r/KIA’s internet janitors “y’all can’t believe” an entire website.

31  2019-05-24 by Ghdust2


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. r/KIA’s internet janitors “y’all ca... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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we the mods on KiA have decided

Can you imagine typing that unironically ?

Imagine still browsing KiA in 2019

Imagine you mod said subreddit

Now imagine you take pride in being a mod for said subreddit.

Sometimes I wonder just how pathetic people on the internet can get.

Sometimes I wonder just how pathetic people on the internet can get.

You don't have to wonder, just look in the mirror

Imagine being proud of being a mod for any subreddit

KiA jannies are so incredibly pathetic. They talked shit about david_me, but pull the same "silent majority" bullshit as him not even a month later. The only thing more pathetic is the KiAcels sticking around despite histrionic jannies being one of the causes of gamergate.

have you seen their witchhunts against the ever present dark entity that always lurks in the shadows ready with it's powers to strike at the heart of democracy, games and their beloved subreddit, the dreaded but always brigading and the reason behind any and every downvote, the dramatard!

The Jannies are what saved me from being a KiAcel. Hopefully I never feel the need to go back inshallah.

Longpost bot needs to be deployed to that subreddit.

Tbh oneangrygamer is probably one of the most retarded outrage bait news website out thetr. Its over for KIAcels now.

OneAngryGamer should be removed from the whitelist for thinking this is an acceptable logo for a website at any point after 2001...

anyone unironically calling themselves "OneAngryGamer" for any reason should be removed from the human race, period.

Praise of censorship of the Arthur episode with Mr. Ratburn getting married to another male

Wait, is this true? Are the FACTS and LOGIC counterculture conservatives just regular Christian conservatives now?