I'm hacking your IP through the kernelware! We're tracing your location now, fascist scum!

28  2019-05-23 by thebloodisfoul


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. I'm hacking your IP through the ker... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I'm not sure what this is about, but i am sure that my 8 year old cousin has more testosterone than the guy in that profile pic.

peter soeller is a mentally ill anarchist who wrote a three-part series asserting that r/stupidpol is part of a fascist conspiracy to take over the DSA (article, thread). he famously self-owned when he mistook a joker in the stupidpol discord with the username "felix_real" for the real felix biederman from chapo trap house.

someone in the stupidpol discord recently sent him a screencap claiming that adam friedland from cumtown was in the chat, and this was his response

I appreciate trying to help me with context, i still don't get it, and after your write up I'm sure that i don't want to get it.

Its a lefty mad at the edgy leftists and trying to ruin their lives, dont need buzzwords to explain the same tale leftits have had for centuries.

Can u lose unemployment benefits if a antifa supersoldier reports my posts to the government

Wait dem hackers seems to be anarchists, but what are they basically saying is "well find you and we'll report you to the government" .

I repeat an anarchist just threatened someone to report them to the INTERNET POLICE.

>discovering that anarchists are morons

Congratulations on your first day in the internet.

Doubtful I am behind 7 proxies and I have an anti tracking GUI program written in Visual Basic.