U.S. Army tweets out "How has serving impacted you"? Causes a typhoon of drama over PTSD, Iraq and more!

46  2019-05-25 by GodOfDarknessWine


Your mind is diseased. Pick a dandelion and hold it in your mouth until you feel the urge to urinate. Then, swallow the dandelion and urinate on the spot from which it was picked.


  1. U.S. Army tweets out "How has servi... - archive.org, archive.today

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"my grandpa served in Vietnam, developed severe PTSD was triggered by seeing his half Asian grandchildren"

lol. Twitter was a mistake.

Lol what a fucking idiot.

it truly never began for the hapas

That's hilarious lol

My wife? She’s Asian

Imagine if the grandchildren were digging tunnels and shit tho!

What were they expecting lmao

Why even are the armed forces of the world's strongest superpower on a website infested by furries and celebs?

I got all these gook teeth and nobody wants to trade for em no more

Why is ptsd so prevalent in dudes who were popping gooks and hajjis from 300 metres out but not dudes who were sent to run into 12foot long sarissas or walls of German*c barbarians?

Ptsd has been labeled and relabeled a bunch over human history its always been a thing

read an askhistorians post on ptsd once

Probably not worth mentioning but ive never seen that post there I think it was a documentary which is arguably as bad

Well back in those days they didn't call it PTSD, they called it "going insane"

Because the government experimented on Vietnam veterans with LSD

Believe it or not, only 4-8% of casualties were on the battlefield during those periods, and even less during actual clashes and not routs. Death was far more likely from infected wounds and disease, which was common enough outside of war.

Humans used to be real pussies when it came to war.

There's a book called On Killing that goes into great detail on this. Most medieval wars and basically anything prior to firearms were mostly shoving matches.

I know, it was all about the rout.

And their diets mostly consisted of trail mix according to their fossilized dung

Tfw you will never embark on a quest with your bros to conquer the known world, eat trail mix, and fuck Indian, Aryan, Athenian, Egyptian cuties (and your bros)

Literally why even live jfl

Yeah but he also spouts BS like a majority of shoulders wouldn’t shoot at their targets and used poor methods to justify his numbers. Take On Killing with a grain of salt.

Not to mention the final chapter which is “video games cause violence” bullshit

It’s a believable argument that seems impossible to disprove and it makes sense. The best part of his book explains that the closer a person is to its subject, the more likely the subject will leave an emotional impact on the person who killed the subject. I can’t dismiss his book just because he makes a wild claim about “muh vidya.” He’s a former Army Ranger with a degree in Psychology and taught at West Point Academy.

It has been disproven. I’m too lazy to link it but google rebuttals from other qualified sources

Used to be called "shellshock".

I got PTSD from my desk job give me Twitter likes

Anyone retarded enough to voluntarily sign up for this shit deserves what they get

No thanks I’ve got at least some self preservation unlike the idiots who sign away their lives because they think it’ll make them a hero

I feel like this is going to hurt recruiting and retention. Those two efforts are already pretty bad.

This means bigger bonuses and incentives for dudes already serving. Sweet.