/r/insanepeoplefacebook shakes and cries at a joke from 1906

68  2019-05-25 by SubjectEgg


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Besides being unfunny boomer-trash, it's also a deeply flawed strategy. If her fiance knows the gun is there, he's just going to go straight for it, get the drop on dad, then fuck his daughter while pointing the gun at him.

You have to fuck the dad first to show dominance

not sending a delivery to the house so dad opens the door and you pick him off clean from 400meters

A lot of risk, though I give it brownie points for making daddy watch

Exactly, even if there was a struggle it's a shotgun and I'm 20 years younger, I could easily headbutt that old coot to death.

Do Americans generally keep piss buckets in their room? Otherwise I can see a more basic logistical flaw.

Most of then piss on the floor, actually.

The average habitant of north america is so neurologically deficient they wouldn't even be able to piss directly in the bucket.

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  1. /r/insanepeoplefacebook shakes and ... - archive.org, archive.today

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The whole thread is filled with people being outraged at a horrible boomer meme.

Okay so like what the fuck is he gonna do if they fuck? Fuckin shoot'em!? Fuckin kill'em??! Cause that's an adequate punishment. That'll show him. This kind of behavior is so fuckin weird.

The boomer is animated by a deep and unknowable anger.

That's always been the "joke". I just don't understand why the punchline of this ancient bad joke is so upsetting to that sub.

Like they're pissed about this goofy, retarded farmer's daughter hehe from 1954.

It isn’t a joke everywhere, i know people who see this as not a joke and agree with it. The south is a shithole.

The south is pretty great man. Have you visited? Plenty of nice people here. We just believe in decency in our parents home. Damn Yankees and their indecency in their parents home.

The South is to America as Bavaria is to Germany:

  • located to the South

  • it's what every foreigner thinks of when they think America or Germany

  • 90% of the national cultural output comes from there

  • deluded aspirations of independence

  • historically poor as shit but actually going fairly well now

  • obnoxiously religious, kind of racist

And, most importantly:

  • its mere existence makes Berliners/New Yorkahs SEETHE

The last part makes me happy as can be. And yeah people are religious. And yeah there's some racism but that's true everywhere. Its not just a southern issue.

| some racism

Yeah, sure buddy. "Some racism" in the south, like there is some water in the ocean.

And southern decency means that if anyone is going to sex the fiancée in her parental home it's going to be daddy.

You sound about as ignorant as the guy that lives in the trailer park in my town.

| the trailer park in my town.

Well, if you put it like that, Hicksville USA sure sounds lovely. Between the roadkill cookouts, snake sermons, lynchings and fag drags there is something for the whole family.

I think that possum meat might have given you donkey brains, Cleetus. Or was it just the decades of inbreeding?

Imagine being this upset over the existence of rednecks.

I know the Alabama abortion bill was traumatizing to your Portland Trans Safe Space™ but you should come visit the Southeast once on awhile. It's not the demonic hellhole you think it is. But don't jump out of your skin when Jermiah is cleaning his Winchester as a joke. Lest you look like a sensitive retard who won't assert your dominance by coming back with a clean S&W.

It's like ypu saw right through me.

Abortion shouldn't be illegal! It needs to be mandatory, but only in Alabama.

I've been to the biblethumper belt, but since I have no particular interest in fentanyl or diabetes I'm gonna have to pass on another visit.

Oh? Inbreeding? Tennessee is known for its music. You're thinking Alabama. Also no. Opossum sounds horrid. I much prefer a good cheeseburger with some fried taters.

Also I haven't heard of any lynching, snake sermons (whatever the hell that is) and by god man roadkill cookouts? I hope I'm never that desperate. Also my name isn't Cleetus nor have I ever met a guy named Cleetus. Also faggots are usually welcomed depending on the company. But that's anywhere with a predominant orthodox Christian culture. Drag queens are usually looked at weird.

All you're doing is making yourself look like the head of the jack ass committee. But ignorance can be remedied. So I implore you to learn more on a region before you open your mouth. Because all that's coming out of it is horseshit.

Except Berlin is seething because Bavaria is everything they ever wanted to be and is filled to the brim with people they hate. Also they were laughing at them 200 years ago for beeing Austrias Bitch. Well look at Prussia and Bavaria today.

75% of the national cultural output comes from there

Since when was Hollywood in the South?

capeshit = culture

Oh no no no...

Seriouspost though, I was thinking more about things like rock n roll, blues, country, jazz, 'Southern food', literature (Twain, Faulkner, etc), cowboys, etc, not the world's film assembly line.

Maybe it's because I'm an ignorant foreigner whose biased for finding the Southern accent hot as fuck, but I think of the Southeast as having developed a distinct culture, while the rest of America (a few exceptions of course: Hawaii, NYC) seems kind of soulless and commercial. Take Louisiana, off the top of my head having never been there before: Mardi Gras, Cajuns, Creoles, voodoo, gumbo, jazz, the French Quarter.

Compare that to Indiana, or Ohio, or Oregon, or North Dakota. Indiana has that big car race, that's all I can think of.

Rich culture comes from adversity IMO, and the South had plenty of that: poverty, slavery, civil war, genocide. The rest of America is over-reliant on Mexicans and Italians to make up the cultural deficit, and then they just homogenise them anyway.

Sure, the South has a very distinct culture, and I'm sure many foreigners think of the South as a sterotype for Americans. But most of the cultural output today, comes in the form of movies, TV shows and music. And all that is centered around the coasts, mainly California and New York. Even things like clothing and memes trickle to the Midwest and south from the coasts.

Even things you named like rock, blues, jazz; all the best artists are out of the coasts now. Most of the impactful authors are out of the coasts now.

I live in Arkansas, i know what its like here. Its a shithole.

In what way


It can't be worse than wherever you're from.

That's funny, I haven't heard about any honor killings in the south in the last few decades. If you have evidence that they happen, I'd love to hear it.

...that's why it's a bad joke.

He blows his daughters head into a million pieces and lets the guy live as a warning

Like teenagers aren't just sweaty, intelligent apes who are going to figure out how to fuck one way or another

Dude.. its not even weird or out or date. Dads dont want their daughtrrs pregnant its expensive. The idea is its a deterrent.

That's a lot downvotes for laughing at someone who said an old joke scared them.

And omg a "Go back to TD!" in the wild!

Yes, they don't like jokes that are even slightly "problematic". It's a whole sub of stable geniuses, for sure.


funny joke.

It's not funny. It's boring and played out. But if it offends you, lmao, how do you navigate in the world? More than that, if it terrifies you, holy shit now that is actually funny.


Thank YHWH he's upvoted, theres hope for this allahforsaken website yet

Well, I got banned for...something, so who knows. This sub seems funny, though.