[Dramatic Happening] DOJ gets grand jury to charge assange with 17 new felony charges including espionage violations.

28  2019-05-23 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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is assange /ourguy/? it seems like both leftoids and rightoids hate him? he's also a batshit crazy NEET, so he is one of us.

The worry is that this administration will use this as precedent to arrest journalists who make Daddy mad(aka speaking the truth)

Lmao imagine still thinking that retard is some conniving fascist dictator.

I'm just explaining why people think this is a bad thing

It doesn’t need to be a precedent of a bad thing. It’s already a bad thing. The journalist is already arrested for making the US mad.

Lmao who, Assange? He's being charged aiding and abetting Tranning, not for publishing

And Capone was charged with tax evasion, and he really did it, and I’m sure the government wasn’t too happy about it; but it’s not really the reason he went down.

Well I'm mean he wants to be, he's just to retarded to actually pull it off.

Lol yeah t almost like Trump has made it harder for an actual competent dictator to gain power.

It's over for selectivelyreleasinginformationtoinfluenceelectionscels

Were the emails really a deciding factor?

Only Jesus' secret network of spies knows the answer to that question.

meanwhile, Sweeden gets to drop the rape charges because he stayed in the ambassy for almost 10 years and Sweedish legal system is retarded since they can't indict him while being out of Sweeden

now he gets to continue as a muh free speech warrior and the far left and the far right continue to support him because he owns (((the imperialist US)))

Bit I thought he was just going to get a slap on the wrist like Manning. That's what everyone on Reddit told me.