r/pics is heating up over whether North American Indians are a "traditional American family"

26  2019-05-23 by Corporal-Hicks


I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that closing the sub for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and dirtbagism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love the show and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find this sub closed for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


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Traditional american family is black

the traditional american family is 20% black, 31% white, 5% greek, 15% asian and 29% hamburger grease

I have family in the north east and they led me to believe that Americans were 30% Irish 20% Italian 10% Jewish and the rest were a mix of African American and some Asian.

and 100% reason to remember the name



Unironically African Americans are probably the most American of all ethnicities in the US. They have been here longer than most races, fought in every US war, and contributed more to the culture than say lame ass Irish-Americans (blues,jazz,sports, rock n roll, fashion)

Those outfits certainly aren't.

I detect Chief Runs With Premise has encountered the tribe of Premise Running Thin.

Its clear hyperbole meant to farm karma. I doubt any real American Indian would would agree with the statement, but boy are people getting WOKE in the comments trying to defend it.

It’s a masterful hit. Most Americans would think the picture is retarded, but Reddit is what it is

This is so fucking stupid to read that I had to read it again twice while just hating the text and every moron who went ahead and upvoted this cunt piece of a comment. How do you type this down without thinking about what you’re saying? Do you want OP to research what Native Americans called themselves in their own language just so he could be more “technically correct” (not really, only in your head maybe) and confusing 80%+ of Redditors because they have no idea what that means in the first place? Get the fuck out of here with that logic please

The United States of America was a European diaspora nation contrived by English intellectuals. Random native tribes that happened to live in various parts of the land (warring with each, not unified, and never staying for long) aren't really conducive to the national entity of "America".

lawd that's bait hahahaha

He's not wrong, the whole "peaceful American Indian" is a myth. They were savages and Euros bringing alcohol to them has been their biggest blessing.

Please go die

I with in time, have fun on the Rez Chief.

Before that it was a bunch of different tribes living on a continent. I don't think they had agreed on a single name for the land but even if they did it probably wasn't America.

I want to believe he's serious.

HAHA this family looks fine and happy, which is great. If some gay family posted picture of a their happy family, I would think the same thing, the same way as I would if a white family did.

Crazy that people can hate on a family unit like that.

sick druid tier set

Didnt this same website laugh at other certain groups who got defeated with military might? Literally mocking them for losing a war while mocking their heritage and culture?

So yeah idc. They got wrecked worse than the confeditards. Who literally cares?

ITT whites and native americans get offended over being called "American." Meanwhile the LGBGT and single parents get offended over the use of "traditional family." Interacial couples get offended over the lack of diversity. Feminists get offended over the unequal distribution of feathers between the parents pointing to the evil patriarchy. Which one are YOU?

Sums it up pretty nicely.


i accidentally posted this but im not retarded so im not gonna delete my comment. if you downvote my comment and then read this please go back and un downvote my comment k thx bye

You didn't even use a quote block so you may be retarded

Growing up near a big reservation, a lot of the native kids at my high school had those "Homeland Security: Fighting terrorism since 1492" shirts, featuring a photo of Geronimo and his insurgency homies. It's a boomer-tier slogan, but I always thought they were kind of cool. Also we were nowhere near Apache country so the reference fell kind of flat.

At least half of those kids were alcoholics.

Definitely in more of a weed & meth area. Plenty of kids drank, but the really fucked ones were tweakers.

Human sacrifice is an American tradition.

ITT whites and native americans get offended over being called "American." Meanwhile the LGBGT and single parents get offended over the use of "traditional family." Interacial couples get offended over the lack of diversity. Feminists get offended over the unequal distribution of feathers between the parents pointing to the evil patriarchy. Which one are YOU?

important comment