Dementia daddy warmongers on as he uses national emergency powers to... sell the Saudis weapons without congressional approval.

12  2019-05-24 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Dementia daddy warmongers on as he ... -,

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I can’t lie, I respect the grift of using a mustache to pretend these guys aren’t part of the (((tribe)))

If there is a more perennial custom in US than arming most vile regimes or threatening them with destruction.

Either party, any POTUS.

However, I will go now for a voluntary lobotomy by reading how T_D spins it this time.

It's a shitty situation all around. The Saudis are barbaric but in the end they are allies to the US, and for the time being we have to "tolerate" them. But letting the Houthis from overthrow Yemen's government and become another proxy for Iran, giving them more power in the region, would be quite a problem.

But letting the Houthis from overthrow Yemen's government and become another proxy for Iran, giving them more power in the region, would be quite a problem.

Prentending the Yemen government is legitimate. 😪😪😪 Also Iran > Saudis any day of the week.

Not like the rebels have any legitimacy either.

Also Iran > Saudis any day of the week.

This isn't a contest to see which nation is more fucked up.

Okay but it’s KSA hands down. It’s not even close really.

Because hanging adulterers from cranes is much more enlightened than stoning them.

Oh, Jesus lmao

While Iran has lots of proxies throughout the Middle East, the Houthis really aren't one of them. Not in the same way the Mahdi militias are.

Iran has been training and arming the Houthis. They definitely don't mind them being at war with the Saudis.

The Houthi movement goes back decades, the current conflict is actually the third iirc, and they would have rebelled regardless of Iran's support. Calling them an Iranian proxy isn't accurate.

If you're in the mood for a long read, check out this comment chain. Suffice to say, all of the coverage of the Yemen War, regardless of source, is very inaccurate, moreso than most other ME conflicts since no outside powers are significantly involved.

I reposted this comment with the correct comment chain since Reddit sucks. Sorry about that.

I know the history and Iran most definitely plans on making them a proxy against the Saudis.

Iran pretty much started Hezbollah and the Mahdi militias. While Iran will no doubt give them some degree of aid, the Houthis have long been an independent organization and the internal politics will prevent the IRGC from turning them into a puppet. When I think of a proxy, I think of the two aforementioned groups; the Houthis are a much different situation.

I agree.

Rofl, that second article backs up my own perspective.

If you're in the mood for a long read, check out this comment chain. Suffice to say, all of the coverage of the Yemen War, regardless of source, is a load of horseshit, moreso than most other ME conflicts since no outside powers are significantly involved.

If you're in the mood for a long read, check out this comment chain. Suffice to say, all of the coverage of the Yemen War, regardless of source, is very inaccurate, moreso than most other ME conflicts since no outside powers are significantly involved.

Edit: reposted with correct link, my bad

If you're in the mood for a long read, check out this comment. Suffice to say, all of the coverage of the Yemen War, regardless of source, is very inaccurate, moreso than most other ME conflicts since no outside powers are significantly involved.

I reposted this comment with the correct comment chain since Reddit sucks. Sorry about that.

Thanks for that, it was quite an interesting read. I had come to some similar conclusions as that user, like the Saudis really are stuck with this war and they have to negotiate (not for lack of trying) a way out of it. It really is somewhat of a lose-lose situation, leaving the Houthis in control is a horrible idea but so is continuing the war.

Yes we need more intervention, 5th time's the charm my dudes

User: wow it had been like a whole day since mcluffs last agenda post, i was waiting


It's so nice to be loved.

He thinks about you every day and he does it for free

Surprising thing is congress didn’t rubber stamp this deal like the other deals since forever

Congress isn't favorable to backing the Saudis commit genocide in Yemen. We wouldn't be anymore butthe warming er vetoed us stopping helping them.

Nothing bad could possibly result from this.

Nobody goes "oooh why does president have these powers"