The Patriarchy has been Terminated: YouTubers are upset that a series based on strong female protagonists features strong female protagonists.

40  2019-05-24 by Quietus42


I am all alone (poor me) in the White House waiting for the Democrats to come back and make a deal on desperately needed Border Security. At some point the Democrats not wanting to make a deal will cost our Country more money than the Border Wall we are all talking about. Crazy!


  1. The Patriarchy has been Terminated:... -,

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Lol, fucking losers.

I actually hope that this movie suceeds where genesys failed.

It's over for Arnie, but before that I'd still like to see him in a) a watchable terminator movie b) as old Conan, at least as a cameo

a) a watchable terminator movie b) as old Conan, at least as a cameo

We need King Conan.

This would be incredible. The OG Conan movie is one of those I watch at least twice a year and it never gets old.

Arnold wants that too

Based Conan

Arny wandering out to dickslap them was gold.

We need King Conan. That would be a potentially great movie

That bunch of Twizzler-armed genetic deficients don't even have the right to gaze upon The Arnold let alone judge him.

All women are strong sweaty.

I'm fairly confident that Linda Hamilton could kick your ass.

Skeletor is a fictional character.

You'd be surprised at just how weak women are compared to men. Lack of fast-acting twitch fiber and all that.

Yeah but skill beats strength and she's probably had more real mma training than this entire sub.

fair enough.

No it's not. Strength beats skill unless you're a manlet trying to convince yourself otherwise.

but what about muh bruce lee

Why listen to a dead mouthy manlet?

Nope, nope, nope. I mean, there's literally thousands of examples of this and anyone that's actually spent time learning boxing or bjj can tell you this. Stop being retarded.

< 5'6"

Linda Hamilton could still kick your ass.

Lol how is mgtow all about men going their own way but all you guys do is talk about women? 😂

I never seen a movement that bluntly contradicts itself like you all

I'm with stupid. ⤴️


Just like feminists talk about men all the time. Or Atheists talking about religion all the time.

Feminism are for equality so it would make sense. I never seen atheists talk about religion unless asked and they are asked a lot.

Another valid point is that MGTOW is literally about men going their own way. That means excluding women for their lives. Feminism isn’t about excluding men it’s about being equal to men.

Lmao feminism has never been about equality. And there are subs like r/atheism where they talk about religion all the time. They want religion out of their lives, but keep talking about it. Just like with MGTOW. It's a coping mechanism.

That sub is obviously dedicated to discussing religion and their point of view on it. Feminism has always been about equality it’s my my fault you pay too much attention to what the mass media paints feminism as which is pink haired women who are overweight and somehow identify as a pony- these people are the vocal minority of feminism and they aren’t even feminists more like misandrists.

No politics allowed in /r/drama, take it to /r/politicope

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Can this franchise terminated itself

Can't you see they're trying?

If this movie was a man it would have already killed itself smh


Not if Alabama can help it

Pretty great of them to put out the entire movie on YouTube. Wish it was a bit longer though.

Wasn’t Linda Hamilton like co lead, essentially, in the first two? I thought the last one was shit, but I’d give this a shot depending on who is making it.

Yeah but who knows if this will be good. Sarah Conner Chronicles was the last good Terminator thing.

Yeah it could be complete trash, it could be funny to watch if it is made by a sjw, and they give her a super young Chad love interest. Have KIA types sperging for daze.

Make him black that'd be even better. Pair up a white secondary character who constantly gets upstaged by the hero and an Asian chick and it'll be some of the best drama in a while

Better yet make her love interest a black trans woman that upstages the chad side kick 👍🏿

Deadpool was fine, nothing more. It wasn't particularly intelligent and was pretty shallow once you get past the premise of "this is making fun of capeshit tropes". That's why it got so popular on reddit, they can't handle anything deeper than a puddle so when they see something that's EXTREMELY basic but competent satire they thought it was astonishingly brilliant, maybe even close to Richard and Mortimer.

If you need something midly ammusing that you don't need to pay much attention to while you're doing shit around the house its worth watching, assuming it's on a streaming service you already have.

You replied to the wrong comment lol

Lmfao I have no idea how. My reddit app is buggy as fuck on my phone but in also a retard so who knows

Of course he replied to the wrong comment 😂

Milf Connors and young guy would be very much something I'm interested in watching.

This but unironically

Kinda like how they give average to ugly incel looking men young Stacy women in almost all movies

This except unironically

It wasn’t ironic to begin with

Terminator turned into Highlander with low budget direct to DVD nonsense, this is the first time in like a decade we've seen someone with some heat on them get a shot.

I dunno was deadpool any good? i didnt see it or the sequel

Deadpool was fanfuckintastic but I like capeshit so YMMV.

yup. she's the goddamn queen

Ok but if they wanted a movie with strong female protagonists why does the main actress look like a twink?

Dat drum maggy 😍

Haha I fucking called this shit happening when I watched the trailer last night. Trailer looks good though. Sarah Connor is based af

Hmm I wonder what the comments think about the double Terminator idea.


Oh god damnit.

A seasoned badass who's seen this shit before and is trained and insane

A robohuman lady who has a reason for being able to kick major ass

A regular lady who is just trying to survive the storm


Who’s the GILF?

That's Arnold Schwarzenegger

A barren post-wall mayoid Sarah Connor and a rascal battery powered boomer terminator. Skynet will finally be defeated by talking to its manager.

She’s so old. It’s sad 😢

She's holding up though man. I bet she even did some light stunt work.

Why is that sad?

Too many stronk wymen in that trailer. My fragile masculinity can't take it, so i won't be watching.

Down with this sort of thing

"Liquid metal vs gender fluid"


The LGBT-1000 is probably my favorite.

So everything after T2 is not canon. Thats great. But where is John Conner?

Too busy being part of the Patriarchy.