The Commies are still absolutely seething in based Grandmas AMA

39  2019-05-25 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. The Commies are still absolutely se... -,,

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The only thing worse than cringy antifa larpers are people who think that any form of political violence is the same thing as fascism. The absolute state of American education.

and U.S. military are both socialized institutions.


Thanks AOC. You can get back to the New Green Deal now.

Mildly funny boomer puts chapo in his place.

Boomers are the only real defense we have against the chapo menace. They're both so stupid it cancels out.



Chapotards start rambling and boomers just go "liberals, Obama AOC" all of which makes Chapos froth with impotent rage.

I miss pinging, I want Joulk to show up and tell us were all rightwingers lmao

Can we make her a mod?

I have a rule that whenever I talk to foreigners about their country I listen and at most dare to ask questions. Imagine thinking that you could ever know as much about a country as the people who live there.

Except for Greeks, they're fucking psychos and I'll talk down to them any day of the week. CMW.