Over 40? Bruh, stop being so fetch, fam.

17  2019-05-23 by BurgerLaowai


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


  1. This Post - Outline

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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Over 40? Bruh, stop being so fetch,... - archive.org, archive.today

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Its over for 40cels

Bruh is not a friendly greeting but rather an expression of surprise. It’s an alternate way of saying “Seriously?”—though you should stick to using the more traditional phrasing if you’re over 40. Now that you’re out of college (and have been for quite a few decades), it’s high time you stop using any variation on the word bro, especially with extra inflections that make it sound like you’re saying “bra.” Because that’s what everyone is hearing. They think you’re talking about underwear.


Bruh it's OK I'm only 39

After some brief googling, I'm pretty sure this is just some bot that spits out lists.


Bob Larkin is a regular contributor to Best Life and MSN. He lives in Chicago and enjoys long walks by Lake Michigan, single malt whiskeys, and old school typewriters that clank like swords on armor.
