Chapotards defend Iran for being "Anti-Imperialist". Massive SEETHING occurs over Iran being referred to as a "Reactionary Theocratic Shithole". Christopher Hitchens still haunts Chapocels from beyond the grave.

36  2019-05-24 by GodOfDarknessWine


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The long arm of Quds Brigades knows no digital borders

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Chapotards defend Iran for being "A... -,,

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Anyone who thinks that starting a war with no end with Iran will accomplish anything is as retarded as a chapo. I have legitimate reasons for hating the regime (like I actually care about the real people who actually live there) so I'm especially annoyed whenever someone supports war between our two countries. This is what the John Boltons and Ayatollah Khameneis have always wanted. They want war because they are traitors who put themselves before the interests of their nations and, God willing, they will be judged and dealt with as such.

Based and pacifist-pilled

These are the same people who would've praised Nazi Germany during the Molotov-Ribbentop pact

Iran is the last concretely anti imperialist country, financing and fighting the imperialist forces all around middle east.

Iranian people are the best, iraqi people are the best, Syrian people are the best, Lebanese people are the best, Yemeni people are the best, fuck Jizzrahell, fuck KSA, fuck Qatar, fuck Turkey.

And I know Russian are fighting in Syria, and I know China is economically fighting USA imperialism, still the last soldiers on the ground that fight every where it's needed are Iranian backed or directly Iranian soldiers.

General Soleimani is one if not the best strategist actually living, and the Iranian forces are not to be joked about, like Saddam did.

Of course all these have a cost, especially when you are under an embargo, so I have a huge thoughts for all Iranian brothers and sisters that pay the hard price of it. Yet I want them to know that all their sacrifices are not in vain, and that a lot of people around the ME are aware of their acts. We will free Al Qods, we will free the whole region of USA influences, and we will do it thanks to Iranian sacrifice.

I'm speaking as a Lebanese, as a French Yellow vester, and also as a fellow human being that is amazed by the resilience and the strength of the Iranian people.

I wish I could have say a word in Farsi, but I can't, unfortunately, and as I know you Iranian use a lot of French word, I'll conclude with this simple word:


The Islamic Republic also enforces bussy transitions which makes them hardline woke even by tumblr standards.


And then,

Yes well all human being aren't always cynical shitposter and they even sometime speak from their heart, you know this thing you loosed a long time ago?

This has to be a snappy.


I'd change the "Merci" to bussy, but yep.


I'm speaking as a Lebanese

I know this is a pasta because nobody in Lebanon is playing 2D chess.

Ain’t it illegal to be a communist or socialist in Iran? Also they have mass graves of communists all across the country. . Chapos be so blinded by anti-Americanism that they are supporting the people who would kill them.

And what they mean about anti-imperialism? Iran is still funding an overthrow of the Yemeni govt to be replaced by their puppets.

Ain’t it illegal to be a communist or socialist in Iran? Also they have mass graves of communists all across the country.

Stop trying to make Iran sound cool.

modern islamism is more than anything a reaction to the failure of the leftist 'anti-imperialists' to not get buttfucked by the west

Everything that west fault. They rayray as f**k to brown ppl

I don't know why the position of "Iran sucks, its an authoritarian theocracy, but an American invasion would make everything 100 times worse, so we shouldn't do that" is such a hard position to land on. We don't have to pretend that dictators are somehow virtuous to oppose US interventionism. Everyone dumbly swings too far to the other end of things.

Ain't nobody on the left or right trying to argue that Saddam was a good dude or an awesome "anti-imperialist" but Iraq is without any doubt way worse off for having had America come in a dispose him.

We don't have to pretend that dictators are somehow virtuous to oppose US interventionism.

!Ain't nobody on the left or right trying to argue that Saddam was a good dude or an awesome "anti-imperialist" but Iraq is without any doubt way worse off for having had America come in a dispose him.

Ok so you’ve never been on the chapo board before

Oh I've been, but everyone there is fucking retarded, and everyone who speaks up against the retardation gets downvoted to hell and pinged with a thousand demands to "post hog."

You’re pretending iranian and Baathist apologism and praise ain’t rampant there then

I am?

Yes u is

No I'm not

That's pretty based tbh

We’re not going to war with Iran unless Daddy Bibi wills it, tbh

Iran is a far-right reactionary hellscape. They are anti labor unions and anti working women.

are you iranian? if you’re not you don’t know my country and should shut the fuck up. do you know iranians? like the actual people.

I don't need to be an expert chef to know a meal is shit.

Upvote me I’m Iranian and all my friends growing up believe Iran is essentially a desert party. They think it’s all sand houses and backwards ass Muslims. It’s not. Iran is a modern country with modern ways of living but if we bomb hell out of it it’s gonna be backwards again like how we did to them in the 70’s, the whole reason my family is in America.

I was born in America

Kill all mutts