Rare look into the mind of a future wife who will turn into a beached whale as soon as she has a ring (now with working link)

52  2019-05-26 by Reeeeeermrikll


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Shut the fuck up, fatty.

Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Rare look into the mind of a future... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Beyond sentient.

Who cares. The future is all aboit ai waifus and vr worlds.

But not child sex dolls because the statistics have taken over.

I know im under 200 pounds but idk exactly how much i weigh now

Going by the girl math, 210.

The last time I weighed myself I was 155.

So she was probably around 170, and she probably weighed

at 5'6". She's a sphere.

“I didn’t gain that much weight but it’s probably in the range of about 200%”


She realizes this is like a man going from 200 to 400 right?



How hard is it to not eat like shit. Stop drinking soda

Sugar addiction is more serious than cocaine addiction iirc. "Just stop eating" isn't great advice for fat people. It's about as useful as "just stop being sad" for depressed people.



Lose weight fat ass

I love soda, used to drink 2 liters a day easily. Then a couple weeks ago I was like "Hmm I should stop drinking this."

Guess what, I stopped drinking it. And I eat exactly the same way as I used to.

I also decided I wanted to get into better shape, on an impulse. And wouldn't you know it, I signed up at the gym and have been going every day.

It's almost like it's not that hard to stick to your guns and better yourself if you have even a modicum of impulse control.

Obviously you need to stop drinking soda and eat less junk food. But just saying "eat less fatty" isn't very helpful imo

But that's like 90% of what you have to do. Exercising helps but diet is the most important part of losing weight.

Right, but that doesn't mean just saying "stop eating" is helpful. It's like telling a crack whore, "stop smoking meth, that's 90% of what you have to do."

One is an addictive substance that will wreck your body if you stop it cold-turkey. The other is soda, which you'll actually feel better after stopping. Incomparable.

Smh, now you got me finding peer reviewed journals and shit to defend myself.

Sugar addiction: pushing the drug-sugar analogy to the limit:

Recent findings Available evidence in humans shows that sugar and sweetness can induce reward and craving that are comparable in magnitude to those induced by addictive drugs. Although this evidence is limited by the inherent difficulty of comparing different types of rewards and psychological experiences in humans, it is nevertheless supported by recent experimental research on sugar and sweet reward in laboratory rats. Overall, this research has revealed that sugar and sweet reward can not only substitute to addictive drugs, like cocaine, but can even be more rewarding and attractive. At the neurobiological level, the neural substrates of sugar and sweet reward appear to be more robust than those of cocaine (i.e., more resistant to functional failures), possibly reflecting past selective evolutionary pressures for seeking and taking foods high in sugar and calories.

Sugar withdrawal and differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL) performance in rats:

Sugar consumption is assumed to induce a behavioral state that is similar to the one provoked by addictive substances. Drug withdrawal increases impulsivity, assessed by differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL) performance. The present study investigated the effect of withdrawal from a prolonged period of sugar consumption on DRL performance. Water-deprived rats were trained under a DRL 20 s (DRL 20) schedule. The animals were allowed to choose between plain water and a sucrose solution (E group) or water only (C group) for 30 days. The sucrose solution was then removed, and measures of DRL 20 performance were obtained on 3 consecutive days. Results showed that DRL performance in the C group improved after sugar withdrawal, whereas performance in the E group led to the loss of reinforcers. An analysis of variance-type analysis showed that the E group had higher response rates per reinforcer, lower IRTs, and greater differences between baseline and abstinence than the C group after 3 days of sugar withdrawal. Thus, sugar abstinence after a relatively long consumption period resulted in impairment of DRL performance, confirming the parallel effects of addictive drugs and sugar and suggesting an increase in impulsivity as a consequence of sugar deprivation.

To summarize, sugar addiction and withdrawal have been shown to be real through peer reviewed scientific studies.. Going cold turkey on sugar wouldn't have the same effect as crack withdrawal. But there are side effects of going cold turkey on sugar. So crack addiction and sugar addiction are very comparable, especially considering the scientists compare the two in the first study I linked.

Shut the fuck up and stop eating you fat cunt

Going to the gym every day is actually pretty counter productive. You're not giving your muscles time to heal. Assuming you're even doing proper exercise that would need a rest period. If you're going and just running on a treadmill for a few minutes or lifting baby weights then you're wasting your time. Look up a proper workout like starting fitness and follow it.

Literally stop being a fat cunt


it's not that hard keto is fucking easy, counting calories is probably too advanced for most fatties because it's easy to cheat. You could also just fast which means literally don't eat shit again until your skinny or you can't handle it anymore. I used to be 300lbs and I'm not now and that's because I stopped being a fat cunt.

Shit man, we gotta get you to the White House. You've figured out the solution to America's obesity crisis, "literally stop being a fat cunt."

How has no one ever thought of this before?

Lmao the government doesn't want to stop obesity though

You know what the best advice for a cocaine addict is? Stop doing cocaine. Until an addict admits they're addicted and starts taking steps to change their habits, their health will continue deteriorating. Acting like telling a sugar addict to stop eating sugar could somehow be bad advice is some galaxy-brain shit

I'm not saying its bad advice. Just not very helpful, do you think crackheads don't know they shouldn't smoke crack? Do you think fat people don't know they shouldn't guzzle a couple 2 liters a day?

Just saying, "stop doing it dipshit" isn't very useful to anyone with mental health problems, including addiction.

Honestly people don’t seem to realize this. It’s SO easy to drink your calories.

Soda and beer are the big ones

The answer is to lose weight not get drunk and post a wall of text on reddit in the bathtub lmao. What kind of question is that?

She probably drinking beer too.. gotta work on that belly

She needs to get back on her eating disorder ASAP.

why is her bf 8 years older than her tf?

He wanted fresh bussy.