them.

I’m a man trapped in a woman’s body

Gussy was way tighter than anticipated.

The argument is that social acceptance attenuates that suffering. And it makes sense, you don’t need to be a genius to see that.

I don't think any of them disagree with this

That's why transitioning is important, because it makes the body a lot closer to being right

Fair play to chapo. You can tell most of them are MtF since their suicides succeed.

Combining a foid’s need for attention with a moid’s ability to do things properly is a lethal mix

Unironically the best take I’ve ever seen. I hope the trannerjanners see this.

There's one in the thread coping RN.

Trans women are women!

Just don't look at the suicide rates sweaty!

It’s the only way around; depression makes (most of them) transition. It’s incredibly disturbing how many transgender children in particular on antidepressants. Of course the relentless harassment from MDEgenerates/CAutists also plays a role.

Welp, someone called me a tranny on the internet. Test to end it all


Just switch the trans slur out for some other insult a bully would say.
"Welp, someone called me a ____ at school. Time to end it all."
If it exists in one group, those bullied for non-trans reasons, why wouldn't it happen to trans people? This is what happens.

What is the downside of bullying Chapos?

Another human dies? I would've thought this crowd would be in the Pro-Life crowd, but I guess not.

Chapos are subhuman though


You've yet to list a negative of bullying chapos

Ah, well, guess I consider them humans that deserve respect and fair treatment.

You shouldn't. You should bully them, because there is only positive consequences from that

why though? They only want to harm and silence their opposition for wrong think and constantly make threats about finding people in RL and shoot them.

Communists arent humans

unlike how chapos view ukranians: as kulaks who deserved worse

Why would you assume we are pro-life?

Well, transphobia is majority on the right, pro-life is mostly on the right.

Hm. I mean I’m def not transphobic. I think trans got conflated with Chapo posters somehow.

It’s 8% of the users (search for the survey).

I've commented probably 100 times on this post, I get my threads mixed up man.

Tranniejannies is prob an okay term here. You seem pretty even-keeled, so I might as well tell you no one is going to give you what you are looking for. This is a circlejerk/shitposting sub. Like 40% of our mods are trans. My flair is literally a nude pic of one of our trans members and mods.

I don’t think I’m spoiling anything, you seem too stable. Don’t think any of us could bait you into a freak-out, which is what most were prob doing. I mean I guess you freaked out by posting a lot, but it isn’t very satisfying. Some of the people here are anti-trans or whatever, but you prob won’t change their minds. If you are passionate about this, then this is prob the wrong sub to try and persuade people in any direction about anything.

Chapos deserve to be bullied though

EXCUSE you, I'll have you know I fully support recreational abortions

We're pro mandatory abortion.

Stop listening to randoms on the internet

Ah yes, the solution to bullying ever where
just stop being sad.

You can't get bullied on Reddit.

If your thought process is that bullying has to come from one source repeatedly, yeah. But that's not what I'm talking about, bullying coming from multiple sources independently over time is what I'm talking about.
I could see why you wouldn't call it bullying, but it has the same effects.

Five internet randoms called me a fag, guess I'll die

"Five schoolyard randoms called me a ___, guess I'll die." That's not what happens, and you know it, but you put it in these simple terms to try to prove your presupposed conclusion.

People on the internet can't do anything to you.

You and I are doing something to each other right now.

Someone argued with me, guess I'll off myself

And now you're just repeating yourself.

You can log off and close the browser you internet-addicted fgt.

Thanks, didn't realize that.

And now you know, and knowing is half the battle on an pseudonymous internet forum infested by bots and trolls.

This but unironically.

Unless you're being physically beat to shit literally just stop being a fucking pussy lmao


40% of chapos is 60% too little

40% is a failing grade 😡😡😡 I expect them to be all A students

If they were A students, they wouldn't be commies.

Lol, what a typical chud take. Communists are some of the most educated people, and communist countries are some of the most educated countries. Your low intellect and lack of education explains exactly why you're so prone to fascism, racism, misogyny, etc.

Also "Chapos aren't people"? Typical fascist dehumanizing rhetoric. If I saw you in public, I'd milkshake you.

Are you an actual lizardgirl?

If by lizard you mean "jew," yes.

I meant actual lizard. I wanted to ask you about scalies.

I like lizards and I have a beardie. I know facts about lizards. Scalies, being related to furries, are a bit yuck though

I love lizards and snakes (in a non sexual sense). Sadly im a psychopath so it wouldnt be a good idea to have one as a pet.

Scalies, being related to furries, are a bit yuck though

I almost agree. Id remove the a bit part though. Still better than furries.

How easy would it be for you to cum in a snake's mouth? Just wondering.

Very hard. I have shit aim and I would have stay a bit away and be immersed in porn to get off in the first place.

What's a good starting lizard that's also pretty large? I kinda want a giant tegu but I've heard they're hard to keep.

There really aren't any large starting lizards. Large lizards are usually expensive to house and tame. The easiest big boi is probably a savannah monitor, but they take a long time to tame and require open spaces.

Iguanas are smaller and don't require as much space, but they're fickle and require dedication and might actually get sick and die if you don't pay enough attention to them (the foids of lizards)

Leopard geckos are by far the easiest and cheapest lizard to take care of but they're small. If you're really a beginner and don't wanna accidentally kill a lizard you might want to start with these.

But what you probably want is a beardie. These can set you back a bunch of cash to get all the right equipment but they're on the easier side to take care of. They're adorable and grow up to 2 feet long, 1 pound. I like these ones a lot, so I'm biased towards them, but you should totally get one.

Thanks. I'll look into a Savannah since I have plenty of lebensraum but I'm a clumsy fucker and I'm scared af that I might accidentally crush a small lizard while handling them.

milkshake you

le lol le resistance fear our power or we'll milkshake you better not get BASHED

you probably should be afraid, given how mani nazi's weve deplatformed. we will not hesitate to ruin your career, humiliate you by pouring a milkshake on you in public, because fascism will be stopped at all costs

and if you try to shut down milkshakes at mcdonalds' we'll just buy them from burger king




The revolution will have bad grammar I take it? Don’t you have autocorrect?

a. thorough education in grammar is a privilige afforded to usually white and wealthy individuals

b. I am a russian immigrant

c. I am neurodivergent

So you've managed to be both classist, xenophobic, and ableist all at once. Congrats, grammar Nazi.

Fascism is a good thing, it's just never been tried

Have you never heard of AmeriKKKa? Israel?

Not real fascism sweaty 😘😘😘

For women, African-Americans, Palestinians, trans* people, and neurodivergent individuals, those states are a form of fascism. But you wouldn't know, because you're some /r/drama nazi who's spent their entire life in a privileged bubble.

l those states are a form of fascism.

That form being the "Not Real" variety 🤭🤭🤭

Yeah no, I just checked all 308 pages of your post history and of course you're a glormpf supporter. There's no use educating a troll

Trump is the next Ghandi


Lizard women are women

Stfu taysthirdgussy

Why are you fucking joking about the literal deaths of thousands? Even if you don't think they're trans, they're still people.

Chapos are literally not people

Well, as they say, can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into. I guess you could go the "Why?" direction though.


Because communists are not people


Can't prove me wrong (because you know I'm right) so now you're coping 😂😂😂

Nah, it's just this is easier than trying to make an argument.

Again, why are they not people?

It's obvious. Is trash people?

And thank you for admitting that they're not people 🥰🥰🥰

How are Chapos trash?
And, I know you're just shitposting, but you used two different definitions of trash to make that work.
Trash as in waste isn't people

But trash as in an adjective describing something of poor quality could be people.

Chapos are both definitions though.

It's come full circle, Chapos are not human

This is too shitpost-y for me. I like trying to break down shit posts, but when they just say some statement like "apples are in fact oranges," you can't really go anywhere.

So now you support the notion that 40% is too low of a grade and they need to do better

People are capable of basic pattern recognition and don't cling to an ideology that has failed literally every time it's been implemented for over 100 years now.

There's a huge difference between the ideology of Maoism, Stalinism, Trotskyism, etc. than modern day communist ideas. For one, Marx does not line up with postmodernism, too many supposed universal truths. So, his ideas have been reimagined, changed, developed. I'm not super into communism, not my cup of tea, so I can't explain it all to you. If you're interested, there're some good books, youtube videos, etc. available if you want to learn more about it.

I'm not a communist btw, I'm a Social Democrat. Mix some socialism into some capitalism, bam, better than capitalism, more stable than communism and capitalism.

Postmodernism is a school of architecture. Nothing more.

Er? No? Modernism isn't just architecture either. The architecture is an expression of the ideas at play in the movement. Here, read something

This exchange is very 💤


Chapos are literally not people tho. They're just a clump of cells.

Why are you a person?

Because unlike chapos I'm not a jobless NEET.

Why do you assume they have no job?
Why do you base humanity on job status?
Are children not humans?

If I'm gonna be serious (Allah forgive me for Seriousposting) I don't see them as not human. Chapos are so disillusioned by their ideology they think wishing death to landlords and cops is good praxis somehow. They claim to advocate for the working class yet show a very apparent distaste for working class culture and virtues. They're just retards and it's funny to make fun of them.

Yeah, I think that can be a problem. Many get caught up in the dislike of capitalism that it leaches over the the capitalists, the capitalists can't help it though, they're just products of the system. Like the war boys in Mad Max Fury Road, who're "kamakrazee."
I wouldn't call them that, they just get riled up too much and take things too far.

referencing a capitalist movie to own the chuds

Eh, I can see rather anti-capitalist tendencies in it. From the top of my head, it's clearly against the hoarding of wealth (water), the devaluing of the individual (worker) (war boys). I'd say it's more about anarchism (as in flattening of hierarchies) than socialism, but they often go hand-in-hand.
It's also a very good feminist movie, it's only problem I would say is the depiction of disfigured people. That doesn't outweigh the other great things it has to say.

Like chimps, the Chapos cannot control their urge to be absolute retards

You're doing the same thing though. You're getting riled up and (jokingly) denying them their humanity and insulting them over getting riled up.

But they're not human

I can control my urge to be an absolute retard, I just choose not to.

I support abortion so yes chudren are not humans

I wasn't talking about fetuses, I was talking about like, toddlers and babies.

Should we allow Chapos to be aborted at any age?

Slaveowners > Chapocels

Trannies and Chapo's are not people. Just mentally ill subhumans.


A students

Doesn't add up.

You’re not supposed to break character


Chapos really know what the working class is all about. Constantly talking about trans issues will totally attract all the workers to their side.

omfg i was stupid enough to get into a debate in a YouTube comment section

Imagine being one of these "people"

Ok so 40% of trans people kill themselves, that's not great, but happens to the remaining 60% ? What is the best case scenario for them ?

Some of them would figure out it's pointless and stop I would wager, especially with all the transtrenders running around. Some would die from other causes, and I some spend the rest of their lives in front of the computer being angry and depressed

Eh, it's actually 40% that attempt, we don't really have numbers for completed suicides because many would happen while they're in the closet.

How do you think those numbers can be improved? Should Chapos be bullied more?

Well, I'd say if you want more people to attempt suicide, just keep up what you've been doing.

You keep calling Chapos people, and you're wrong every time


"I now realize that Chapos are subhuman and that 40% is in fact a failing grade" -Narwhal9Thousand

Thank you Narwhal9Thousand, very cool!

Doesn't answer the question, how would I be wrong?
(Yes, I know you're shitposting)

You've already admitted that Chapos are subhuman, so you're saying contradictory things

I am not shitposting, I genuinely do not consider Chapos to be people

I never did recognize them as subhuman. And you are shitposting because you know I didn't say that.

I never did recognize them as subhuman. And you are shitposting because you know I didn't say that.

That's not what my notes say

Thanks for the affirmation bb

They do porn or stream vidya.

Fun fact, transgenderism is actually the glorious invisible hand of the free market righting the supply shortage of foid video game streamers.

Right: transition makes them depressed and kill themselves

Left: transition of gender has no impact on their depression

Actually transitioning people: it's complicated

downvoted of course. Never change chapo.

Transitioning itself has a positive effect on suicide, societal pressure and mistreatment have a negative effect.

Maybe if you weren’t mentally ill people would treat you like a normal person

You don't have to be treated like a normal person to not be harassed.

Well your lot think biological reality and not letting you helicopter your dicks in women's changing rooms is "harassment," so I'm pretty sure the entire umbrella of normal human responses to your behavior qualifies as harassment to you.

Have you seen the rest of the comments on this post?


Ugh I just noticed "biological reality." Just scroll around until you find the comment where I'm talking about "what really is the difference between the genders" or like "what defines being a man." That thread kinda addressed this.

No, see, I know all the arguments. It's not that I don't understand, I just firmly reject everything you say about it because it's terrible logic which is obviously faulty.

Wow so smart

And yet, you are still treated as a normal person.

It is dumb retard tranny's fault that he is mentally ill


The solution is to more trans people

Trans foids are real foids

Can trans moids be said to have bussy?

They have all types.

  • Moids: Bussy

  • Foids: Gussy

  • MtFoids: Bussy becomes Trussy

  • FtMoids: Free for all

If you can't birth a child then you're not a woman. Trans status is irrelevant.

Oof, banned for being wrong on the internet.


Lol owned

everybody's kid sucks, it's our job to help them suck less

Live footage of a chapo realizing who is to blame for their failures.

Remember when black peoples attempted suicide rates were at 40% under Jim Crow?