Obama and the White Rabbit
0 2019-05-24 by POTUSinChiefPoo
In the midst of his trip to Japan to launch a new healthcare plan last Monday, President Obama announced he would be visiting a hospital in Tokyo and that he has been given a specially shaped toy penis called the 'White Rabbit', which he said he would use to 'recreate my body', saying: I am going to meet a woman who loves me. On the website: The White Rabbit has been described as a penis shaped like Santa Claus. The doll will be sold at toy shops and shops that sell Christmas gifts this month. The White Rabbit is meant to 'recreate' President Obama's look and will be displayed in several schools throughout Japan, where the President will also attend a birthday party. It will sell for about 600 yen (£5) when it goes on sale in January. Other websites have also been set up. One of them says: 'I am hoping for some good ideas for this White Rabbit penis (sic)," and offers: "I like the idea of having my penis filled with his penis." President Barack Obama has turned his attention to a toy penis as President Obama and wife Michelle are to visit a hospital in Japan for a visit designed as a way to re-introduce the president back to his home country for the first time since 2009. The White Rabbit, named after a Japanese boy who died in 2012 from a rare condition known as urogenital insufficiency, will be used as a makeshift penis to use during both visits by the president and Mrs Obama, a White House official has confirmed. The President's White Rabbit is the only official president-pioneered piece of technology on which visitors can share the penis-to-penis experience in Japan. During his visit, the President is expected to be able to use the toy in conversation with his wife. "What kind of penis do American men need that they have never had before?" asked Mrs Obama during a tour of the hospital in January, using the President's official nickname of POTUS-in-Chief-Poo. With his penis reduced to a tiny size, the president's first experience under the White Rabbit can become the only one he needs when he's taking a jaunt to the West Coast this summer. The President's first penis, created by the Obama Family at the Harvard Women's Center for Women and History, is called Obama the White Rabbit while the White Rabbit (aka POTUS-in-Chief Poo) had an all out invasion of American public space when it invaded Hawaii at dawn on 11 May 2009. It is widely believed that when POTUS-In-Chief-In-Chief Obama was born on a Kenyan hospital bed, the penis was still in its testes due to the absence of a blood vessel. When the President was born at 6:47am, his penis was smaller than his face. Since then, Obama's penis has taken on a penisly appearance. Two days later, as he and his wife Michelle traveled overseas "from their temporary apartment in the D.C. suburbs", POTUS-in-Chief-In-Chief-Poo emerged from his temporary hotel room, climbed aboard the White Rabbit, and was able to make his exit, as the rabbit started spraying red semen upon White House guest, David Letterman. The semen-spraying stunt was part of Obama's campaign to portray himself as an anti-war Republican who opposed the Iraq war and the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In an interview with CNN on 21 April, Mr Obama said he had been "stunned" by the event but had "got no explanation" for how he had managed to get away with it.
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