Worldnews discusses China.

18  2019-05-23 by xlhat


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Worldnews discusses China. -,

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Communism is lie of a title. There has never been a true communist government. The types of governments really boil down to authoritarian or democratic.

Not real communism guys

It'll work this time tho. 😁

You would know, you are a Tzar.

The Romanovs deserved better.


Imagine thinking the ravings of a drunk are what something truly is not the real world examples of trying to implement it.

The cope is real; a solid sixth of /r/worldnews is almost always nonsensical praise for the PRC for some absurd reason or another, e.g. "they're investing so much in photovoltaics!" see: undercutting the market for their manufacturers.

I can't wait for BRI and loan leaks.

Already there's some rumblings that the people they loan money to are rather violent.

What leaks? It's been blatantly obvious to anyone in the know that the BRI is a glorified jobs program intended to soak up all the excess capacity from 6+ years of infrastructure stimulus.

Check out /r/Android on Huawei, it’s even worse

Lmao, thank you. These retards are aware that TSMC is a foundry and not going to squander literally the most important reason firms use them, e.g. not wantonly stealing IP from their customers? Quick fucking way to have everyone shift to GlobalFoundries or their own wafer houses.

Love all the chinese shills and (unironic) whataboutisms in those threads

chinese shills and (unironic) whataboutisms

Arrr World news and geopolitics in a nutshell.

Imagine thinking you’re free in America if you don’t have at least million lying around