Unlike the TOLERANT LEFT Ben “My Oven Is Always Preheated” Garrison DESTROYS his enemies with FACTS and LOGIC.

152  2019-05-22 by Ghdust2


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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The "Gib me free stuffs" is always black. What could Garrison mean by this... 🤔

I saw Ben Garrison at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Cans I’d Raid in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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You’re back 😍

when were you when u first see this copypasta

i was sat on /fit/ drinking protein when anon post

"jeff seid is steal"


and you?????

Man it’s been a while since I’ve seen this one.

He has no mercy towards anyone. Trust me, I know. Heck, I am a law enforcement officer here in Montana, and I have met some pretty hardcore mother fuckers during my career. But this Ben Garrison guy... He is in a completely different league. I have no words to describe the amount of insanity and hatred this man has. I have met Ben once. It's been over 20 years, but I still remember every detail what happened that day or should I say night. I was a rookie cop back then having been at work for a couple of weeks. One night we had to go to carry out search warrant at some rural property in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately for us it was Ben Garrison's skinhead training compound known as Northwest Front. My workmates were nervous about this, saying that we should call in Swat team or let the National Guard take care of the situation. I thought they were just trying to scare me, but I was wrong, I was so, so wrong. So we get into our cars and drive to the property. And there he was. He stood out to me almost immediately as he was dressed in an all-brown Nazi uniform. He chanted 'Racial Holy War', and then he raised his AA-12 and began shooting with god-like accuracy. When the shootout was over, I was the only cop still alive. Before I could change the magazine of my gun he shot me in the leg. I don't remember much of what happened after that as I was passing out because of the blood loss. The last thing I can recall though is him standing over, urinating in my face saying "Drink this you fucking kike cock sucking copper!" I still see a psychiatrist on a daily basis.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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I'm racist, yes.

where is the lie

see above

I mean yes

So you're saying it's ok to be racist?

whypipo be demons. pay me!

Ben "See a n*gger, pull my trigger" Garrison

Latino detected.

🌵👀🌵 pssst

Imagine being less woke to the black and white problem as a Latino, tbh 😘

I think he's just trying to be inclusive

well in light of the gay rat wedding the lower right cartoon is ironic

um I think you'll find conservatives have never censored anything, they're all complete social libertarians

imagine being triggered by a fucking show meant for literal babies

conservative snowflakes < liberal snowflakes

broke: liberals are triggered snowflakes heuheuheuheu

woke: conservatards have been melting down over innocuous pop culture rubbish for decades and are the originators of outrage culture

bespoke: everyone is fucking retarded

everyone is fucking retarded

..... everyone except daddy but yes

Fox News losing their mind over safe spaces whilst also complaining about Starbucks cups was always great

So basically libs used something cons weaponised and radical centrism is the only way forward?

Stop I can only get so hard

TBF, they don't exclusively want small government. They want big government when it comes to things like:

  • bombing brown people

  • welfare for old people

  • policing sex and drug use

  • abortion

  • marriage

They DO want small government when it comes to protecting the rights of black people and gays tho

The what? There was a real gay rat wedding?

lmao thats not a very good example

Ok, who tf is this psycho?

Oh I envy you. To rediscover Ben "One man Klan" Garrison for the first time. This is how he thinks Daddy is built. Though he may be even more into Hil's THICCness

Jesus that second one is absolutely cursed

This guy has a gift for deeply disturbing cartoons

The gift of fentanyl.

He is obsessed with Hillary's ass lmao

and Commie Mommy's milkers

Whose the guy on the right?! He isn’t labeled!

Ben “Purebreed Germanic Putting panic in Hispanics”Garrison

Ben “The ADL can burn in fucking hell” Garrison

Ben “Wehrmacht bitches at?” Garrison

Ben “Blasting Lids off the Yids” Garrison

Ben “Gotta Gas them all” Garrison

Ben “Going Rambo on Sambo” Garrison

Ben “Jüdenjager” Garrison


Ben “The Pavement Ape Pulverize” Garrison

Ben “Racial Pain Hurricane” Garrison

Ben "Yeet the Juden" Garrison

Ben "unloading my nine on the welfare line" Garrison

Ben "one man shoah" Garrison

Ben "Star of the Shoah" Garrison.

Ben "the gentile giant" Garrison

Ben "Delivering Trauma to the Sons of Obama" Garrison

Ben "Roma in a Coma" Garrison

Ben "Lewd about the Jude" Garrison

"Zyklon Ben" Garrison. Widely considered to be the most violently racist person alive, wanted dead or alive by the FBI, CIA, and the ATF, as well as a number of international law enforcement organizations. His methods are so extreme that both the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party have repeatedly denounced his beliefs and methods as not belonging to this century, or to any civilized society. His list of crimes and atrocities are, honestly, too long to list in a Reddit post, and may not even be fully publicly known yet. The final tally will likely need to be assembled by an international court someday. You can find a decent intro with more detail here, though note that this version is significantly sanitized for the general public's consumption.

Ben Garrison? Yeah I know him by that name. Hell, I worked with him in Nam. Back then we called him "Gook Gutting" Garrison because he never came out of a tunnel without a scalp, an ear, or covered with blood.

Most would call him insane, but that is why the green berets trained him. They saw potential. It wasn't until they learned his methods that they truly realized what a monster they created.

You see, most guys that go tunnel clearing take guns. Not Ben. No, he took knives, clubs, hatchets, sometimes nothing but his bare hands. After a few missions I got a chance to talk to him in the mess. He was wearing his blood stained hat, sunglasses, and combat fatigues, smoking a cigarette and drinking johnny walker black. It was contraband, but you NEVER told Ben what he could and couldn't do.

I asked him why he never took guns with him. He lowered is head and took a long slow draw from his hand rolled cig, pulled off his sun glasses and looked me right in the eyes, piercing my soul.

"I do it out of respect. Respect for the white race. These slant eye'd scum bags don't deserve the mercy of an American made bullet, but the slow torturous death of the hands of an American man!"

In a flash he pulled out his weathered, but razor sharp knife and stopped just short of sticking my gut. "The look in their eyes when I slip this baby into their swollen, rice filled bellies is reason enough. To see the last lights flick off in their heads as they see a real killer work."

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Dude. You're so lucky that you get to experience his cartoonshit for the first time. He's amazing. Prepare for your eyes to be opened to Daddy's strongman physique, Hillary's thicc booty, and and so many labels that you'll never be confused ever again.

He claims to me an independant, but he 100% supports whatever position Daddy holds at any given time, and it's hilarious.

Daily reminder that trump supporters are often time literal klansmen

big if true


I heard on npr that they aren’t *

Who is that THICC purple nurple girl on the left

That dude's haircut is dope. He's got that Azerbaijan flag look😍😍

youre lying if you say the gibs me dat dude at the bottom inst fucking hilarious

but im pretty amazed at this guys's ability to create a even shittier cartoon every time

You'd think boomers would have enough sense not to make the 'I VOTE DEM CUS MUH FREE STUFF!!' guy actually black by now.

Why not?

The boomer cries in pain as he takes your Social Security money

why is the straw klansman wearing a suit

Because he subconsciously wanted to portray him as respectable, I imagine.

Its half klansman half Nazi I think

Ol Benny is getting a bit senile in his old age. They're all starting to look the same.

>"FACT" speech bubble

>"<-- FACT USEAGE [sic]" label

Muah! This is a vintage Garrison.

Reminder: The President of the United States blamed wild fires on not raking the leaves.