PoliticalHumor laughs at the total morons that think it's a leftist sub. You fucking morans, grow a brain.

222  2019-05-25 by SubjectEgg


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Hey! I remember Galle_!

Good to see he's still doing great!

I somehow remember him sperging out from the day after the 2016 elections. Considering the vast amount of rage on this site that day, it must've been something truly special for me to remember that name.

Ah shit boys we cant ping anymore? That faggot is my nr. 1 lolcow

just message him something along the lines of "hey, I hear these people are talking shit about you."

"Both sides aren't the same, sry"

Literally having a Soros Banner to troll the Rightiods who have a Trump Banner to troll the leftiods.

Shoot me.

“We are not the same as rightoids. Rightoids get irrationally angry at different opinions, post shitty memes and paint the other side as objectively bad”

Where the lie be at

First sentence

The first sentence

Yeah but one side actually supports Trump though. I don't think most leftoids could tell you what the fuck Soros even does or care about him. A million ways to prove horseshoe theory right and you choose this? be better sweaty

But the issue with rightoids is their memes are so bad

posted unironically on politicalhumor

Nothing triggers the rightoids than calling their memes bad

Correct, but how is this relevant to the irony referenced in parent comment?

Because it's not ironic?

Political memes in general tend to suck arse, but at least rightoids do something genuinely ebin every now and then (the whole capture the flag thing with Shia for example).

What do loids have? 'Right wing: wants to kill 6,000 puppies, left wing: wants to hug 6,000 puppies, centrist: 'they're exactly the same!' but with about 400 more words than is necessary to get your point across?

Milkshaking britbong rightoids has been pretty epic, tbf

Fair, seeing that Carlgon nonce dripping with foam is pretty funny. But I like seeing people get publicly humiliated in general.

It's about as funny as "pranks in the hood" with paid actor niggers beating up white pranksters, i.e not really.

Actually it is - Right wing: wants to kill 6000 puppies because they think that all non-cats are wrong, left wing: wants to kill 6000 cats because they think it would make things equal, centrist:does not want to kill cats OR dogs

We are in an age where on one side we have sexists, racists and homophobe while on the other we have people using "straight white male" as an insult. We NEED to stop politicising peoples identities as it is only going to lead to a full on race war.

Based seriousposter.

I don't even disagree with you, I just unironically fucking despise those cancerous /r/enlightenedcentrism strawman memes, by far the worst thing Reddit has produced this decade.

Never heard of that subreddit until now. They seem like great people:|

Someone’s never seen a pibble thread

What about the radical centrist take?

something like "nuke both of them from orbit"

Nothing triggers the leftovers than calling their memes bad, most people get triggered when their memes get called bad.

Horsehoe theory proven true yet again.

You were born in Kaczynkire?

People that enjoy politicalhumor posts probably audibly laugh when they read Garfield comics

That's because the left is objectively correct. The right does not have a valid point of view and their opinions do not deserve to be heard.

This but unironically

This but unironically posters get the rope.

thats all I got

This but ironically.

I'm a simplr man, I see gets the rope, I upvote.

Imagine trying this hard to get laid, that poor guy.

He unironically did the 'grownups are talking' thing a few posts down from that.

Say what you will about rightoid memes, but the NPC thing was dead on.

There's been a shift. Dumb conformist people are now left wing. Dumb rebellious people are now right wing.

Reminds me of this NPC I saw a few weeks ago.

If spout talking points on the internet you're a npc full stop

NPC wasn't even a rightoid meme until some left-ish media outlets tore into it just as it was dying

My cat just died.

Still funnier than /r/politicalhumor

Eat it

Imagine believing that nearly 50% of the country are complete morons who are absolutely, in every single case, stupider than you. You'd have to be pretty stupid, I also feel like I'm describing every single American though.

ThInK hOw StUpId ThE aVeRaGe AmErIcAn Is ThEn ReAlIsE hAlF oF tHeM aRe StUpIdEr

That's because the ____ is objectively correct. The ____ does not have a valid point of view and their opinions do not deserve to be heard.

On one end this mindset produces endless lulz.

On the other hand. eugh.

People that enjoy politicalhumor posts probably audibly laugh when they read Garfield comics

That's totally unfair. That one guy who really really liked Garfield wasn't anything like this.

the left is objectively correct

At least they've stopped typing "reality has a liberal bias" like a bad Tourette's tic.

God. They are so smug while being totally fucking wrong. I love mocking rightoids and the DDF but that meme is so painfully unfunny I want to vote for him.

Then they say “but we’re not a leftist sub we just exclusively upvote leftist memes because the left can totally meme guys”

But /r/PoliticalHumor legitimately isn’t a lefty sub. Instead, it’s filled with the kind of people who think Hillary Clinton is a leftist.

You're right. Calling it a leftist subreddit would be wrong, but calling it a lefty subreddit wouldn't.

You sound like a Southern Baptists claiming Catholics aren't Christians.

Catholics worship the Pope and they're going to hell.

Essential features of fascism include xenophobia and enforcing traditional gender roles (which are both right wing qualities).

Thinking that men and women are needed to make babies is fascism, sweaty.

Letting non-landowners vote was a mistake.

I read that as non-lawnmowers and was confused, but intrigued for a second...

Basically the same thing. Imagine if the only people who could vote are those who have mowed their own lawn

Suppression of political opposition and strong control of society and the economy are also essential features of fascism.

But no one on r/politicalhumor advocates for that right?

Where enforced gender role doesn't mean barefoot in the kitchen for women.

It means women don't have penises.

So literally the entire planet was fascist up until women’s suffrage.

Communism killed more than the nazis for example

Is anyone actually pushing actual communism? Because people are supporting a fascist...

Holy fuck the irony. You have to be real stupid to type that out and think, "yep, this makes me look intelligent."

Trump's a fascist but every current and past instance of communism isn't real.

This but unironically

Real fascism has never been tried.

Come onnnn Philippines.

We need Musollini back. 😔😭

Real fascism has never been tried.

Nazi Germany was "State Racism"; prove me wrong.

Hitler was Jewish.

Trump's a fascist but so was every US president since Teddy if you use Chapo's definition.

r/chapotraphouse and r/FullCommunism and r/enlightenedcentrism and r/latestagecapitalism

Fascism is actually the objectively best way to run a society, it's just never been tried yet.

Believing it's a left-wing sub isn't nearly as crazy as believing it's a humor sub.

Political humor? I barely even see any kind of humor. Holy shit the left can't meme.

Well neither the right can meme. Only centrist memes are good

It's technically "humor." The left has seen the rise of clapter comedy.

No one's really laughing, not even left leaning people. They just nod in agreement when they see something "funny."

How triggered is u be rn

Oh god the Fren bois are trying to self-insert.

rightoid subs do the exact same thing too, when i said on KiA that they were a bunch of rightoids they got so triggered i had a mod respond.

Well duh this is a radical centrism sub. “But muh rightoids” doesn’t work when we hate on everyone

it wasnt really a but muh rightoids, i was more relating to how retarded insular political subs are.

Kia is just retards, i dont know if they have a cohesive political opinion

Its pretty cohesive, all they are is conservative justice warriors.

I once posted a thread on KiA "What's your political orientation?" (which was a repost from a popular post a year before that) and had a mod sticky a comment "CAREFUL! Do NOT answer! OP is from /r/drama and this is bait!" within minutes.

What the fuck, why is your account name reply to me?

Because I made this account to reply to you. What a stupid question.

I mean why would you need to and why would you name the account that instead of having a normal account you could post replies with?

Dude triggers leftists lmao


Political Humor stands in a circle and gentle chuckle at how amusing they think they are.

The morons in that sub is astounding its like tulpas mixed with train set collectors

They banned me for posting conservative comments .

I clicked on that sub and I realized I had set it to controversial all time lmao

/r/stupidpol and /r/cumtown are the only good leftist subs

I'm super oppresed white gay man in brooklyn. Here me roar!