Leaked pictures of HardIsLife's Friday night.

88  2019-05-25 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


  1. Leaked pictures of HardIsLife's Fri... - archive.org, archive.today

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Wrong, THIS is her

Jesus. Literally every part of that body is unappealing. What a redundant bra.

Is your flair from serial mother?

Serial Mom

Ye. My name is a reference to my two fave John Waters films. I love him so much and I am such a fag.

I was close to getting the name right. I've heard it recommended but haven't actually watched it.

Serial Mom

Ye. My name is a reference to my two fave John Waters films. I love him so much and I am such a fag.

Woah is that projared's twitter?

God, this picture brings some memories

If art is line and composition then I have no idea what this is

How long was she holding that shit in? Seems like a pretty massive dump.

im not saying i'd poop on a passed out chick...

but i know a girl who would

That shit wasn't ever going to make it down a toilet anyway, might as well launch it all over yourself instead.

Pretty sure multiple people pooped on her.

Don’t you use a poop knife?

haha imagine the smell haha

ha ha think she was embarrassed?

White girls are incapable of feeling shame.

Only because the ones that do commit suicide in high school.

bruh this white girl takin a dookie 💀 💀

I forgot that dumb gun but skank shat herself

What is the context here?

Before gun girl was gun girl she was poop girl because she shit herself passed out at a college house party.

theres no proof of this anywhere

Found the gun skank.

hi yes this is gun girl


Well there's her with shit all over her in the left picture. Along with her claiming she was going to sue barstool along with a bunch of people for slander and never followed through with it, since it's her pictured.

show me where the picture shows that its her?

yeah, you're a feg - that image has been around since your mother had to put a plastic liner on your mattress because you'd piss the bed every night

Shit girl still won't fuck you

looks like generic white girl to me

Brown Knighting. ⚔️💩🛡

Literally who is gun girl?

One of the nobodies on Twitter

Katie/Katelyn. The girl who carried an AR around her college at graduation to get attention and now milks conservatards for money by saying right wing stuff and giving dumb commentary about stuff.

Welps, interest is lost

Kaitlin Bennet.

When I run out of oxy.

Yea samw

Is there proof that that is gun girl cus that could be anybody’s shit idk


Any 30 year old boomer knows that image has been around for 11+ years

30 year old Boomer? This generation labeling thing is starting to get confusing.

I dont know if thats her or not but jesus christ thats alot of poop, why would you hold in that much

Theres NO way thats all of her shit right? Thats an ungodly amount of dookie

The most offensive part is not even the poop. It’s being assumed I’m mayo trash and a blonde one at that. I will never forgive you for this.

I spend my Friday nights drinking umeshu and with a BBC 🙄

drinking umeshu

Pretending to be AZN?

with a BBC

They always are into the "curvy" ones.

Check my latest post!! I’ve had enough 😡

I'm all for gender equality... but can we dial it back a bit to *the good ol times, when girls didn't poop?

Someone somewhere saw this for the first time and thought "wow I guess I'm into that" and discovered a new fetish.

One of the most beautiful young ladies I have ever had the privilege of laying my eyes on, and the strength that it takes to kick the krap says a lot for your character.

Any real man would give his left eye to bring you home, so please don't settle for some scumbag. Stay strong, the light is always darkest before the dawn, and if you are the dawn, there ain't no darkness nowhere that we can't endure.

Haha imagine the smell haha