Cute video of dog, but not everything is πŸ‘ŒπŸΏ.

182  2019-05-23 by LightUmbra


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Cute video of dog, but not everythi... -,,

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Hauntingly based

Off-topic, but I love your username.

The funny part is I bet if it was a more lefty name + gene-o-side, they’d be ree’ing harder than pigs at a county fair.

It's over for 'cide-cels.

"Haha, thanks, it really stirs the pot when arguing with nazis"

this coming from somone who'd say "IT ISNT IRONY YOU ARE COMPLETELY SERIOUS" if someone joked about killing a nonmayo

Imagine making a new account because you like the username



Go forth, and post chapo on r/againsthatesubreddits

Proceed with the triggering, soldier! Your primary mission: achieve approved submitted status at Chapoland


Where my man communist genocide at?


I bet if it was a more lefty name + gene-o-side, they’d be ree’ing harder than pigs at a county fair.

Of course they would, it's not even in question. It would be yet more evidence of evil violence and problematic etc etc. But the other way around? "Heh, cool username, heh"

We need pinging back more than ever

If "OK" is a dog whistle then that username is a fucking airhorn.

That username is the truth

I'm convinced it's an undercover fren trolling

Fuck I can't find the bait emoji

πŸ‘Œhere you go fren.


TY, do ya wanna pic of an animal friend?


Wait, dis isn’t a pibble

I said cute video not bloody

There’s a difference?

YES 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


Pibbles don't have a snout. That snout envy is why they are so angry and unstable.

Maybe πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

I gotta say, the only two times I’ve been bitten by a dog, once was a mastiff (pibble in denial) and a pibble. Even psychotic GSD haven’t bit me (maybe bc I’m not black or ((())) enough?)

Don't shit talk mastiffs my 200 pound fur babies couldn't hurt a fly.

Yeah exactly.

Here's the Spanish using them as peaceful ambassadors


The dogs in the pictures dont resemble mastiffs at all. Im pretty sure thats greyhounds or whippets in the third one.

And we off!

I thought it was because they got all them teeths but not enough toothbrushes.

The Anti-defamation league has officially jumped the shark.

U realizing this now?

In the actual article the ADL wrote there is a part where they say most uses of the symbol are still not hate speech and are just people using the symbol but redditors never read shit so they wouldn't know that.

neither do wikipedia editors, nor "journalists"

Too late, I have started a boycott of my local SCUBA shop

there's a good documentary on that by Yoav Shamir

did you not see where they did pepe

I thought it was the moment they were founded. Their first act of business was to frame a black janitor for the rape and murder of Mary Phagan by Leo Frank.

RarePuppers mod:

fam, just quit while you're behind.

us moddos dont like heckboys and you aren't makin it easy

FTAR mod devavrata17:

Idiotic comment removed. Hey u/ The_Coolest_Sock: you can talk baby-talk and make Nazi frens in your kiddie shit-subs, but not here. Go clean your room.

Are they being serious? Imagine thinking RarePuppers mods are Nazis. One of the stupidest things I've ever seen.

Nazis are truly under everyone’s bed

Well, Hitler did own a dog. He could have gotten a cat, a lizard or even one of those creatures MasterLawlz owns, but he chose a rare pupper. Really makes you think.

one of those creatures MasterLawlz owns

The things he uses as furniture? Those are just females.

Female what?


He did allegedly own a pet alligator.

Everyone right of their Left Pole is a Nazi...

Except the sub I mod /r/NazisYouWantToBed, oddly enough

Weird flex but okay

I'm pretty sure the Republicans genocide account is not serious.

Unfortunately devarta decidedly is πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Was it this comment that gave it away?

I'm not sure what the approval process or moderation is like in AHS, but my post doesn't seem to be going through at the moment.

A potential alt-right take over of an otherwise innocuous subreddit is super troubling and I don't think that I have the ability to draw attention to it right now. I messaged the mods there and hope to hear back from them soon

This one's also very obvious


so we put that there to ALLOW our friends in the LGBTQI+ community to make posts

How gracious of you to allow them to post, try working on your wording next time. Your unconscious bias is showing.

So that link is FTAR blaming their demodding sperg when PK was leaking their modmail on a β€œcompromised account” removing mods?

That's a Rarepuppers mod not FTAR mod.

Why do these retards always think the opposing side is some sort of villainous mastermind corrupter that they can overtake a place within hours.

Or that they're such geniuses that they can magically notice something so subtle in it's pace and methodology while also rooting out the source without looking like paranoid dumbasses.

Yeah pick a lane either your enemy is strong and should be feared or your enemy is weak amd you can easily take over their sub.

It's like a lazier form of hero syndrome, why fabricate a problem when you can pretend there's a source so you can then pretend it away?

Deva is such a retard. I can’t believe a 40+ year old is this overly online and seeing nazis everywhere.

Are people in that sub aware of what a disaster the modteam there is or are they oblivious?

Bring back pinging πŸ˜’πŸ˜”

Can’t. We’ve been admin cucked. We ass blasted them enough to write a script only for /r/drama to prevent pinging.

What if someone sends a friendly PM to the lolcow and makes them aware of this post? 😈😈😈

devavrata should be investigated as a plant because he seems like an alt right recruitment tool. For real though, the left getting hung up on language and "dog whistles" is off-putting to everyone who doesn't already agree with them.

It's more likely than you think. RarePuppers mods regularly censor criticism of police on copaganda police dog posts. It's pretty clear they're cultivating a right wing or at least a center-right space.

They don't even allow police dog posts in RarePuppers. You really need to put more effort into this account. You're an amateur. Take some notes from the_marx.

a center-right space.

How horrifying!

I mean, it is pretty horrifying, especially if you're LGBT, or black, or a teenage girl in Alabama who just got impregnated by her dad.


a teenage girl in Alabama who just got impregnated by her dad.

pls stop doxxing me

god i wish i were you

All Feminists Are Like That

It would suck to be any of those things regardless of whether or not a pupper shitposting subreddit was "a center-right space."

Imagine being all three, a black teenage tranny who just got impregnated by her dad. Might as well join the 40%

probably because people looking at cute/goofy dogs don't want to be bothered by retards throwing a bitchfit on their sub.

it's their way of telling you nicely to shut the fuck up and that no one cares.

Police dogs regularly kill innocents and are basically abused and brainwashed to uphold systems of violence against black and brown people. So it's kind of disgusting that you think their cute.

Shut the fuck up, no one cares.

classy... imagine if you'd said that to a holocaust surviver

S h u t t h e f u c k u p, n o o n e c a r e s

the point is to pick your battles you smoothbrain cunt.

Only the privaleged get to pick their battles in modern day America

Only the privaleged not terminally retarded get to pick their battles in modern day America


Neurotypicity is only one facet of privalege, im talking more general sort of deal

regularly censor criticism of police

Wow! So like 95% of people, they don't think cops are a tool of racist imperialism?! Truly a frightening space!

We know that when 95% of people agree on something, you can't really call it center-right πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

okay? lol


If he targets animal friends again, I'll find him


Everyone right of Mao = alt right nazi frens

Imagine hanging around with BelleAriel, and thinking, "You know what the world needs more of? Batshit lunacy."

These people don’t have brains, they don’t actually think anything.

Isn’t that the subreddit that bans you for participating in some β€œhate subreddit”. I could swear I got banned by them even though I have never heard of them before

Even when the actual altright su reddit existed FTAR was a cringeworthy mess of internet badarses.

Now, I don't know how anyone can even post there without dying of shame.

Also, reminder Dev is a literal 40 year old.

That OP sounds like such a little bitch lol cries about hate on rare puppers, how the mod team was taken over by Nazis 🀣 when a mod of rare puppers comes to give context, person is essentially told to fuck off enabler. Username calls for a genocide of almost half the country whew lad

Username calls for a genocide of almost half the country

Pretty sure most of America is based centrist.

Oh wow, now I see why people think r/fuckthealtright are dumb and annoying.

Only now?


Pearls before swines

If you need anymore evidence, they use alt-right dog whistles in their moderation posts like "frens"

Serious question here; if those terms are "alt-right dog whistles", why does only the quacked out ultra progressives seem to hear them?

Nobody has ever been able to explain this to me.

Frenworld isn't about hiding. It's about annoying the libs by using their rules. So basically, ultra-progressives are the dogs.

Shit accurate af man

as someone who is a rightoid, dog whistles genuinely aren't a thing. we don't do that at all lmao

why would anyone bother these nerds are gonna cry about words anyway might as well say tranny and nigger

Rightoids are as subtle as a bag of bricks.

Look at campaign financing: β€œI like money and I takes it.” Vs β€œI have a massive network of totally not shells to funnel money so I can look progressive and awesome.”

At least one is honest about being scum.

They don't seem to realise that only dogs can hear dog-whistles.


They legit have no idea what a dog whistle is.

Simple! It's a gas light!

No, no it's a variety of sealion.

What do South East Asian Lions have to do with gas whistles?

Heh, this is SomeForeignSoundingScientistyNameThatIsNotARealThing effect in action. (I read about it once on TIL and now milk it to death because it makes me sound educated)πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Nice appeal to authority fallacy :smug:

You're arguing in bad faith, Sweaty.

Your adlib hominem is showing, chud


πŸ€”a dog whistle that only proggies can hear. And by screeching about it they can signal other proggies...


/pol/ needs to co-opt the very act of voting itself as an "alt-right dog-whistle" so these dumb faggots can't vote in 2020.

Your name an Aliens reference?

Look at the big brain on brad

I wish I could ping devavrata17: I know a certain Nigerian prince who wants to transfer a large sum of money...

Is now a good time to tell him about my buy one get ten bridges sale?

don't bring a street shitter here. i don't want to step over feces

This is literal peak retardation. Show this to any normal person irl and i gaurentee they won't be able to handle the delusion.

Reminder that these are children


Maybe you should brush up on your own reading comprehension skills because I'm not implying that you adopted "fren" as a dogwhistle post-alt-right adoption, I'm asserting that despite your knowledge of it's adoption you choose to continue using it thus providing a safe haven for "clown posters".

Do these idiots think that you take power away from people by preventing them from saying certain things, like using babytalk?

Is this why they're screeching so loud about the ok hand?

its just an excuse after the fact

"oh ok fine hes not actually a nazi BUT BY DOING IT HES HELPING NAZIS REEEE"

they literally cannot admit theyre wrong

Life must be suffering to be so retarded and in such a constant state of asspain.

Anyone who's ever sorted by "all" has seen that babytalking shit from pet subreddits a billion times. Retarded doggoposters have been using "frens" for years. MDEgenerates only started recently.

That /r/fuckthealtright OP is dumb as hell. Anyone who feels the need to act like an unpaid internet cop needs to maintain their safety ASAP.

It's at least as old as doge the meme.

Good idea, I'll see if I can put together a proper post.

In reference to nazis being rarepuppers mods. This is so fucking retarded.

Mister you will sit down and enjoy the autismo show.

Hahah, did frencels managed to make woketards consider reddit doggo pupper speak a nazi dog whistle? This is the best timeline

That's literally what started it thought. MDE used to make fun of the heckin doggo boops talk so when they got banned they made frenworld to mock the rest of reddits moronic childspeak. Thats why it's so satisfying to see these numbskulls fall all over each other screaming "dog whistle!!"

lmao so rarepuppers is cryptofascism now

I think this means /r/drama has been promoted to full fascism.


Maybe you should brush up on your own reading comprehension skills because I'm not implying that you adopted "fren" as a dogwhistle post-alt-right adoption, I'm asserting that despite your knowledge of it's adoption you choose to continue using it thus providing a safe haven for "clown posters".

That post was littered with "honkler" references and you choose to do nothing about it.

And it absolutely is a dog-whistle you fucking kow-towing apologist

Do you think this guy realizes how deranged he sounds?

Hot take: The dog is antifa, driven to rage when it sees the sign just like a bull. However, it is incompetent and just gets its nose stuck.

Too bad it wasn't a German Shepherd.









poor doggos and puppers πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ

Democracy was a mistake.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that πŸ‘Œis a Nazi symbol Jesus Christ

Political reddit vs people who say doggo

Let them fight

I can't wait to see their Against Hate Subreddit post on "rare puppers." These people have circlejerked so hard they probably piss and shit their tight bussies when someone imitates babytalk.

I thought devavrata offend himself already??

"You're aware of the dog-whistling, and are making the conscious decision to allow it to continue. Fuck you."

Speech: 100