Gamers SEETHE as Epic Games CEO slings FACTS and LOGIC.

42  2019-05-24 by bleached_ammonia


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I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. Gamers SEETHE as Epic Games CEO sli... -,,

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#EGSGang, reporting in for duty


Anything that makes gaymers S E E T H is based in my book.

Oh it’s worse than gamers, it’s entitled American gamers

Excuse me shitlord but I am ENTITLED to buy this company's product on another company's retail software! It is my RIGHT!!! No, I don't have shares, financial interest, or personally know anyone at either company. Why do you ask?

I love how all these valve dick-suckers have selective memories and forget about steam leaking their personal information or dumping unity asset flips, loli weeb trash and school shooting simulators onto their store front for years.

But remember, all PC gamers know is one thing, and one thing only: "Epic Store Bad; Steam Store Good. "

dumping unity asset flips, loli weeb trash and school shooting simulators onto their store front for years.

Why would you care about any of this unless you were some autistic fuck who can't handle seeing things listed? "Oh no a game that is obviously shit is on the store what if my mom buys me it by mistake"- You, you stupid fuck. Just ignore it. I bet you get cyberbullied

Lol, worried that Mr. Ma is gonna find your loli hentai stash?

I just said ignore it you autist. How would that make me worried lol. You dumby


You have a problem with advanced spelling?

last i checked g*mers were all in favor of loli weeb trash

Thanks for destroying gaming on Linux, Tim.

That ship sailed before most redditors were born. Anchors aweigh.

lol imagine installing a Unix based operating system then acting surprised when you can't play games on it.

It's over for Linux-cels.

Most people who install Unix and tell others about it are the same kind of people who can't comprehend why she didn't stay after they tipped their fedora.

The virgin Unix purist vs the Chad dualbooter

This is the sooner equivalent of bitching out the auto parts guy for not having the right carburetor for a 1956 Edsel in the back room.

Hello! Considering how r/FuckEpic is the largest EGS-related subreddit barring Fortnite-specific ones, and how you've already commented here multiple times, could you give our community your blessing as the premiere source of information and discussion regarding EGS on Reddit?

Please participate in our forum dedicated to disparaging your product.

This sub is the biggest EGS related sub because you guys are the only people who care enough about any of this mundane nonsense to actually go out of your way to join a community centered around complaining

They hated him for he spoke the truth

I get that EGS is fucking suspicious (aggressive business practices + their actual 'product' is shit) and I can't explain it well enough that I'll latch onto whatever retarded reasoning is put up by people that I assume know more about it than I do.

But latching onto it so much that you make a subreddit for it to defend tirelessly ideas that aren't even your own, to the point that you get butthurt about anything the CEO says? jfc.

You can say that about anything on epic not like most of us have jobs

Ok so im wrong so what

The state of gaymers