Dude takes home a wild bobcat thinking its someone's lost kitty

92  2019-05-23 by charming_tatum


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How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


  1. Dude takes home a wild bobcat think... - archive.org, archive.today

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only thing that looks wrong with him is he doesn’t have a tail but it doesn’t seem like anything new.

I love this guy tbh

Yeah this guy rules. He must be decent with animals for the thing not to just rip him up.

Almost lost my fingers this morning trying to pet him. Has been growling and hissing and calling all morning He is just a big grouch.

Lol what a goofball.

He's like a real life Bubbles from TPB lol

UPDATE: thank you to everyone who told me this is actually a WILD BOBCAT!!!🤯 Wtf!!! No wonder he was so grumpy!! I kidnapped him!! 🤣 I am not from America and have never heard of bobcat, I thought all wild cats are much bigger than that!! I can not believe I brought it inside!! And he pissed all over my damn house so now I have to deep clean everything !! 😡🤬🤬well Anyway I am glad at least he is okay and not a lost cat. I have let him go already back near the trees where he came from, and he was not hurt or injured at all so do not worry!! I am also okay, no bites or scratches!! (Just pee 😑) And if you are one of the people who told me nicely out of concern, thank you and have a nice day!! If you Are one of the people who was rude to me and tried to mock me for not knowing, you can have a bad day!!( maybeif he comes back I’ll send him ur way 👹🤣 )Bye bye!

Aww, this is actually pretty wholesome.

I hope he brings a panther home next time

im dead

No, he is.

Awwww. Shucks :(

Someone in the thread I got it from used tineye and google image search and the pictures seem legit

No way. I want to believe

Cute 🤗!

And he pissed all over my damn house so now I have to deep clean everything !!

if he ever gets a pet it'll piss in the same spots.

At least he won't get a rodent problem with all that predator pee stinking up the place. Well, until he brings some lost "pet rats" home.

U/YaBoyStevieF friend of yours?

I legit had one of those creep up on me while i was deer hunting one time. He walked the stone fence line up to a break in it to pass over and i was on the other side of it, sitting very still. He got to within 5 feet of me and froze, He looked me dead in the eyes and walked backwards until i was out of sight and ran away. I considered shooting him, he wouldve made a sweet trophy, but i was way out in the woods and i thought i didnt have a right. If i was closer to my house, i wouldve just to make sure he never got into my chickens.

Fuck you tbh

this happens more often than you'd think

Dude, literal boy pussy lmao

The world can be shit sometimes, but this dude has just brought me so much joy, I am laughing so hard. My grandma would have loved this.

That kitty is so cute! I love this 🤗