Cardi's Balls? 👱🏽‍♀️❓👱🏽‍♂️

103  2019-05-26 by MGTOWWOM


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There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


  1. Cardi's Balls? 👱🏽‍♀️❓👱🏽‍♂️ -,,

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Watch people STILL deny how attractive she is.

They'd suck her shenis the first chance they get smh

Volcel if you wouldn’t

You made an account just for this?

I had an account here a while back, I have been perusing and contributing to r/drama in the pre-40k subscriber days.

As long ago as August 2017, damn. Did they even have bussy in your daddy grandad?

I tell you what, son, we had pinging when I showed up here.

She's attractive tbh but it's a lot of that shit is surgical. LA bitches.

bolt on tits are never attractive

They look good with clothes on, but much worse with them off. Even really good natural looking fake tits feel like fucking tumors.

worse than actual breast cancer

Unwoke take, she would be way hotter without all that fake shit on her.

A lot of these hoes would be

She'd be way hotter if someone removed her vocal chords

Having certified bussy just makes her more attractive and I have no idea who this is.

I would never want any part of her. She's black and a complete worthless cunt. I genuinely hope she dies in a violent shooting soon.

Sorry a black girl rejected you fam

I love how they saying she's a dude instead of saying she got dick recently since she was a stripper and you can find her coochie on pornhub

She hides her balls in her coochie

I've fapped to that porn before.


Balls are stored in the cunt

Even I've fucked Cardi B and knows she's a woman. That's how much of a whore she is. She couldn't hide her balls even if she wanted to.

Face it. You wouldn't know a man if he shit your mouth

Are you flirting with me?

More just making an offer

I don't fuck white boys

Why you think I'm white?

you're posting on /r/drama during the weekend

Hey beaners can have no life too. I think you're just projecting. Don't worry you can die first in the mc

Mexicans are just spicy mayo.


I am quite interested in the baphomet worshiping elite, yes

I miss pinging so much

Either that line is serious or satire. Either way it's a fucking artwork.

It’s serious, they argue that she faked her pregnancy below.

Lmao Holy shit

I called this stupid shit out yesterday. Christians are demons biggest fans.

May Allah strike you down where you stand for this

What a schizo lol

She has a male chest with too big of a rib cage for a woman. She also has no female hourglass figure.

My mind has been changed

r/Transvestigation brotha.

It’s very hard to explain this without going on a tangent but I’ll try and keep it succinct given the topic. Not every single celebrity is trans, but the majority are.

Most if not all of hollywood/our government comes from the same bloodline. It is said that only a very small amount of the population is capable of having split personalities in instances of extreme trauma and abuse. This is why SO many of these celebrities are actually victims of MKUltra satanic ritual abuse (SRA). They display this through symbology (popular one being the butterfly, which has to do with how the monarch butterfly has a subconscious “knowing” of where their predecessors left off in the very long migration from upper US to Mexico). These people take pride in knowing they are the select few who are capable of harboring multiple personalities, many of which are programmed by the satanist higher ups. Another example is the “sex kitten” archetype (often symbolized through cat or animal ears, leopard print).

So to understand why most celebs are trannies is to understand they’re actually satanists doing the work of Satan. What did God create us as? Man and woman. What does Satan do? Flip God’s creation on its head and make a mockery of it by passing off men as women and women as men.

It’s something you have to research for yourself. Understand the fundamental anatomical differences between men and women. Be able to spot the difference between a male spine and female spine. Women will almost always have shoulder joints which line up with their hip’s width. Men will have a triangular shape to their bodies, women are softer are curvier. Women have a soft “C” jaw whereas with men it’s angular. Women have a pointy, witch-like chin whereas men have a broad chin. One of the giveaways for MTF celebs is the shoulder area... do they have a trunk-like neck? Are their traps just way too big for their proportions? Do their shoulders go out just a bit too far, and is their acromion visible?

They’ve gotten REALLY good at this over the years with the normalization of makeup and plastic surgery. They also start hormone blockage in the womb, so it isn’t uncommon for these trannies to look like pre-pubescent boys and girls underneath all of the surgery and hormones they pump them with. I hope this wasn’t TLDR and was helpful! :)


Great comment, you nailed it all.

Keep fighting the good fight!!

Ok sweety now take your pills

I feel like there are no clear, cut and dry answers when it comes to true proper tongue posture. I know I press my tongue all the way to the roof of my mouth. I also know where the tip of my tongue is supposed to rest, even though it’s impossible for people with small mouths to do so without compensating by scrunching their tongue up and/or pushing into the teeth due to lack of space. It seems like only people with already well-developed palates can actually rest their tongue in a proper comfortable position.

My tongue is too big to rest the tip properly, and my palate is too small to allow me to press my entire tongue to the back of my palate. It doesn’t seem like anyone has any answers for this concern :/

Are you ed?

no it's pizzashill posting pasta

Why not both?

Imagine being retarded enough to believe that

Also, she has balls.

That guy has never and never will never see a vagina in person

he said hes gay

Makes sense

transvestigate 9/11

The videos for that place are great. They had one that basically said every chick in Modern Family was trans, even the Asian child.

I believe it

Trappy can melt steel beams

Ever notice how these threads are always about black women? Pretty gross.

Grown adults should not use the word "gross".

Lmao the dumbass was posting 9gag links as proof lol

She was stripper she isn't a stranger to being nude

Isn't there a sub dedicated to this shit? Like they belive every porn star and internet thot is a man.

transvestigate in this timeline


I think they're just jerking off to the idea that she's a tranny.