πŸ΄πŸ‘ž Wokecels cry conspiracy.πŸ΄πŸ‘ž

15  2019-05-23 by xlhat


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. πŸ΄πŸ‘ž Wokecels cry conspiracy.πŸ΄πŸ‘ž - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

  2. Nuclear is bad guiiieeez propaganda... - archive.org, archive.today

  3. Haha I'm totally not a hippie ! - archive.org, archive.today

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I don't understands these dumb pseudo tree huggers: why can't they understand that a country can have multiple energy sources at the same time? Why are they so obsessed by the ebul nuclear energy?

Because when nuclear goes bad, it goes really bad. And bad is good for clicks.
This is of course ignoring all other safety issues with all other forms of energy creation, because if you would do that, the issues with nuclear are manageable and climate wise a good alternative to the ever more polluting coal and gas.

Eh. Must be so. Still, even knowing the dangers of nuclear energy the average joe should be able to understand that, if controlled properly and carefully , Nuclear power is one our most versatile and effective energy sources.

These mongs actually believe that countries as big and as population-dense as France could rely solely on solar panels and other minor electric sources.

bill nye told me solar good nuclear bad

Believing bill nye's science lies...

Not as many clicks as whining about "tree huggers".

Hippie teachers and Simpsons would be my guess.

Oh and they're watching that new show so of course Redditors are experts, and as experts they don't trust nuclear power.

Guess so

I love Chernobyl so far, but this does worry me. The only lesson to be taken from Chernobyl is a lesson everyone should have already learned: The Soviet Union sucked massive cock at virtually everything it attempted to do.

The Soviet Union sucked massive cock at virtually everything it attempted to do.

Based and truthpilled.

Actually, there was one thing they were good at: stealing the tech of richer, freer, and better nations. It's easy to catch spies on your own soil when your country is a police state.

Also, radical centrism demands I make it clear that Jews have an average IQ of 115 and fascism only lasted about 15 years before every one of its leaders was dead because ideologies built on endless war are retarded and self-defeating. Gotta keep the MDEfugees and CAfugees in check.

Again πŸ‘†


Gotta keep the MDEfugees and CAfugees in check.

Don't want them getting uppity.

Anti-nuclear cels are the worst. Solar and wind are nowhere near ready to replace oil and gas, but at least nuclear can keep up. De Gaulle did nothing wrong.

Plus what about wars? It would be so much easier to destabilize a country that had more nuclear power plants. You need men to monitor and maintain them 24/7.

What happens if there’s a war and no one is monitoring them anymore?

Nuclear engineers will be the first to the front lines.

β€œHey guys, you know those great power wars that haven’t happened since 1945? Yea they are a big concern and are a reason to not build nuclear power plants.”

Those poor nuclear engineers don’t realize they will be the first casualties of ww3. Serves them right though, man should not play god.

I mean, in their defense they've kinda stumbled onto being 3% correct. In the next few decades there are 2 things that I can think of that could increase the risk of war.

One, the US Navy is basically the backbone of protecting global trade. If the US keeps down its current path trade will become less secure and have more friction. Trade makes countries too interdependent to fight, a lack of trade means less resources and interdependency and that means higher risk of war over resources and politics.

Two, Russia is ready at war with Ukraine, and Russia hasn't even really begun its truly shocking and inevitable decline. An already pisspoor economy is only getting worse from sanctions. Add to that a pitiful birthrate, low productivity, and a massively aging population and you have economic disaster. A country with a strong military, a demographic crisis, a collapsing economy, and general instability is at a high risk of going to war.

However, the biggest problems with this le intellectual redditor are:

  1. They're too uneducated to read books, so they don't know anything about geopolitics and war.

  2. These are good reasons to increase nuclear energy, as it means you can stockpile cheap, reliable energy in the event that you're cut off from much of the oil market.

I mean bussy lmao

Reddit and pronuclear propaganda: name a more iconic duo.

Reddit and anti-nuclear propaganda?