Medieval gaymer on r/Mordhau is upset about "le anti-mayo" propaganda 😡😠

35  2019-05-24 by le_epic_xd_part_2


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I'd love to kick phedre in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch her with the full force of my steel capped toe under her chin, send that cunt flying through the air.

As she lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and choking on her own blood, her jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of her skull, I stand over her and laugh wickedly. She looks up at me in fear and pain, her eyes searching, begging me for mercy. She finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting her skull like a melon and finally ending her pathetic life.


  1. Medieval gaymer on r/Mordhau is ups... -,,

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The Whites aren't even good for that... You said yourself, when have Europeans ever built anything that wasn't a shitty rip-off of something another civilization already did? White People have never been good at anything except piracy, grifting, and spreading disease.


And killing. White people invented whole fields of research just to kill people more efficiently

Thats the Cambodians.

And as always, riceoids do it better

Based tree trunk of peace.

Based rice merchants

spreading disease.

Who discovered penicillin?


The Scottish

So Snappy gone, Automod in?

Sad 😞

snappy posted a banned quote 🤭

What the hell was banned?

snappy said this

"I'd love to kick phedre in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch her with the full force of my steel capped toe under her chin, send that cunt flying through the air.

As she lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and choking on her own blood, her jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of her skull, I stand over her and laugh wickedly. She looks up at me in fear and pain, her eyes searching, begging me for mercy. She finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting her skull like a melon and finally ending her pathetic life."

aw, poor phedre. I bet her tiny little brain was immensely hurt by that

Snappy died like he lived, insanely based

Lmao. I reported that


Multiple times. For the drama 😂😂😂

I hope you get molested in the next life

And this life

wait... someone banned a bot for a completely justified mean quote?

snappys not banned, but the quote = deleted snappy post

Oh good. Looks like I was bamboozled.

More importantly has phedre expressed her desire to be sired by MasterLawlz yet?

FuCkInG RaCiStS, SeXiStS aNd HoMoPhObEs! DoNt CrItIcIzE MuH "MiNoRiTiEs"!! StUpId WhItE MaLeS!!1! Who gives a fuck its a game. You dont see me complaining about all the anti-white propaganda in almost all games and entertainment.

Here's the quote since snappy isn't here

its funny because that guy trying to troll about white people posts in poltics and prob gets really upset when right wingers joke about nazis

Google: White Marrige

lol wut

has google gotten really bad at search or something?

It was always bad. People have forgotten they mixed up black people and gorillas.

Black people mixed themselves up with gorillas.

x-post /r/cuckold

I have a theory: the mixed race ones are because people wrote articles or some shit because they are celebrating mayocide. While normal mayo marriage is common

This is the correct answer. Google just searched for the keywords entered in. How often is a wedding between two mayos referred to a "white marriage"? Rarely. Meanwhile an interracial marriage is bound to mention "white" and "marriage".

Serious: it is because nobody specifies the race if two white people marry.

This game has been a confluence of drama so far, keep an eye out for it.

Google white marriage

Its funny because if you just google Marriage 99% of the pics are straight white couples

Google adjusts results based on personalized algorithms 🤔🤔🤔

Google just searches for the keywords entered in. How often is a wedding between two mayos referred to a "white marriage"? Rarely. Meanwhile an interracial marriage is bound to mention "white" and "marriage".

This guy had no sense of humor.


Redditor discovers Gen Z.

Mayocide forever

So is Mordhau another SJW game? That's good to know, that means one less game on my backlog.

Gamers raus

what's that mean? if it's an anti-SJW sentiment then I agree with it. My entire life is predicated upon owning the libs, and I parse every single conscious thought and decision I make upon doing just that! if it's not about tribal politics then i am not interested, buddy.

Wait... he's actually right. I did not expect this.