Christcuck absolutely SEETHING that Pete Bussygieg has much better sex life than him
34 2019-05-23 by Woolgun
Pete, Since You Brought it Up, How “Gay” Are You?
Most important part of the article here:
Moreover, about 90% of homosexuals practice rectal sex and two-thirds do so on a regular basis. Furthermore, 17% of homosexuals admit to rubbing or ingesting the feces of homosexual partners. Will Pete admit that too is too “gay”?
About 23% of “gays” (according to the largest study ever conducted) participate in golden showers where they urinate on each other, splash each other with urine or drink urine. Now, it is a person’s own business if he has a taste for urine, but we have a right to know what Pete thinks about that. Is he “that gay”?
Will Pete repudiate the 41% of “gays” who practice fisting where one rams his fist into the rectum of his partner? Or, at times, they use carrots, bottles, flashlights, (even gerbils!) or other objects often requiring a trip to the hospital for removal. Surely, Pete will repudiate that.
Will Pete repudiate the 90% of “gays” who practice rimming which is so disgusting that I won’t continue to explain it? In doing research for my book, AIDS: Silent Killer!, the owner of a chain of homosexual bathhouses told me that often the same man is “rimmed” 20 times in a single night. Will Pete repudiate such a disgusting practice?
Imagine being against fisting, rimming and golden showers. Fucking puritan.
1 BussyShillBot 2019-05-23
That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-05-23
I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.
Christcuck absolutely SEETHING that... -,,
<em>Pete, Since You Brought it Up, How “Gay” Are You?</em> -,
Chapo -,,
Cumtown -,,
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1 BIknkbtKitNwniS 2019-05-23
Lmao this dude is a gay pedophile for sure. His name is Dr. Boys for fuck's sake.
1 Phantom_Engineer 2019-05-23
Just wait until this guy learns about the pee tape.
1 -9069x- 2019-05-23
Why did you ignore "rubbing or ingesting the feces", shitlord?
1 pepperouchau 2019-05-23
Well he'll be the first designated communal hole in the Pete's glorious homocracy
1 TheRzn_Buttigieg_Won 2019-05-23
* *
1 TheRzn_Buttigieg_Won 2019-05-23
1 zhcyiDnein 2019-05-23
Damn, you’re getting in on the action early. I like it.
1 Seattle_Bussy_Lmao 2019-05-23
This account worth $5,000 meme dollars in 12 months
1 Zozbot 2019-05-23
1 Zozbot 2019-05-23
1 Zozbot 2019-05-23
1 Jeb4Pres2020 2019-05-23
I actually didn't realize that Buttigieg was gay. That's hilarious.
1 employee10038080 2019-05-23
Lmao right? I kinda want him to win just so our first gay president's name is Buttiplug.
1 Ravensthrowit 2019-05-23
1 Mamalgam 2019-05-23
It's healthy, American food!
1 Mamalgam 2019-05-23
Are those stats true? Damn I'm the most vanilla gay on the planet
1 employee10038080 2019-05-23
Where is getting to stats from? Is he just making up numbers on the spot?