Angry cow who threatened to murder a Drama poster goes on a rampage about someone saying they love their cat.

50  2019-05-25 by Neon_needles


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Angry cow who threatened to murder ... -,

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Damn, imagine being this obsessed with a person posting shit on Reddit.

posting shit

Agreed. Hey, do you ever have a moment in your life that isnt angry posting due to a micro-dick or whatever?

Wow you fucking roasted me with that one. That was so sharp you could cut yourself on it.

I'm serious. I'm open to helping you. Tell me, why are you so heated, my friend?

What's going on big guy?

Your blood pressure. So, obviously, I first demand you apologize attempting to murder other posters, because that's just rude.

Second, I demand you tell me why you cant stop being hostile to your fellow redditors.

I never said anything close to that, I said that in a more just world another user would be dead which is entirely different than threatening to personally murder them

I won't stop being hostile or confrontational because Reddit needs more people that call other people on bullshit, the world does frankly.

Woah cool. 😎😎😎

Yeah I post on Reddit to be cool

Like the one MDE bit I ever laughed at


You just posted twice in this thewad

I disagree, I can personally understand someone getting obsessed with a Redditor. For example: I I would surely be obsessed with myself if I ever had the misfortune to have bern born someone else

I had some gala pie for lunch. Am I going to hell now?

friendly reminder there's no such thing as a quiet vegan

I'm not a vegan or even a vegetarian

uh huh

Every animal on this Earth was put here for my personal consumption to use as I please. Prove me wrong.

Anyone who give as shit about anything I've ever posted on Reddit should seriously consider mental help because life is not working out for you brother

I unironically agree with you on the whole meat consumption is Nazism but why do animals have to taste so good?

It's not my fault murder is delicious.

Welp, problem is, the moment you accept it's murder and claim its okay to eat meat anyhow, literally everything is justified.

So you're saying I can eat people too?

Sure. You know what, come here and eat my bussy😫😍😘

Sounds like a diet people can get behind.

Yes that is the reason it is perfectly ok to eat Christ and drink his blood literally.

Guess I'm a holocaust denier now.

Just wait until we uplift chickens and they start having their Nuremberg Trials.

"On Christmas! What an incredible Christmas gift for the village. The elders fairly ran across the hill to Gish to spread the news. At long last they would all be going home. The Christmas Eve vigil became a celebration of thanksgiving and joyful praise. On Christmas morning...bundled in sweaters and old coats supplied by the Bishop's relief workers, the villagers gathered in the first light of day...Mother, Father, Wardi, and my brothers all joined in singing a jubilant Christmas hymn as they mounted the hill...At the top of the hill their hymn trailed into silence...Why were the soldiers still there? In the distance, a soldier shouted, and they realized they had been seen. A cannon blast sheared the silence. Then another—a third...Tank shells shrieked into the village, exploding in fiery destruction. Houses blew apart like paper. Stones and dust flew amid the red flames and billowing black smoke. One shell slammed into the side of the church, caving in a thick stone wall and blowing off half the roof. The bell tower teetered, the bronze bell knelling, and somehow held amid the dust clouds and cannon fire... Then all was silent—except for the weeping of women and the terrified screams of babies and children.

"Mother and Father stood shaking, huddled together with Wardi and my brothers. In a numbness of horror, they watched as bulldozers plowed through the ruins, knocking down much of what had not already blown apart or tumbled. At last, Father said—to my brothers or to God, they were never sure—'Forgive them.' Then he led them back to Gish."

On September 16, 1953, while an appeal for the residents to return was pending for Bir Am, the Israeli air force bombed and completely destroyed the empty village—just as Israeli tanks had destroyed Iqrit on Christmas Day, 1951.


That sub is hard on the upvote/downvote brigade

Jewish Nobel Prize laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer who said "In relation to [animals], all people are Nazis; for the animals, it is an eternal Treblinka" ?

Of course he did.

I didn't say that, learn to fucking read

What did you say ?

learn to fucking read

Please cry more.

On Reddit when someone makes a comment their name is at the top of that comment.

On that comment, is my name listed as being the person that posted that comment?

On that comment, is my username listed as being the person that posted that comment?

You think I care ?

I saw a random sperg quoting a Nobel laureate.

I copy pasted that part and mocked the laureate. That's it.

"yeah I was wrong but actually everyone else is the retard".

My thoughts and prayers go out to your family

Yeah see I'm crying like a bitch but I'll put on a brave face.

So if I wasn't quoting you, why do you care. OTOH please sperg more.

Please cry more.

The only person I'm crying for is your mother and father who have to wake up everyday wondering if this is going to be the day you choke to death on a button

I'm crying

I knew it.

The rest is just COPE.

Stay away from any small objects

Please continue posting and don't buy a gun.

I can imagine what having a mental disability is like, I’ve read all your comments after all. But it’s okay, you may shit your pants when someone sneezes too loud around you, but this is a safe place. We only want the best for you.

No u is a great comeback

One day you're going to be murdered for all the bullshit you've said on Reddit, and that's going to be a great day

Imagine being this narcissistic.

Round these here parts we called your kind “coppers”

Where did he threaten to murder a drama poster? I wanna read about that shit.

Fucking beautiful.