It’s over for low-IQcels.

40  2019-05-25 by Mathieu_van_der_Poel


I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. It’s over for low-IQcels. -,

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All incels are low IQ. If they were smart, they'd get laid. Like me

Having latter first time is closely corelated with having higher levels of inteligence

Me and my black wife would like to disagree, incel 😎

Fake! You do not have a black wife. I will only believe in her existence if you send me a video of her naked deephthroating a cucumber and saying "this vegetable is huge! But not as huge as My Big Fat Pony's cock!" That's the deal, homie.

RIP /r/drama. It was nice knowing you, lads

We'll still be here, just that we won't have worthy successors.

Hundredacrewoodcels will probably be the first to adopt it in order to course correct after they effectively made it illegal for intelligent people to spread their genes. The future looks bleak.

Why would you want your kids to be smart and have to endure the stupidity of others?

Better to make them stupid so they can be happy and only inflict suffering on other people.

Way ahead of you


Designer babies should be on the market sooner rather than later.

It's actually one of the biggest dangers to the mayocide as well. You can just print billions of mayo's and plenty of people will want them.


Don't underestimate human ego. Guarantee when given the option, most will choose to make their kids just look like them

But Reddit tells me that IQ is purely a cultural fallacy created by white people in order to keep black people down.

Honk World, amirite?

“Risk scores for IQ are very hard to interpret and hard to transfer between different countries and different ethnic groups,” said Donnelly. “They’ll be capturing a lot of stuff that isn’t just fundamental biology, maybe genetic markers correlated with ethnicity or where people live.

It's actually hilarious, pure belief in belief, like they totally race realists on some level, and it shows when the push comes to shove, but virtuously believe that they are not otherwise.

I'm pretty certain that my potential IQ is fairly high.

Last I checked pgs could only explain ~11% of the variance in IQ.

Yes, but mixed model methods estimate that the heritability of IQ is higher, which suggests that the PRSs can be improved. Once the UK Biobank WGS results are public, things should get interesting.

I know, didn't read the 10 years part. Another article I read implied it was possible now.

Most heritability estimates I've seen have been between 0.6 and 0.8.

The UK Biobank WGS is supposed to have around 550k processed by 2023 and the last study that implicated ~1000 genes had 170k. Very scientifically I'd estimate the upper limit for improvement with that new dataset is 3X and expected it to be completed by 2023. However as with anything else it'll probably take 20% of the work to get 50% of the way and 80% to get the last 50%. I'm also curious about selection biases for people willing to have their genome sequence.

It's interesting, you target what you measure and the only complex human trait we can reliably (and easily) measure is IQ as an indicator of g. Best of all human competitiveness and (now) human selection for intelligence incentivizes performing your best on these tests. I'm curious what distortions this will cause in the future if adopted on a wide scale without genetic engineering. More people needing glasses I'm guessing.

Thanks, didn't realize family traits have half the sd of populations, good to know. Wonder when they'll be able to further break down by verbal/non-verbal intelligence etc.

This is the future. Femoids would rush to have babies with my stellar IQ brown ass.

just wait until it becomes child cruelty to not give your children the docile student gene or lower criminality gene. it's over for non-npccels

Better yet, imagine a world dominated by high-IQ autists.

What about that ultra violent borderline that’s giving me the silent treatment while having a big anal only threesome?

Eugenics cant come soon enough.