r/politics turns on their lord and savior, Daddy Mueller.

91  2019-05-26 by Ghdust2


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Authoritarians love guys like this.

"Here are your limited rules, follow them to the letter, don't you DARE do ANYTHING more. Here's your money and lifetime benefits. Await your next order from your superior."

"Yes, master," spoken with sick, twisted PRIDE.


By all reports, Mueller is like the personification of order. People are surprised when he follows the rules?

Surprised pikaku meme etc etc.

People thought part of his "order" would be to lock up Trump, regardless of the investigation's outcome. He didn't toe the line.

This is your typical /r/politics user describing a public servant following the rule of law. I'm amazed at their creativity, to be honest.

They want more people like Sally Yates who began undermining the new administration as a holdover from the past administration. Then they cried foul when she got sacked for obstructing the executive branch.

I like how following the rules/duties is now a shameful thing, I'm pretty sure this is the result of watching too much teen drama movies. Adults and rules are STUPID

I mean, there's a part near the end of one of the Harry Potter books where HP and his group of friends are explicitly rewarded for specifically breaking the rules because sometimes adults get it wrong, or some such claptrap.

Is it any wonder the denizens of r / politics feel justified in breaking rules they disagree with? Their fucking God Hero told them directly it's OK to do it.

It's the same with nationsalism, this virtue must be bad because the other side extols it reeeeee


It was his turn!

I'm also not absolutely certain Mueller doesn't have other reasons for refusing to testify, possibly relating to the ongoing intelligence inquiry or money related inquiries. But, I'm not pinning anything on faith at this stage.

🀀 😍😚

Thanks op!

I predicted this would happen months ago. I didn't predict he'd avoid testifying so he wouldn't have to answer questions from republicans, though. That's a cherry on top I never expected. Bob Mueller's a little bitch and his former fanboys are salty as hell.

This was always going to end in tears, for some reason Ledditoids can't seem to settle for Trump being more or less standard GOP policy combined with louder, stupider rhetoric, this is how you can tell none of them were politically aware when Bush II was in charge. Instead we've all got to pretend like he's this Machiavellian mastermind looking to seize absolute power and institute fAsCiSm.

Watching Reddit barrack for a staunchly Republican, ex-FBI agent and lawyer like he was some kind of progressive hero was pretty bloody funny, though.

He gave the report, they all read it.. What else is he supposed to do?? Cuff trump personally and take him to gitmo?

Make the report say what I want it to say

We were fans of Mueller because everyone said Mueller was a hero, a vampire hunter with the grit and the skill to stake the vampire.

Instead, he decided he was just a sidekick whose job was to carve a stake then hand it off to someone else to do the actual fighting.

He’s too scared to appear at a public hearing in front of congress to tell the country what it needs to hear.

We needed a hero.

We got a coward.

Lmao what is wrong with these people. They take this shit so seriously but think if it in these retarded ways.

Because partisan politics is basically just entertainment for people now. Like capeshit or spaceshit, it's just pop-culture now.

as it should be

TMZ prints money

liberals need to be angry at men in power without realising that separationism is the only solution


read the report

I did, it said Trump's not guilty of collusion, repeatedly

no, read the report

ok, let me quote the parts where it says "not enough evidence to find any proof of collusion"

PLEASE read the report

read report



I want to ping. So bad.

Liberals in a nutshell. There is a reason why the NPC meme caught on...

Oh, NPC memes...

You can criticise daddy without parroting Russian bullshit sweaty

Which Russian bullshit? Is Trump "daddy"? I'm unfamiliar with the lingo here...

t. Politics poster coping

is r/politics ever not seething/coping? I'm pretty sure that is their user's permanent state. Sad!

Right? It's almost cheating linking there, the whole thing is just a giant copefest at any given time.