Pro-Mayocide Sugar Baby is SEETHING When A Potential Daddy Only Wants Wh*te Thots

22  2019-05-23 by JazzlikeAvocado


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Pro-Mayocide Sugar Baby is SEETHING... -,,

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Naw... He's just my raging meth head ex. Whole box of red flags I was dumb enough to overlook because he was funny and my ex before him was 13 years of humorless douchbaggery.

fugggiinnnn lol, imagine having this kind of dating history and thinking you're allowed within 30 miles of the moral high ground

literally trailer trash standing on a soap box

Why is it so hard for people to admit that most get what they deserve in this world? If you are perennially dating abusive druggies, that's what you get!