Bruce from Funhaus spills his spaghetti for multiple weeks and freaks out on people in Youtube comments because they don't like Game of Thrones Season 8. Locked cause ya'll can't behave

36  2019-05-25 by Starship_Litterbox_C


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why not

Because the badmins get mad when we do it.

I've never got banned for brigading just for going and commenting thouhghghg

Drama might get banned if y'all don't behave though.


I can't help it drama is in my nature 😟😢😭😭😭

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. Bruce from Funhaus spills his spagh... -,,

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I like funhaus but I don't understand how anyone can stand their podcast

It used to be kind of decent to run in the background, but lately they seem to be incapable of making it fun and interesting anymore. Bruce is on some weird aggressive streak and also instead of it being a variety podcast, they focus almost entirely on a single topic. So if you don't like the topic or discussion it's an hour of content to nope out on.

Honestly, the worst ones are the movie ones because they have the worst opinions I've ever heard

Not a single one of them has any clue what they're talking about. James at least has some film school education, but has no clue what makes good criticism and just makes arguments to support his own likes and dislikes.

Thank you, I'm not going to say I'm an expert on filmmaking, but for godsake at least when i argue over films I keep it consistent. James is a god damn idiot when it comes to that.

Matter of fact most people on YouTube have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to film.

RLM is pretty much the gold standard for YouTube film crit. I'm a retard who likes bad movies and good movies alike, but RLM taught me how to spot informed critique, even when I disagree with it.

If FH approached it from the "we don't know shit but we will critique as Average Joes" angle then I could swallow it a bit better, but I still would think their opinions are mostly shit.

I don't know, I sort of find RLM a bit too shallow. Their sarcastic circlejerks just really detract from some points they make. They're not bad, but sort of meh to me.

They're not great a lot of the time, but I do like them best when they're being positive. The Re:View videos are really good for that.

That i can agree on. I really loved the Top Secret! review, because they really pointed out small details and aspects of the filmmaking that made the movie good, and that's pretty nice to see.

That was a great one, and I've never seen the movie lol.

theyre californian so i think it comes with the territory

Thank God RLM are Midwest boys.

Who? From what?

I don't know what funhaus is or who this Bruce guy is but can I assume he's some fay goony beard man that wears superhero t shirts all the time?

I'm not sure what is worse, youtubers or swordshitters

Watch another show

The personal attacks are getting a bit ridiculous but for the most part I lack sympathy, they knew what they were doing with that title and that's the price they're paying for clickbait

YouTube stars should be gassed.