Big-brained lolbertarian states that he should be allowed to fuck 14 year olds. Galaxy-brained lolbertarian objects, but only because he thinks it's unethical to keep him from fucking the under-14 kids

27  2019-05-26 by GuillotinesNOW


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Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. Big-brained lolbertarian states tha... -,,

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First of all, I'm not a pedophile

oh boy, here we go

If that’s how you start a sentence I got news for you son

You got 99 problems and being a pedo is one

Every time

The "AKSHULLY ephebophile" meme is the best thing to come out of Chapo which makes me think they probably ripped it off from someone else.

3 years ago

And you were looking at old pedo posts why exactly?

This is new evidence for me atleast that all libertarians are pedos

Is it bad that I sort of agree with the lolbertarian?


<Insert ephebophilia copypasta here>.

They always bring up the 'actually it's hebephillia' thing

If libertarians had to take a sex test they'd just never get laid harder.

So darqwolff made a new account I see

A lot of drama years old lately -- the banning of all these subs is starting to make us scavenge for relics