India's Election Results: Modi will likely be reelected again. Prepare for Reddit COPE.

45  2019-05-23 by GodOfDarknessWine


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. India's Election Results: Modi will... -,

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As a modicel, my pp can only become so hard! The amount of cope in r/india is just so amazing. Also keep a watch on r/delhi . They are also pretty hard left and it looks like both cong and AAP aren’t going to win anything.

Chapo will go on suicide watch.

It looks like Rahul Gandhi will lose from Amethi. I think there will be actual suicides 😂😂

Chapo: *finds out today that India had an election* *looks up "BJP" on Wikipedia and sees that its political position is "right-wing"* *commits sodoku*

From what we know about chapo I think they are always on suicide watch.

Why is every national subreddit super out of touch?

Because internationalist leftists bombard every subreddit in "solidarity"

Because you'd have to be an autist to browse your countries subreddit. Thereby cutting off 95% of the population.

Local American subreddits are just as bad. /r/Louisiana has no context of the states history and blames everything on one Republican.

Fuck Republicans, they are the descendants of the Dixiecrats. All the Dixiecrats jumped ship once it became clear that the state party was moderating and no longer a hard right wing white supremacist party anymore. The republican party welcomed the Dixiecrats with open arms and are working to reinstitute Jim crow.

If someone is educated, speaks English well, and has access to the internet, they are not already not a representative sample of the average Indian. In most other nations its the same. /R/Turkey is full on Kemalist secularists who despise Erdogan. /R/Iran is full of Zoarastrian larpers and the descendants of shah emigres who despise the Islamic Republic and love Israel. These subs are nothing regular people in their homeland.

Because it may be a subreddit full of Indians, but it's still a subreddit of Indian redditors, and reddit politispergs are the definition of out of touch.

Bjp winning Delhi is hilarious

But pretty expected. People of delhi wanted modi in centre. Kejriwal still lacks the maturity to win the big ticket

history has proven that we often only recognize the road to fascism in retrospect. small steps along this road are nearly imperceptible to the vast majority. this is a sad day for india.

It is a sad day for India. Especially for all the muslims in India. Modi is useless as a "messiah" neoliberal.

Muslims are no less safer than they were during Congress rule. The law and order aspect is actually much better these days.

Your lynching people for eating beef


I just ate a cow today, tasted great, you should try it some time fascist street shitter.

t. triggered Mayo

Type that again with less tears

In 40 years India might be a nuclear wasteland, or a Chinese province. You have such a bright future ahead of you. Hope fascism works out as well for you as it did for all the people who've tried it in the past.

*you're 😂😂

or a Chinese province.

LOL -- completely delusional.

Lmao imagine being this buttblasted.

Lol just sit back and enjoy the show as you commie fucks get wrecked in every country, one by one.

You're killing black people for imaginary guns...

Especially for all the muslims in India

Muslims voted for Modi as well...

Fascism is an irreconcilable system. It will fall and the opportunity for revolution will exist in its wake.

... so it's a good thing, becauase it leads to revolution?

I'm an accelerationist, yes. We were already under fascism, Trump is just naked fascism.

It has only just begun for hinducels

I knew bjp will win but my cope mode is already activated see in a party I support got decimated in the state elections. My family in full cope mode

a party I support got decimated


LUL yeah

I am not politically savvy and the last memory of TDP was when I visited VSKP just before Hudhud. I don't think I can wipe the memory of CBN's coordination skills and his monster work schedule spanning 18-22 hours for over 10 days.

Later I've come to know how he tried to push his hugely incompetent son and other shit about him. It feels so strange.

These things come and go in waves, and four years isn't really that long.

four years

This isn't American elections, nibba

No one gives a shit about your backwards fascist nations electoral terms lol. I hope the pakis nuke you soon, it's the only way to clean out the shit from your streets.


Is he the guy with the beard and the funny vest?

Yes. And a staunch Hindu Nationalist.

Hinduism is a dumb faith.

hinduism is just as dumb as any other religion. idk why we cant abandon these stone age beliefs and just learn to trust in science. it would prevent most of the suffering and poor decision making in this fked up world


You make up something out of thin air and you'll find that in Hindusim. It's like a laboratory of religion(s). You can find almost everything. Strictly from religion point of view, it has lot less violence. I understand same can't be said about BJP's various tentacles such as VHP.

Except your lynching people for eating beef

All non-vegetarians must be lynched.

This is about as common as people dying of Bath Salts in the U.S.

I thought you left us bb.

It’s all fun and games til you say Islam is dumb too

Makes more sense than the religion started by a Jew.

You watch your goddamn mouth!

Entire religion was started because some jews nailed another Jew. There couldn't be any more cucked religion than that.

um the roman occupiers werent jewish honey

Cope. How does it feel to be a Jew but without any of the Jewish IQ?

Wouldn’t know, but I imagine it’s less of a mind fuck than my ancestors inventing plumbing 4500 years ago while I still dodge donkey carts to take a shit.

Cope for not having the Hanukkah magic blood inside you.

מה לעזאזל הרגע אמרת עליי, יא בן זונה? שתדע לך, שאני סיימתי בהצטיינות את שירותי בסיירת מטכ"ל והייתי מעורב במספר פשיטות כנגד ארגון הטרור האל-קאידה. יש לי יותר מ-300 הריגות מאושרות. אני מאומן בלוחמת גרילה ואני הצלף המיומן ביותר בצבא ההגנה לישראל. אתה כלום בשבילי, רק מטרה. אני אמחק אותך מהעולם הזה עם דיוק שכמותו לא ראית, זכור את מילותיי. אתה חושב שאתה יכול להגיד לי מה שאתה רוצה דרך האינטרנט? תחשוב שוב יא אפס. בזמן שאנחנו מדברים, אני כבר יצרתי קשר עם רשת המרגלים הסודית שלי ברחבי ישראל וה-IP שלך נמצא במעקב, אז תתחיל להתכונן לסופה. הסופה שתמחק את הדבר הפתטי הזה שאתה קורה לו החיים שלך. אתה מת, ילד. אני יכול להיות בכל מקום, בכל זמן ואני יכול להרוג אותך בשבע מאות דרכים שונות, וזה רק עם הידיים החשופות שלי. לא רק שאני מיומן באומנות לחימה בלתי מזוינת, אלא יש לי גישה לכוחות צבאיים ואני אשתמש בהם כמיטב יכולתי כדי למחוק אותך מהיבשת. אילו רק יכולת לדעת ,מה התגובה המתחכמת שלך עומדת לגרום לך, אולי היית סותם את הפה שלך. אבל אתה לא יכולת, ואתה לא עשית זאת, ועכשיו אתה משלם את המחיר, חתיכת אידיוט. אני אחרבן עליך את הזעם שלי, ואתה תטבע בו. אתה מת, ילדון.

That's goyim standard Google translate. You are no gentile.

You are no gentile.


while I still dodge donkey carts to take a shit.

I see you live in San

Thanks for the info sweaty. I'm going to leave the Church right now and do a Varg Vikernes. For someone who holds opinions like that, why do you Hinducels follow a religion where one group literally cleans up the shit of other groups of Hindus and where the groups on top exist parasitically to exploit those at the bottom?

Sorry, are you talking about the USA and the relation between blacks and whites?


where one group literally cleans up the shit of other groups

Never met a janitor, I see...


Hindus didn't know the difference between one and a flush toilet, until the British toilet trained them.

until the British toilet trained them

The British historically defecated outdoors.

It's over for Dravidiancels and consequently just beginning for Hindcels.

Dravidians are like 85% Hindus.

Literally nobody cares either way except for street shitters.

Pakistan test-fires a missile as Modi rises.

This is hilarious!

Rahul gandhi is the hilary Clinton of india

Pretty accurate.

I think that would be an insult to Hillary, Hillary is out of touch with the electorate but she is far beyond RaGa as an administrator.

Remember she has actually held relevant posts and got stuff done.(shady or otherwise).

Cope. She will never be president.

Also she killed Americans in Benghazi.

I am not an amerimutt so I don't have to cope.

Cope from a non-american soyboy.

I am a proud meat eater who has never drank soy. :^)

I'm telling Krishna and Ganesh what you did.

And Trump killed soldiers in Upper Volga or whatever that country in Africa is named name

Cope from a zoomer who needs geography lessons.

It actually requires a surprisingly large knowledge of geography to mistake Burkina Faso for the Upper Volga.

Reminder. India is a dirty and nasty country. The whole place smells. I have been and never want to go back.

If you want to go to an India like country that is actually clean, go to Nepal, or to a lesser extent Sri Lanka

I’ve always wanted to go to Nepal. Because like you said it seems like India but without the trash, smells, and people.

Superpower in 6 months and 7 days.

I have been

Press X to doubt

I went to Delhi

That's like going to Alabama and saying that America is shit.

Alabama is nicer than Delhi so what’s your point.

Alabama is nicer than Delhi

lol no. No one-eyed cyclops and three-legged inbred babies in Delhi

Haha fascist street shitter thinks he's high up

The lowest American is better than you idiot hick. Learn English. Congratulations on your career sending me spam calls in broken English as well.

misspells you're as your

Asks me to learn English

You burgers are really precious

I hope we help the pakis invade you hinducels. You were fence sitters in the Cold War and now you just sit and steal money from the west with shitty scam calls.

I hope we help the pakis invade you hinducels.

I also hope so, lol. Pakis have been robbing you guys for decades and not done a single damned thing for you. You guys are born cucks, lol.

You were fence sitters in the Cold War

Eh, we supported USSR.

The plan is to then invade the Pakis citing Islamic extremists, and the take all the resources.

Also good job picking the losing side, they sure did help prop you up.

Our literal slums are nicer then your high class areas.

The plan is to then invade the Pakis citing Islamic extremists, and the take all the resources.

So, exactly what you've been doing in the past 70 years?

Lol, you burgers can't even win against rice farmers and drug-addled Afghans.

they sure did help prop you up.

Yeah, you sure propped up Pakistan.

Our literal slums are nicer then your high class areas.

Less inbreeding though. And less meth.

Tell that to Iraq. Last time I checked gulf storm 1 and 2 was pretty decisive. But it’s okay cowcel, you’ll be liberated.

And Pakistan at least has working plumbing.

But it’s okay cowcel, you’ll be liberated.

t. loser to Rice farmers

And Pakistan at least has working plumbing.

You burgers are so uniformed that it's unironic comedy watching you retards bumble over facts. No wonder you daft cunts chose another retard as your president

How many Hindus don’t have access to plumbing? Bet it’s 5 times as much. It’s okay though, third worlders like you don’t really matter to us Americans.

Bet it’s 5 times as much.

India has 7 times the population.

You are a troll, aren't you? No-one can be this retarded. Even a burger.

Yes, I’m trolling you poo in the loo. That’s the fucking point.

Of course you sound like us burgers when we talk about the number of murders. You should just accept that 70% of your country has no plumbing, and is unfathombly poor due to poor government policies and a history of trying to kill your brethren to the east instead of investing in infrastructure and basic government services.

Yes, I’m trolling you poo in the loo.

Press X to doubt

You should just accept that 70% of your country has no plumbing

See, this is why I said that you weren't just pretending to be retarded. You ARE retarded.

a history of trying to kill your brethren to the east

Bangladesh? What did they do to us?

I dunno, I’m not sure why you supported the butcher of bengal. Of course you thought it was a gotcha, but you don’t really want to fight the pakis, your government likes being able to fill their pockets and justifying it as a way “to defend from Pakistan.” A country that has never actually attacked you.




LOL, modiji wins an election and the rest of the world is laughing at your chest thumping.

Chal be chutiye. No one cares about your Niazi Khan.

No one cares

Sums up the reaction of the rest of the world when didutvavadis thump their chests embarrassingly

Chal be katue

Hahahahahahahaha. So salty despite election wins. White bois not paying enough attention?

Chal be chhakke


Six months til they're a superpower tho.

I don't care what happens to street shitters

San Francisco is a classy city!