41  2019-05-24 by Coonass_alt


jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


  1. GIGACOPE -,

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I read this in Carrie Bradshaw’s voice

Fu.... kin hell.

Not fat, she has a chance.

bruh she looks like a 13 year old boy

She could still find someone.

( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)

looks like a 13 year old boy

hot tbh

!pingbot DarqWolff

Maybe she could try finding someone at religious meetings then.

the mormons wouldn't want her

past 25 she's basically a menace to society if not married

But not a fat 13 year old, that's the important bit


She looks like a britbong if I've ever seen one.

At one point we coordinated a weekly meeting to review a Google spreadsheet of our collective dates so none of us had to make the same mistake twice.

I know what can fix this. Where are these nerds' bullies?

Actually, at this point in my career, I make an active effort not to look attractive, lest some creep makes an inappropriate move and I have to spend my mental energy dealing with it.

Oh for fuck's sake, I don't need to comment on this one.

Actually, at this point in my career, I make an active effort not to look attractive, lest some creep makes an inappropriate move and I have to spend my mental energy dealing with it.

Her efforts are successful, it seems

Can she really be choosy with a mug like that?

Dear lord she aged as well as a tomato in the sun. I know older transwomen who look better.

Men underestimate how easy it is to fuck a hot guy as a below average woman. And women overestimate their relationship value because of it.

Jesus fucking christ this is unironically the most woke thing I've read on this sub

It's red pill 101. Looks like you've got some catching up to do.

No, that's not being a retard 101. Saying that I should buy into TRP philosophy because they understand a common sense aspect of the dating market is like saying I should be a socialist because I understand that sometimes businesses do things that aren't ethical.

I never told you to buy into TRP lmao. Just pointing out that it's common internet "wisdom" (and is technically the opposite of woke). It's literally the kind of shit you're supposed to say "based and redpilled" in response to.

Ahhh, gotcha, I misunderstood.

Also, being woke and being redpilled are unironically just the 🐴👟 yin/yang of one a other

Holy shit this bitch has no right to have standards above "is he homeless?"

Would not fuck that even for room and board. Evidently neither do the homeless men of NYC 😂

The thing is these cat ladies probably have incredibly high standards

Decades of Weimar level programming and a slow cooking of this nations citizens and their morals in a pot of water. Of course, the never ending stream of filth from the MSM and Internet/Social Media that has done nothing more than, quite literally, BRAINWASH these women into horrors that would have gotten them stoned to death/burned at the stake/driven from the village just a little over 100 years ago.

The question floats around the table: At what point do we sacrifice romance for fertility?

How do you sacrifice something you don't have for something you've long since lost?

The WALL always comes for the foid. Always.


The glass feelings.

i've consumed a lot of filth in my life. i wouldn't say i'm evil at all. in fact i'd say i'm quite virtuous when it comes to helping others and being a giving person. i've seen it, sometimes people are just born good or evil. men's sense of loyalty is something women don't have and often keeps us morally righteous.

This is the literally the opposite of cope, although you could say it's the consequence of coping too much.

This is the literally the opposite of cope


Yeah, that sounds about right.

I love the fact that as a autistic rightoid my concern is not getting some r-slur foid pregnant while 3/10 chief wine aunt is writing articles begging any guy with a Pulse to knock her up.

Whatever timeline this is, it’s the best.

March 7:

But here’s where things really went south: As online dating grew less interested in me with every passing year, I grew more interested in me. By my midthirties, I had friends who were like family, an apartment I never wanted to leave, and work I loved. Not only had I built a life I was proud of, I actually liked myself. My interests weren’t inherited, they were earned, textured with years of self-discovery. I woke up eager to spend the day writing, had an endless supply of captivating (albeit platonic) dinner dates, and organized trips with other untethered friends. So instead of broadening my age range and entertaining “hey” messages, I got pickier; my right swipes were fewer and further between.

May 21

The desire for kids (no matter how complicated and uncertain that desire may be) makes us put in the effort. And so I re-download the apps, a pit of dread rising in my stomach. I assign a certain number of nights per week to the task. Like starting an exercise routine in the new year, it takes resolution. More of a chore than a choice.

I am dating right now because I’m on a timeline. If I want to have children, I have to. The sentiment that makes the modern, urban man run. The opposite of “chill.”

I'll bet any amount of money she sees nothing amiss with this timescale for such radical change in her viewpoint.

He’s the first guy in a full year, 365 days, who I enjoy spending time with more than I enjoy being alone.

Imagine not even having a single male friend. What a miserable life

The sexual revolution and it's consequences ...

But unless you can afford IVF or raising a child alone, both of which are prohibitively expensive for most women, the pressure to search for a partner is real.

Must.. be... prostitute... at 35!

I often imagine if men were in this position ... we’d probably praise them for their ambition.

Think of all the men who got erections reading this, driven mad with desire at the thought of being around that attitude for hours every day for 18 years.

I often imagine if men were in this position ... we’d probably praise them for their ambition.

Think of all the men who got erections reading this, driven mad with desire at the thought of being around her winning attitude for hours every day for 18 years.

This is somewhat simplified, obviously, but ffs people need to get it drilled into their heads: women tend to like older dudes and dudes tend to like younger women.

If you're a fucking freshman at college and aren't getting any, take care of yourself and you're gonna shoot up in value in the sexual marketplace.

If you're a woman than you're peaking in your mid-twenties, and you're nosediving at 30. Why would a 30-35 year old guy get with a 30 year old woman when he can get a better looking 25 year old one? And why would anyone get a woman who's desperately trying to beat her biological clock when he can just get someone who isn't?

Your fuckability and datability are like anything else, commodities with value. And like everything with value, it is subjective, but their are things that most people do value and a feminist going on 40 that's desperate for babies and posts on medium ain't worth much.

An excerpt from Medidations by Pizzus Shillrilius

Tbh, being compared to the greatest Roman emperor in history is the greatest honor I've ever received, idgaf if it was ironic or not.

Women in their thirties, especially the busy ones, have to make an effort.

When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

Idfshill please come back to us and handle up on this entitled foid