Antisemites at r/news horrified by sacred Hasidic tradition of unleashing vans full of children to beat up geese

43  2019-05-26 by FormalHat


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  1. Antisemites at r/news horrified by ... -,

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I know there’s a practice called Kapparot where Orthodox Jews swing chickens above their heads as atonement on the eve of Yom Kippur. But Yom Kippur is in the fall and this is a goose.

This isn’t an Orthodox Jewish thing. It’s a weird woman and her kids thing.

W-what? How? It can't be! Kapparot, a Super Saiyan? But he's just a low class soldier it doesn't make any sense

The mitzva of shiluach hakein requires Jews to chase away a mother bird and acquire the eggs laid in the nest. Are you trying to impede people's religious practices, goyim?

If that's a real thing then it's a really dumb thing.

That seems reaching

Yeah to me it's just saying eat the eggs not the hen but I'm no rabbi

Why not use a chicken? You can put in the back yard and do it where the neighbors won't judge you.

ur telling me.... hold on..... ur telling me that Reddit hates Jews? woah. ok that’s mind blowing 🤭🤭🤯🤯🤯

beating up geese is cool and good.
besides, they'd be murdering hobos or something if they didn't have the opportunity to kick some birds

Religion of geese.

honk honk

So many levels

Whats more important:

A sacred tradition of the world's oldest religion, passed down by Moshe from HaShem.


Some stupid overpopulated goose?

Religious people aren't even fucking human. God why cant they just genocide each other

Good. Geese are fucking assholes.

Fuck off furry

(Does retarded shit)

"Stop doing that, you retards."

"Oy vey, it's a pogrom!"

That woman called the police crying because she saw young boys messing with a goose.

I don’t understand why but I find her actions simultaneously hilarious and enraging. Why is she so upset over geese? I can’t imagine how much general anxiety she has built up.