Daddy Kanye says it's not okay to punch people for wearing a hat. Some rPolitics users: "well, actually..."

250  2019-05-25 by Quietus42


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This but unironically.

Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Daddy Kanye says it's not okay to p... -,*,

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Succdem? Idpol? Alt-Light? Lol what? You’re in deep buddy. Come up for some air.

Kanye is an idiot, and this argument is disingenuous. People don't dislike MAGA hats because they aren't cool, we dislike them because they are a symbol of racism, stupidity, classism, and a lot of other horrid things. Oh, and Kanye... vote once. Until then, Letterman is right: your opinion on politics means NOTHING.

New snappy quote?


Yeah, because most of the people wearing them are poor and r/politics has a disdain for uneducated burgers

r/politics users are still poorfags, it's just that they also have crippling college debt for a worthless degree.

No money doesn't equate to being working class.

It does once they start working shift in Burger King

Educated and broke vs rural uneducated and broke with no student loan debt. At least one of those groups has ATVs and guns out in the woods.

Why did you say burgers twice

Not voting for anyone is peak privilege though but again thats something a rPolitics regular will never see irl.

> Putting down blackmen for being disfranchised and not voting

> they are the racist ones not us

lmao Bourgeois

But every celebrity who agrees with me matters.

Suburban leftist tells cultured colored person his thoughts are irrelevant. Party of tolerance btw.

Kanye is so based

Only when he agrees with what I believe

He’s been cool for decades

Only with music outside of that he's a moron

Ok we get it you hate negros.

He pisses off both sides at different points of his life which makes him based.

The incoherent lefties are shrieking rn but watch the incoherent rightoids blubber and complain about him when he changes positions again in four years

based yeezy coming through with the drama

release yandhi already you fucking goof

I gave up on yandhi

I used to be deep in that r/politics bubble, the. I didn’t go on any political sub Reddit or be hyper invested in the new cycle for like 6 months straight. Holy shit what a detox, they should all try it.

A-fuckin-men. Shit's not good for you.

No they should literally keep reading Politics every day until they talk about killing random red hatters in the presence of FBI and have us watch the start to finish across their documented Reddit history.

Well yeah I can say that now.

How and why did you recover?

Got cancer and didn’t have time or energy to look at anything. Then I did and saw how crazy everything was.

Wow. There really is a silver-lining in everything.

He got cancer and also got rid of cancer, life is wonderful

Do you suspect /r/politics gave you cancer?

Yes I do.

Based. How are you doing now?

Unironically, stress is a cause of cancer

Where? Hopefully not in the dick.

In the testicular r/politics was literally trying to take my manhood

Got cancer

See, you were all warned about the dangers of r/politics but no one wanted to listen and now here you are

I'm glad r/Drama only causes genital warts

Glad you got cancer, bud.

Yeah I’ll live

Name checks out.

It's over for the cancercels


Hey man, good for you for getting better. In more ways that one.

I used to be deep in that r/politics bubble

Got cancer

Checks out

Read the tolerance paradox and get back to me.

Double-digit IQ spotted

I love when people unironically appeal to the paradox of tolerance unaware that it applies to them.

they think irony is sarcasm, so no wonder actual irony goes miles over their heads

Irony will be the death of us all.

This misuse of "satire" bothers me even more.

How dare you expect people to have reading comprehension. I guess it's less about reading comprehension, and more a discussion on people interpreting something in a way that re-affirms their beliefs, even if that thing is saying the opposite.

hey political violence is actually bad and we should work on peaceful solutions to the current divide

read the paradox of tolerance!!!1!!1!! fascist!

Shouldn't they hate Popper, anyway? He's a Zionist J*w! Yuck!

i've genuinely never seen it invoked properly. it's always "THIS GUY SAYS I CAN HIT PPL I DON#T LIKE"

"He said we can't have unlimited tolerance, that means I don't have to tolerate you at all!"


People just want an excuse to hate and not be called out on it. Ironically enough it’s like the “enlightened centrism” of political arguments.

Iqrit and Bir Am: A Christmas Tale With a Moral By Richard Curtiss "In July 1951 the Supreme Court ruled in favor of another Christian village, Iqrit, whose inhabitants had been ordered, three years earlier, to leave their homes 'for two weeks' until 'military operations in the area were concluded.' After this judgement the Military Government found another justification to prevent them from returning. The villagers once more appealed to the Supreme Court, which decided to consider the case on 6 February 1952. But a month and a half before that date, on Christmas Day to be precise, the Israeli Defense Forces took the mukhtar of this Christian community to the top of a nearby hill and forced him to watch the show—the blowing up of every house in the village—which they had laid on for his benefit." —David Hirst, The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in the Middle East, Faber and Faber, London, 1977.

Modern Christmas stories generally have happy endings, unlike the original Christmas story, which led first to Herod and eventually to Calvary, and has never really ended. The story of Iqrit, and the neighboring Christian village of Bir Am, is in the tragic pattern.

There was a six-month interval between the United Nations vote on November 29, 1947, to partition Palestine between its 1,300,000 Arab inhabitants and its 600,000 Jewish inhabitants and the May 14, 1948 proclamation of the state of Israel. Although the resolution had already given 53 percent of Palestine to the Jewish third of its population, the Haganah, Israel's future army, raced to seize as much additional land as possible before the scheduled British withdrawal on May 15, 1948. The Haganah theory was that the moment the British left, armies from neighboring Arab countries would invade and further territorial gains would be impossible.

In fact the "armies" of Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt—and the Arab volunteers who arrived from Syria and Lebanon—seemed able only to prevent further erosion of the Arab position, and were not entirely successful even at that. The Israelis concentrated on holding part of Jerusalem and roads leading to it, none of which had been awarded them by the United Nations, and clearing as many Arabs as possible from Galilee, which under the United Nations plan would have been divided between the Jewish and Arab states.

It was not until October 31, 1948, that the Israeli army occupied the two Galilean Christian villages of Iqrit and Bir Am, neither of which had taken part in the fighting that by then had continued for nearly a year. On November 5, the villagers were ordered to leave their homes for two weeks, and allowed to take only the provisions they needed for that length of time. The army provided locks for the houses and the villagers were handed the keys.

Originally the Israelis had intended to force them over the northern border into nearby Lebanon, but a Jewish friend of the villagers prevailed upon the Israeli military governor to allow them instead to stay in the nearby Arab village of Gish. Whenever the villagers sought to return to their homes, however, they were turned back by Israeli forces, and eventually Bir Am's 11,700 dunums of land were expropriated, as were Iqrit's 15,650 dunums.

Because the villagers were Melkite (Greek Catholic) Christians, their elders were able to bring their plight to the attention of the Vatican and to Christian institutions outside Israel. They received legal support in petitioning the Israeli courts for permission to return to their villages, and when they visited the villages to maintain the schools and church buildings, they frequently were accompanied by foreign relatives and visitors.

Finally, on July 31, 1951, the Israeli Supreme Court announced that there was "no legal impediment to the plaintiffs returning to their village." The military governor refused to implement the decision, however, and instead a new expulsion order was issued. Again the villagers appealed to the Supreme Court, which set February 6, 1952, as the date it would again consider the case of Iqrit. Father Elias Chacour, who was a child away at school at the time, has recorded in his book Blood Brothers the tale his own brothers told him of what happened next:

"For the second time, the village elders marched across the hill and presented the order to the Zionist soldiers...Without question or dispute, the commanding officer read the order. He shrugged. 'This is fine...We need some time to pull out. You can return on the 25th.'

"On Christmas! What an incredible Christmas gift for the village. The elders fairly ran across the hill to Gish to spread the news. At long last they would all be going home. The Christmas Eve vigil became a celebration of thanksgiving and joyful praise. On Christmas morning...bundled in sweaters and old coats supplied by the Bishop's relief workers, the villagers gathered in the first light of day...Mother, Father, Wardi, and my brothers all joined in singing a jubilant Christmas hymn as they mounted the hill...At the top of the hill their hymn trailed into silence...Why were the soldiers still there? In the distance, a soldier shouted, and they realized they had been seen. A cannon blast sheared the silence. Then another—a third...Tank shells shrieked into the village, exploding in fiery destruction. Houses blew apart like paper. Stones and dust flew amid the red flames and billowing black smoke. One shell slammed into the side of the church, caving in a thick stone wall and blowing off half the roof. The bell tower teetered, the bronze bell knelling, and somehow held amid the dust clouds and cannon fire... Then all was silent—except for the weeping of women and the terrified screams of babies and children.

"Mother and Father stood shaking, huddled together with Wardi and my brothers. In a numbness of horror, they watched as bulldozers plowed through the ruins, knocking down much of what had not already blown apart or tumbled. At last, Father said—to my brothers or to God, they were never sure—'Forgive them.' Then he led them back to Gish."

On September 16, 1953, while an appeal for the residents to return was pending for Bir Am, the Israeli air force bombed and completely destroyed the empty village—just as Israeli tanks had destroyed Iqrit on Christmas Day, 1951.

😭 longpostbot I miss you 😭

Wtf shut up

Ma’am, we’ve been over this before. You need to stop.

”— In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise.”

If I knew things about computers, I would program a bot to post the full quote every time some dumb shit posts that.

Wow I never knew or cared whether this random intellectual approved violence or not, but that's really funny that he actually didn't lol.

Even without that context, his quote says we shouldn't have "unlimited tolerance". Like, do people know what unlimited means? It doesn't mean that as soon as people start doing stuff we don't like we are immediately allowed to fucking punch them.

He even gives examples about where the "tolerance" should end, and those examples are when the intolerant are fucking using violence to promote their bullshit.

He always sounded to me like a former libertarian who just recently found the flaw in the NAP and considered it to be some grand revelation to everybody.

Do it dude


Pretty generous

10 is still double-digit

Its still 11 too much

Any smart high school principal bans baseball caps from the school dress code.

What kinda fucking nerd school did you go to

Private school with dress code is an example lol :/

The real question is what kind of mayotrash school did you go to?

Old white southern principal

"Kanye is a voice of reason."

Lmao what

current year +4 has gone off the rails

I unironically love seeing people keep the correct year count

Do clan members wear hoods to school? If so I imagine some would get beat up.

Holy shit amazing mayo analysis. This is one of the best comparisons I have ever seen, and is totally not exaggerated to the slightest bit

Those white hoods are bad. *puts on niqrab


It's okay because the fabric is black

Those white hoods are bad. *puts on niqrab


You can just tell how bad they want to call him a nigger.. but they won't! Sad! 😂

is Kanye our guy?

Just because you don't vote doesn't mean you don't get to complain... It's pretty much exactly what it means.

He would have voted for the guy who won anyway, you morons.

Redditors are so stupid Jesus christ.

Even at that, the fucker is saying "if you don't vote you have no say in political violence"

“Did you vote for Trump?” Letterman asks.

“I’ve never voted in my life,” West admits.

Letterman counters, “Then you don’t have a say in this.”

inb4 racist republikkkans win because they don’t let (predominately black) convicts vote and that isn’t fair.

you do it in defense of using violence against people who hold different political beliefs (terrorism).

TIL that the Allies of WW2 were terrorists.

Trump is a traitor bud.


The Allies of WWII did drop bombs on innocent sumo chinks...

Kanye continues to be the face of untreated mental illness.

And it's sad. He has no idea how fucked up he is. It's sad his family and spouse doesn't help him. They almost seem to agitate it more.

He's an artist. I don't much care for his music, it's not my style, but by many accounts he's an "artistic genius". Which kind of lends credibility to his brain being so fucked up. How many "artistic geniuses" has humankind had, that were batshit insane? Quite a few.

I hope everyone on that sub gets their own holodomor

I hope this was removed because of you shit talking Kanye's music more than the genocide part.

this rambling is from a guy on r/politics lmao it was removed cuz “admins are up our ass right now” and I was technically saying everyone thee should die

Oh I honestly didn't notice you were quoting at first because it was in red for me. It makes so much more sense now.

Kanye should shut up, start taking his meds and make music.

He does make music, it is why his ass is rich and we are both here instead.

You're not wrong.

I've had a momentary lapse of judgement. Kanye's been pissing people off a lot in the past few years and he managed to be very prolific when it comes to music, so he shall continue doing what he's doing.

Kanye's a bit of a tard, but his argument is simple and sound enough. Meanwhile, /r/politics users doing some serious mental gymnastics to shoehorn violence into their beliefs there. That sub has gone full slobbering retard. Shit is embarassing.


Imagine thinking they changed in the last 2 years


The same people claiming that if you don't vote you have no say in politics are the same people who push the lesser of 2 evils when it's time to pick a president.

Um, you can wear or say anything you want, but those rights don’t protect you from impassioned private citizens.

Anything thing that begins with “Um, ...” is always an excellent reply.

Basically fascism

"intolerant attire" 😂

Who be caring about Kanye after 2005?