Mayoids get upset when you call out a pretty white girl

19  2019-05-26 by Alicesnakebae


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Mayoids get upset when you call out... -,,

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I used imgur for over 6 years. One day I realized that the community had become very aggressive/hateful, and I was starting to mimic that behavior so I could fit in. A friend of mine recommended reddit and said the community is very friendly and wholesome. In some ways it's definitely better here, but in others it's actually significantly worse. I think the worst part is 60% or so of subs are exclusively about harassing/bullying/shaming others and are just echo chambers. It just creates this "holier than thou" mentality where everyone acts like "I don't do x so I'm a perfect person".

What does this have to do with mayos and gussayos

The agenda pushers started to undermine mod's and push them to 'let the community decide' campaigns as well as joining mod teams. That's how we got explosion of hate subs and co opting of almost every location based sub to become alt right/far right propaganda subs.

I'm an expert in Asian gussy and that is an Asian gussy. At least a hapa.

Tell that to everyone in the thread gettimg offended for her

She’s definitely either a Hapa or Finnish/Estonian

She reminds me of Amber Frost but prettier

She looks odd even with all that makeup and a probably deceiving camera angle. She’s definitely ugly.

she’s definitely ugly

Hey at least you and her have something in common.

She doesn't even look white she looks asian. Somebody lying here. 🧐

Idk what she is but her lipstick is gross

Let's be absolutely clear about this: It's not ok to white.


Cystic acne is ugly tho.

Acne does make you ugly