Chapo has a struggle session over people saying the word sperg. "jesus fucking christ can we show anything but open mocking disdain for neuro atypical people".

80  2019-05-25 by bleached_ammonia


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rock on

Dude do not comment or vote in linked threads lmao

This might come as a shock to you, but I do not care about your opinions, your ignorance or failure to comprehend the research, or what you believe. The only thing I care about, and I can not stress this enough, is what the empirical research says. And it says you are wrong.

Your personal opinion? worth as much as a pile of dog shit on the sidewalk to me. That is the absolute extent to which I care about what you think. This is where I stopped reading. I do not entertain the economic illiteracy of far leftists or far right-wing tards.

Both are equally misinformed on average, both are failures.


  1. Chapo has a struggle session over p... -,

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It takes a special kind of pussy ass retard to not be able to appreciate the term "sperg". The invention of it is like one of the internet's greatest creative accomplishments. smh at this ignorant fool and his ilk. I bet he's not even an autistic, which is the worst part

>I bet he's not even an autist

Autists thank god everyday that they not born a Chapo.

I thank the Lord everyday for being born a brown man instead of a mayo.

I'm embarrassed to admit I thought sperg was an ejaculation reference like spooge

Sperg out all over my face daddy 😝😜😩😩💦🍆

nah, i'll hang out and let folks like you keep dying on the hill of being blatantly mean to vulnerable people

Why do leftoids keep using that expression? No one is dying on any hill anywhere except burgers on mountains of fentanyl.

Leftists believe that they have the moral high ground. Which is why they aren't afraid to shun it upon whoever they're talking to. It makes them feel superior.

It's called false bravado, they say shit like that to intimidate people.

Which is kind of adorable.

If you constantly try to encroach on people’s ability to do small things, like use particular words, it is a useful tool to undermine argument.

Yes. "Political correctness" is simply subversion of freeze peach.

are you the real dramatard?

Nope. Don't know who that is. I just pick a variation on the word 'drama' for my nicknames whenever I get banned, which is about 5 times per day. This is the longest time I've gone without being banned from here, which I now know is probably due to someone who is actually funny having used this nickname before.

this is appropriation of a dead mans name. May Allah smite you with the force of 1000 molten shoes.

But he was named dratamard, not dramatard.

pretty sure dramatard killed himself with heroin

That’s unverified tho right?

Why do leftoids keep using that expression?

Leftoids wordsmith everything. They will police it down to the last period. It's the only way they operate.

Same reason why you can’t scroll through the politics sub without seeing, ad hominem, straw man, Poe’s law, en masse, etc, every other comment. All those terms have fallen to the same fate as “literally “ they parrot those words out while they all think they are unique at the same time.

You know, I think Spergs thank their lucky stars that they weren't born a Chapo.

These people are a parody of themselves.


Daily reminder that chapos dug up a jewish teen's mental illness to harass them, sending them PMs like this (album), and a day after they got contacted by the admins, so that's why they're actually in trouble. The slaveowner thing was a lie they made up to look like victims.

You know, that album reads a lot like something Rightoids would say. Horseshoe is scary.

I only believe the ones with uncensored names

How convenient, I have a link to chapos admitting they harassed that person based on the mental illness they dug up. And we all know how many arab nationalists, radical islamists and antisemites hang out on cth.

Ooh, nasty stuff. Dickwads.



No it was about ethics in killing slaveowners!

Making fun of eating disorders is punching up because chapos are functionally retarded

god this sub fucking sucks lol

Big if true

"lmao I totally suck dick" I say with a dick in my mouth

As a certified autist, I am happy to give everyone on Reddit the a-word pass. Go nuts :)

Isn't this punching up? Spergies are usually high-functioning autistic, unlike chapos.

Spergies are usually high-functioning

Spergies are usually functioning unlike chapos

Sorry to sound like a boomer,but how do these people survive in the real world?

Or do they just shut themselves in and never go out?

Bruh is that one autist in the thread the single cool chapo user?

Chapo is only readable if you sort by new

What a bunch of spergs