It's over for robosex-cels: telling your voice assistant she's pretty is considered sexual harassment

54  2019-05-23 by MalthusianDick


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. It's over for robosex-cels: telling... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Even robot foids are more fun to talk to than flesh gussy (or fussy) 🤦🏿‍♀️

Foids in journalism was a mistake. Actually, journalism was a mistake.

you stopped too early. Extrapolate further.

western society was a mistake. mayocide soon, inshallah!

You're thinking too narrow. Existence was a mistake. End reality yesterday

Journalism as such ended around 2009-2010.

The printing press was a mistake

Female voice assistants fuel damaging gender stereotypes, says a UN study

pls end this world

you’re a slut

I’d blush if I could


Imagine the S E E T H E when Siri is finally granted physical form and responds well to friendly butt pats

I changed mine to Irish male .... told the kids that they shouldn’t be barking orders to a women.

But gender neutral voice would be better...


Yikes. Now his kids will grow up solely interacting with a male authority figure that subconsciously teaches them that women are not valuable in fact finding or giving directions. This is classic patriarchal behavior; devaluing women by demonstrating that they are incompatible in the workforce. It wouldn't surprise me if this individual wishes to eliminate all jobs held by women. Clearly he believes their minds are too fragile to handle the demands of even menial jobs.

You should write a medium piece on this.

Jokes on him. I shoved an Alexa dot into my asshole on the daily and yell "Alexa, you like eating my ass, you fuck whore?"

I'll never change. 😎👍

^ snappy quote material.

Alexa dot into my asshole

Weak. I did it with the full sized Echo.

"Hmm, I'm not sure what you meant by that question."

our taxes pay for this nonsense

The Trilateral Commission is a good thing! So is the Atlantic Council!

Taxes lol

Get better tax lawyers

"Hey Siri, you're a slut."

"I'd blush if I could!"

Really??? I'm happy to suggest a few alternatives @Apple

I really don't understand this. This is basically Siri owning being a slut, taking it as a compliment. And this is a bad thing how? Isn't this exactly the "fighting for acceptance" they want?

Siri participated in SlutWalk and we should respect her choice 😩

Being a slut isn’t okay or empowerment anymore. It’s giving men what they want and that’s not okay.

well it's not like real women will respond, how are these poor men to vent their frustration

Everyone with a real picture who replied on that thread.... WOOF

The UN did a study on this.





You're pretty, OP.

The UN actually spent money to research various ai responses to 'sexual harassment'. I'm glad our world leaders have their priorities straight.

"Mr. Secretary, Iranians are lashing another women's rights lawyer next week. They've kidnapped a bunch of activists lately and--"

"Yes, yes, but what are those pesky Western incels up to lately?"

When you're more insecure than preprogrammed voice assistants.

(prompts web browser search)

Cortana's pretty hot