TIL today learns about men and women having different brains. At first I was šŸ˜„, then I was šŸ˜”, finally I was šŸ˜”

88  2019-05-26 by rhyme-ocerus


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The joke is that this November your vote counts exactly as much as a senile retiree whose political sources are nestled between a thread of gay furry porn and a thread of kids wearing swimsuits.


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Why do either of those things when you can just keep your mouth shut and let your child determine their own identity?

because kids are fucking stupid and shouldn't be trusted to decide what to have for dinner, let alone what gender they should be for the rest of their life.

Iā€™m fine with a child deciding their own identity insofar as it does not involve irreparably altering their body.

I canā€™t even trust people under 18 in my matchmaking queue on CSGO, much less choosing a gender, firing a gun, voting, having sex, buying drugs without bragging to their friends where they got it from, driving, making sure the pets are fed, or running the funnel cake stand at the theme park.

Shut the fuck up boomer

if you keep swearing at adults like that i'll send you to bed without dessert, kiddo.

But the boomer is base in this case.

Kids get mad when you call them retarded after you watch them be retarded

even zoomers are adults now

What's the earliest year their birthday can be to be a zoomer?

Identity is a spook, be an individual.

Stirnerpilled = šŸ¤¢

Strasserpilled = šŸ˜‹

oh someone said something on reddit

time to plug my irrelevant retard ideology

If you post on Chapo I swear to Allah.

When I was 16 I wanted to buy an ice cream truck and that frostmourne replica that blizzard was selling. My dad told me to stop being a fucking moron. I didn't buy either, but unfortunately, I did continue to be a fucking moron.

At least he tried.

Iā€™m trans. Couldā€™ve told you this. I knew at 10 when I almost killed myself because I couldnā€™t take it anymore. My parents beat me until I was 18 trying to get me to stop. I transitioned 12 years ago right after they kicked me out. Canā€™t change the brain šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

Right now the results are just so-so and not perfectly conclusive but Iā€™m confident as we understand the brain better weā€™ll be able to see whoā€™s trans by just analyzing their brains.

Iā€™m confident as we understand the brain better weā€™ll be able to see whoā€™s trans by just analyzing their brains.

So weā€™re just gonna swap the old biological test for man vs woman (whatā€™s between the legs) for a different biological test (brain structure). Thatā€™ll role put smoother than a feminine mouthfeel.

I donā€™t think itā€™s very common but itā€™s not hard to believe it happens.

We all start off as female in the womb then when we get XY chromotype the genitals and everything changes. People become intersex because their genitals donā€™t change fully. Itā€™s not hard to believe that the brain can have the same problem.

This would make sense because 3 out of one trans people are male-to-female verse female-to-male. Now, this is not a popular belief, but some trans people are just playing with gender. Iā€™m banned from asktransgender because I didnā€™t agree with their ā€œtransgender without dysphoriaā€ views. Yeah. They banned me because I didnā€™t think just wanting to be the opposite sex because you failed at manhood makes you a woman. But whatever.

Based and truscumpilled.

Day of the mandatory brainscan soon.

God I hope so...

Yeah, anyone who uses ā€œtruscumā€ as an insult should be denied the right to transition for life.

Whatā€™s truscum?

Someone who transitioned because they had gender dysphoria and thinks gender dysphoria is necessary for being trans. Itā€™s a slur thatā€™s mostly used by the kind of ā€œtransbianā€ who posts on Chapo and ā€œnever gets aroundā€ to taking HRT.

You just described two separate sets of people? You think both those groups are equal?

I know, I think I may have been unclear: people who call other people ā€œtruscumā€ tend to be not truly trans.

Ah. Thanks for the clarification.

No, he's saying this:

Truscum =

Someone who transitioned because they had gender dysphoria and thinks gender dysphoria is necessary for being trans.

People who usually use the word truscum =

the kind of ā€œtransbianā€ who posts on Chapo and ā€œnever gets aroundā€ to taking HRT.

Last question. Why is my first post negative and second post positive. Do you even know? Lol

Could be anything really, part of it is that Reddit is a bit of a hivemind and Redditors often just follow other's vote.

Plus the fact this sub has a ton of different users and some probably screamed "REEE TRANNY" when they saw the first sentence and hit the downvote button, others actually read your posts and were intrigued about the insight.

Or maybe something completely different, I don't fucking know.

If you think about it itā€™s kind of strange it leads me to believe people who downvote quickly are ignorant. I donā€™t think anything I even said was very out there lol

Nobody has time to actually read whole comments tbh. And it's not like I want the whole picture, I read just enough to see if I agree or disagree with the statement and upvote and downvote accordingly.

We unfortunately have a bit of an aut-right infestation. Fortunately, they have short attention spans so they probably downvoted your first comment and then got distracted by a shiny object.

TBH I find the "I don't need GD to transition" types interesting. Either they:

  • actually do have GD but only a mild case/can't really tell they have it since we really don't have a good point of reference

  • they just want to be gender non conforming but don't really explore that option and jump on a bigger trend (potentially they are misled by online communities)

  • they really are just trenders jumping on a latest fad, they're just so retarded they chose one involving changing their identity and/or bodies

Either way I am curious which ones of these is the case, or maybe all three? šŸ¤”


they really are just trenders jumping on a latest fad, they're just so retarded they chose one involving changing their identity and/or bodies STUNNING AND BRAVE YASS KWEEN


I mean it literally has scum in it, which is what truscum are. Or more accurately, the living embodiment of the No True Scotsman fallacy.

You canā€™t just yell ā€œno true Scotsmanā€ and act like youā€™ve won your argument whenever you donā€™t like definitions. Itā€™s like claiming that gay men donā€™t have to be attracted to men, because youā€™re a man whoā€™s not attracted to men but you still identify as gay. Such a man wouldnā€™t be gay, any more than a non-dysphoric person would be trans.

three out of one

Yikes sweaty

Sorry. Not following?

You cant into basic math retard shemale

canā€™t change the brain

I thought thatā€™s what rope was for


good for you

Just a random thought but if you think about it suicidal ideation just dysphoria for being alive.

I transitioned when I was 18.. that was 12 years ago. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll be happy to know Iā€™m very happy now and havenā€™t had those thoughts since my childhood.

Iā€™d ping trappy to ask her for her thoughts, but the mods wonā€™t let me :(

Facts & logic: science shows trap brains are actually bussy all along! I've been missing out on some tasty Foddamn bussy

First of all the article gives me no way to see he study showing this so I have no way to evaluate its methods and I am therefore suspicious. Never take this at face value. A more careful literature review shows the majority of the evidence suggests that the brains of trans individuals are that of their biological sex. https://academic.oup.com/cercor/article/21/11/2525/275208 OUP Academic Sex Dimorphism of the Brain in Male-to-Female Transsexuals Abstract. Gender dysphoria is suggested to be a consequence of sex atypical cerebral differentiation. We tested this hypothesis in a magnetic resonance study o A study demonstrating that most significant brain features that are male-female dimorphic are conserved between men and MtFs The present data do not support the notion that brains of MtF-TR are feminized The key to note in differentiating this from other studies that claim a dimorphism is that this one covered many different dimorphic attributes, while each other covered one or two - this makes this study robust to publication and journalistic bias (https://www.xkcd.com/882/) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17563-z Another study: MTFs and bio men both had higher global brain volumes and regional GMVs in a large portion of the posterior-superior frontal cortex. - more similar to bio mne. This paper finds that the sex differences between cis men and trans women are largely non-existent, a single area differs (right inferior fronto-occipital tract), and believing that difference but that every other region is the same is literal p hacking, so i'm just treating this as 'no evidence of differences, evidence for same' (and that region https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5033953/ tbqh i'm fuzzy but IIRC these are the same and this shows there may not be sexual dimorphism, so that area differing isnt possible) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5738422/ There are a few of studies that show that, post very-long-term hormone treatment, some brain features are more feminizied - but this is exactly what one would expect from hormone treatment, and many brain features are not feminized after it (https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/448787). However the main finding of this study was: The mean neuroanatomical volume for the amygdala, putamen, and corpus callosum differed between transgender women and natal women but not between transgender women and natal men. Finally, for completeness: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27744092 shows that hormones change brain structures (as anyone would expect) but only a moderate number of brain regions appear to change and there are no controls. The above review was conducted based on an unbiased (although small scale) search where I include all studies that compare brain anatomy or other information between transgender individuals and cisgender individuals (of both genders). I obviously cannot claim completeness, considering i've only commented on three studies - if you have any more studies, no matter their conclusion, send em to me! Also unrelated interesting studies I found in my searches. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/and.12550 - potential link between transgender hormones and Meningiomas (brain tumor type) https://academic.oup.com/brain/article-abstract/141/7/2047/4983052 (approx. one in 100 transwomen undergoing hormones had brain tumors, which is statistically significantly higher than in cis people - this is expected given the various effects of hormones and their biological mismatch with genetically programmed cellular functions) Will edit soon!

This is one of the worst formatted comments I've ever read. Congrats.

Its good info but, I agree, you're too dumb to read it

Imagine being so obsessed with trannies that you forget what a paragraph is.

Reformatted to be less aidscancer (just like the tranny's have)

Copy pasting deletes formatting on mobile - I'll fix it in a sec


Iā€™d just like to remind you guys that a ton of pop science just overanalyzes small variance in data for more coverage and therefore more grant money

just cuz itā€™s science doesnā€™t mean itā€™s trustworthy