Murderer Drama on Facebook

20  2019-05-22 by DrinksTheToiletWater


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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Dude looks like a discount white boy rick.

I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. Murderer Drama on Facebook -, [](today)

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All that are defending the killer are either foids or niggers. Pottery.

This comment is very hurtful to bigger women and black people. Please edit it to be more family friendly or else I'll have no choice but to ban you.

Done. Even though I'm 15-yo and my mayo mom approved it, I get why it may offend some people and therefore I apologize and will donate one week allowance to the organizations Obesity Is a Strength and Nation of Islam.

Inshallah brother

I’m gonna be really disappointed if that’s dratamard2 last selfie.

I'm a native English speaker from the US, and I understand maybe one in five of those comments. Reading this made me understand what it's like to have a stroke.

It's worse hearing it


That one kid getting yelled at by his sister in the comments is funny