Opie and Anthony has been banned for bullying a Wisconsin pedophile. Another culture of harassment swept away

131  2019-05-23 by Momruepari


Opie and Anthony is for people that are considered white trash by meth-heads.


I am gone three days and we have random new mods.

-redditor for 27 days

I jump accounts every time I hit 20,000 karma.


Probably another discord tranny

Actually, I was invited to become a discord tranny after I was made a mod.

Sorry you're never invited anywhere 😿

Oh no the discordfags don't like me whatever will I do

whatever will I do

You already know 👀

become your inner faggot

If it's anything like his outer faggot I already hate him.

lmao you bootyblasted the mods so hard they made automod come after you

Discord trannies are sensitive??? 🤔🤔🤔

To be fair everyone wants this dude to shut up if he didn't rise to the top of the local retard list.

Shut up nigger

Found the white trash.

Lol someone flagged the tumor

Damn I missed it. What did it say?

Oh I cleared it sorry man. Just saying please no tmor behavior here.

That modship is the gift that keeps on giving. Conspiratards seething.

I mean, imagine taking what zeff or I said seriously instead of seeing a setup and a punchline.

Like who even gives a fuck, Jesus.

You've changed a lot as a redditor and that's a good thing

Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, cold-hearted communities online and I sincerely hope no one falls to its corrupting aura.

is it supposed to look like this?


Way to sticky your own comment, stupid

Discord tranny?

What's the iq threshold to post in CWW? Trying to see if it's doable or if the alcohol poisoning would take me first.

It's actually an all inclusive group, all are welcome so long as they have hate in their hearts.

Really? Because they like Larry the Cable Guy and stupid unfunny hack shit like that.

Opie and Andy fan here. Can confirm this 8s factually incorrect. We're truckers, drunks and pill addicts.

The 9/11 Vore Conspiracy argues that the twin towers were not hit by planes externally. Instead, planes were built inside the towers, and continually inflated which eventually caused a collapse.

The anonymous theorist, reviewing footage of the 9/11 attack, stops the footage numerous times to point out "weak zones" of the town that gave in as a response to the increasing weight of the internal aircraft.

He highlights areas in the footage that portray people and objects being violently thrown out of the windows with force, as well as small billows of steam and fire, happening at the lower floor levels of one of the towers.

"Look at this shit. You're telling me there's just random ass explosions going on? Down here? We ain't even remotely close to where the plane collided. Bull fucking horse shit.'

The theorist explains that the planes were built by "crazed U.S. government scientists who watched too much Doctor Who, it was like that of a real life TARDIS experiment".

"They built these massive towers, for what? Business? Hell nah, have you seen the economy pre-9/11? It was shit. We didn't have the money nor energy for no goddamn tower of that size, and definitely not two."

We asked why the experiment would take place in the middle of a city as crowded as NYC. The theorist responded:

"It's hidden in plain sight. NYC's got all the resources in the world, right at your disposal. Nah, seriously man, look at these streets, there's a fuckin' garbage pile up just down the road. You know what kind of technology you can find in these piles? There's some fuckin' money to be made. Plus you get to make a nationwide scare if your experiment fucks up, and publicity means more money. They had all to gain and nothing to lose."

The theorist explains that any and all footage taken inside the Twin Towers pre-9/11 was simply simulated, props, or illusion. Footage of NYC recorded in a position respective to which the twin towers overlooked, was created via a clever series of mirrors originally sourcing from the "432 Park Avenue" building.

The theorist claims that any and all footage of the planes are "so fake, it's laughable", he states: "Nobody saw any planes... not in real life. Outside of what the TV stations would tell you, not a single soul saw an actual, physical plane hit the buildings. Hell, you could ask everyone in New York today, you won't find a single person who saw a plane."


  1. Opie and Anthony has been banned fo... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

Maybe these could be like, the first sentence/hook and then the rest could be hover text? they really are getting too long and often take up more of the comment section than the actual comments

Le f

He can't keep getting away with this!

banned for violations of Reddit’s Repeat Copyright Infringement Policy.

what the hell were they posting that kept getting DMCAs

Screenshots of his social media

It's a fucking stupid story.

/r/opieandanthony existed for 8 years until these fucking losers got obsessed with some fat idiot who made fun of Norm McDonald. The top mod told them to knock it off because this idiot wasn't even related to O&A in any way. They fucked with the top mod, who closed the sub, and /r/opienanthony was made in it's place.

The fat moron would DMCA anything from his IG or his book or anything about him, most of it abuse of DMCA, and the admins told the mods of /r/opienanthony to knock it off or the sub would be closed.

So of course the losers obsessed with fatso kept posting more shit to be DMCA'd. Sub closed, now everyone is in /r/scorch bitching about it. That sub is gonna get closed too.

This but SpaceFag is still a fat incel who gets caught shoplifting at your shitty local vape shop

Oh who gives a fucking shit, he was right to tell you dumb cunts to stop talking about Patrick. Now look what the fuck has happened because of the obsession with that fat idiot.

Should have kept ripping on Joe and Bonnie, two people too stupid to know how to abuse DMCA.

at least Joe is happy now lmao

Yes, the worst part of this will be Joe and Ant gloating.

Patrick should call Ant and try to collect that $5k bounty

can always go back to wackbag!

fuck my life

It been boring for years now. Good riddance. During the us election there were plenty of boomer posts, and I'll never forget that one user getting upset about Hillary using the phrase "miscarriage of justice" and then linking bunch of pre Q bullshit, this was all well received by the way.

O&A has always been for retarded boomers, but Trump ruined the fun even moreso than it did for MDE shit.

Really a shame how many of the best internet communities were raped by the trump train, by far Daddy’s most impeachable offense.

Yeah I was a regular there back in 2013 when there was still live listening threads, but the election got it way too political and it just became a place for boomers to say nigger and faggot where they wouldnt get in trouble, some of the brother Joe and Patton shit was funny though.

SpaceEdge wasn’t right about anything. He didn’t ban the Patrick stuff to protect the subreddit. If you had ever interacted with him, you’d immediately realize you weren’t dealing with someone capable of thinking ahead like that. It was just another shitty power move from him. He was too stupid and/or inattentive to be in on the joke, so he did the only thing he’s good at - banning people and feeding his fat fucking ego. After a few days of obsessive banning and general chaos, all the other mods came together and requested that he step down. Instead, he nuked the place. I won’t argue that we get ourselves in unnecessary amounts of trouble just to fuck with Patrick, but don’t make the mistake of thinking SpaceEdge was ahead of the curve.

SpaceEdge privating the OG sub basically confirms this to me. that was pretty much the ultimate scorched earth dick move. he could've just walked away from it instead but nah.

Whether or not he was doing it for protecting the sub reasons or because it was really fucking stupid doesn't matter, the fact is, he was right. That shit should have been shuttered off the sub.

I think the roving gypsy web life suits the sub, make is "mysterious" (whoosh wind)

He was right about NOTHING, sir, and I'll thank you too remember that.

get fucked nigger


That's all so retarded. I expect nothing less from O&A fans.

I expected more suicides and child murders tbh.

Free that man KillaKuhn

That whole saga deserved more recognition here

Friendly reminder that KillaKuhn fell victim to a setup by a C_A Deep State cell.

level 3Michelanvalo

You realize you're replying to one, right? Michelanvalo is one of us. How else would he know all this? He was rejected and now he's lashing out like an ex.

Imagine thousands of MasterLawls that you kept telling not to do one simple fucking thing, and that turned up the autism to "Professor X using Cerebro" levels. That is the tl;dr version of this masterful writeup.

MasterLawlz is a fucking saint, fuck off

Lawlz is the best mod on this sub. Change your Tampax.

"Professor X using Cerebro"

Anybody who knows what that means is a fag.

Takes one to know one!

I don't speak gay nerd. Can you translate what the fuck you just said?

I never got into O&A but I did like looking at how unhinged that subreddit was and it looked v fun 😔

It was a great show tbh. But it died a long fucking time ago. Fuck even some of the regulars on the show are even dead at this point.

I'm Australian and I'm the only person besides family in the US that was a listener, That shows made me laugh more than literally any other movie/tv show/podcast etc. Its a real shame what it turned into.

Fuck even some of the regulars on the show are even dead at this point.

Patrice Otto Giraldo but he wasnt really a regular and Steve YEEEEEEEEESSSSS.

Who am I missing?

I think you covered it.

Patrice 'O Neil.

Patrice Otto Giraldo

Tippy Tom.

Oh yeah, I bet most of the homeless are dead by now.

best part of the show imo


Was it ever confirmed?

I dunno I always thought she died so I assumed the navy talk was a nice way of saying she's gone to a better place.

Last week Dr. Steve tweeted that Lady Di is doing a lot better.

Oh good.

I was a frequent poster there. Nothing made me laugh harder than that place. Sure some of it crossed the line. But when it was funny there was nothing funnier than that place.

these morons became obsessed with some idiot because he made fun of Norm fucking McDonald

fair enough tbh

cant wait for you to get dmca'd too. cya

Where will I get my Lady Di updates now?

It wasn't even funny. Talking on and on about Joe Cumia isn't funny either because he's a boring piss for personality poser tough guy that doesnt even try to have a life.

You didn't think a poster who accidentally killed his own kid who through a turn of events got Joe Cumia to appear on the People's Court due to our fucking with his career and making an asset of himself on international television wasn't funny?

It used to be kinda fun until every post was about Patrick. I mean, I know the sub was just a place for losers to hangout, but those last few months it was just sad.

its awesome. its always nice when people come together on a common goal.

dude fatrick lmao

dude fatrick lmao


dude ukrainian internet lnao

Thank you for asking the hard questions. I wondered too.


o7 I just wish they were able to bully him more

It'll happen

Those boomers lost to some irrelevant fat guy.

Eww where will all 13 of them go?


I'm betting /r/howardstern , which has been slowly smoldering for years now and is always fun for the cope.

fairly high, but only because the O&A crowd would be keen on sabotage in that specific case. They have autism and dedication but not enough numbers at this point to organically overtake that sub

get fucked nigger


we're more organized than ever,kike. enjoy your drama sub you faggot

More organized? Lmao you faggots do literally nothing though!

linger longer

Lmao where?

This is a goddamn travesty.

I think most of the userbase moved to r/scorch

>just laying out the alt subs like that

Admins: Thanks! Banned.

Could fit though. Of the redskins I know, many are decidedly not woke.

Theyre like the dirtiest trailer park trash youll ever meet with darker skin.

They dumb as fuck for brigrading my sub

Yuech. Shut the fuck up, nigger

Agregious. Fucking agregious.

Nice word, stupid.

The internet is finally safe

Feed Nana!!!

Maybe kiss you?

Where the fuck is my gun?!?





Be careful or you're gonna fall over like Dick Van Dyke

/r/cumtown is gonna become a lot more boomer.

this tbh

New post: stop calling Adam Cool Adam he is NOT cool!

Cool Adam

Cool Serial predicting the future.

Hey guys, cool serial here. I don't even moderate /r/drama and I'm a commie but I don't rly like commies in general

If admins have taught you users anything, you do not cross pedos and get away with it.

Lol I think /r/scorch is the same group

It is now

Anthony Cumia is a pedophile.

and a Sicilian homosexual

and a moroccan rug salesman.

And a Tunisian knife fighter

Banned for bullying a pedo

So Reddit are now nonce apologists?

so just go to chippahradio.com/chat and signup there 24/7 chat

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does anyone know a good vape shop in New York?

so i dont get this post, are you defending the pedo loser because he was being harassed?

I'm defending no one