Circlebroke 2 gets assmad that old romanian granny hates communism. Calls her a crypto-fascist jordan peterson fan who is really a cishet white male trying to discredit socialism

95  2019-05-26 by 2Poop2Babiez


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. Circlebroke 2 gets assmad that old ... -,,

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wait does cb actually not believe the 13% thing? lol

Official statistics are placed by those in power in order to denigrate marginalized society. If we consider other forms of murder such as spiritual murder then whites are actually the most murderous.

It's real, it's just that the conclusion the types that unironically cite it get from it is really stupid and not looking at literally any other evidence. It's almost like black society was forced into slavery and then into jim-crow era bs. They were forced by a bunch of dumb racist hicks to not advance at all economically in society, and they still are although not nearly as much. What the dumb racist hicks that unironically cite the black violence statistic don't understand is that they themselves are the actual reason why african americans are more impoverished and why they turn to crime, not because of 19th century racial biological pseudoscience

Sorry bro you need to shut this down its too woke for drama

Excuse me? EXCUSE ME??? Dont you see my flair?!? I am CLEARLY a proud "ma'am", not your "bro". I am SO very distraught right now.

You're not a real drama trans user until you've posted trussy on dramacord

Oh yeah? Then send me a link

19th century racial biological pseudoscience

That stuff is about to come back in a big way thanks to the actual science of genetics and genomics. It's going to be a drama goldmine because we are not ready for it.

American blacks are just black Anglo-Saxons. They have less connection to Africa than the average Boer.

Goid point. In Africa they are committing 100% of the crime.

Not if your dependent variables are still ass-old fabrications like IQ and wishy washy social indicators.

Of course you'd say that. You have the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter.

Double digit IQ user right here

Yeah that would make sense if impoverishment made up the difference which it does not even come close to doing. Its not like more than half of the Poors in the nation are black.

Its probably a cultural thing But nobody dare questions that.

Culture and mindsets arise from material conditions

How did Norway then, as one of the poorest nations of Europe at the turn of the 20th century, not descend into violence and corruption?

Just utter bull, if you see Bairoch's model you'll see Norway consistently underperforms historically), with an economy with the quality of a balkan shithole.

During the 19th century Norway had a massive population exodus where a unprecedented 1/3 of the nation emigrated, caused by impoverished conditions as most people were what in Norway is called a Husmann, comparable to Russian serfs. There was little farmable land, so most people had to rent a small plot of land they could barely live off from. There had also not been a university in the nation until the middle of the 18th century, and a lack of schools made the nation relatively illiterate compared to it's neighbors Sweden and Denmark.

Ok. But Norway in the 19th century was controlled by Denmark and Sweden, two wealthy powers that were close-by and with a similar culture. They achieved reasonable standards of living around the time they became independent according to the model you brought up.

You're also trying to focus on a single case while ignoring the obvious general tendency throughout history for exploited, impoverished peoples to turn to crime.

Still, they were in poor material conditions and oppressed by their wealthier neighbors, are you suggesting they became a exception out of happenstance? Finland was very much the same? Is it again just random correlation that poor nordic states didn't create violent cultures?

Still, they were in poor material conditions and oppressed by their wealthier neighbors

Not NEARLY as much as colonial Africa

But we're not discussing colonial africa, this is in regards to modern african american culture, so the question is why blacks in America are more violent than your average Norwegian Husmann, although the Husmann lived in a one room log cabin with no heating during freezing winters and a small potato patch to feed him

Ok well I can still tell you that there was much more of a social form of discrimination rather than simply being poor. While I'm sure that Danes and Swedes treated their own kind a bit better than Nords, that doesn't compare to how powerful and how impactful white supremacy was on the American mindset. You also haven't provided any statistics or evidence showing that these historically impoverished Nords were not more criminal than those non-impoverished whenever they were in poverty

Also, state your own hypothesis for the difference clearly

Also, state your own hypothesis for the difference clearly

Historically European cultures have been more stable and less violent internally. This is caused by a mixture of environmental and genetic factors.

Also historical crime statistics are hard to find on the internet. But this study shows 1950s Norway to have a lower homocide rate than today.

Is this victim blaming? In my support sub? 😑

If that were the case, the African countries that those people came from would be fucking Wakanda, but they aren't, they are warlord-infested shitholes, the same as you always get when they run anything.

Ruin a country, take all its resources and wonder why the place isnt good

Mayos really are the devil

Imagine being such a retarded historically illiterate racist child that your hick infested school system didn't teach you about African colonialism

Why isn't Liberia the Wakanda of Africa then? It was never colonized. πŸ€”

It actually was colonized, it was colonized by American slaves.

They treated the natives like shit, yeah. Makes you realize it's an uppity American problem not a whitey problem.

then why do rich black people commit more crime than poor white people

Because rich black people are still bound to and influenced by the same black communities that have developed toxic-masculinity out of historical impoverishment

so you are saying black people don't have the agency to not commit crime?

If only white people exercised their agency to not commit genocides and create racially applied laws.

No, you strawmanning retard. Literally every rational being is susceptible to influence that can make them do harmful things and be bad people if that influence is strong enough. People should, of course, do helpful things and be good people, but you cannot expect even the most rational group of humans to not have bad people in them when they are in bad material conditions

>when they are in bad material conditions

then why do rich black people commit more crime than poor white people

I used "material" in that context to refer to everything that happens "outside" of the individual. So for example, being in a community that encourages toxic masculinity would be a material condition.

So you agree that their shitty culture is to blame. Not their genetic makeup or white people.

Says the mayosapien whose only culture is genocide, racism and anime pillows.

White people are responsible for the set of attitudes they've developed though

It's actually subconscious self-sabotage. Many African-Americans came to actually believe they were inferior to white society. You see that when the black kid who studies is accused of "acting white".

It's a mix of both

not because of 19th century racial biological pseudoscience

Unironically blacks are fucked because of their toxic culture. What most people don't understand is that blacks get fucked over the most by blacks.

But no how dare I question shitty gangster rap and a culture of drugs and violence.

I'm more surprised they're mad people are shitting on gypsies. Gypsy culture is literally built on fucking over non-gypsies.

I heard that they steal because one of them stole a nail from Christ while he was crucified. No idea if true.

I think Jesus would be totally cool with someone taking the nail out of his wrist.

I thought it was something about only delivering three of the four nails, and the fourth nail followed the blacksmith wherever he went as some kind of mystical ghostly reminder that he made the tools of Christ's torture.

It's over for sedentarycels

I have never met anyone who has seen an actual gypsy and didn’t hate them

It's difficult to not judge harshly a people where you can't put more than 5 of them into a room without blood being spilled

They're all white American Ms who've never interacted with a gypsy, or even been to europe

Unfortunately, we have gypsies in the US too.They travel the country spreading bedbugs, scamming restaurants and trashing hotel rooms.

Commie mommy destroyed with facts and logic by any commie great grand mommy.

Why the fuck is everyone so concerned about β€œthe spread of communism in the U.S.”? Seems suspicious as fuck to blatantly ignore all the swastika wavers.

What world do these people live in

The Man in the High Castle

marx personally starved checks random comment in white supremacist sub 5,190,230,500 people over his lifetime, so communism is clearly more dangerous than nazism which killed checks reddit propaganda again 30,000 in the holocaust. both sides are bad but the left is logically over 170,000x worse which is why I'm a centrist

It's fucking hilarious. Reddit is so obviously left leaning, it's stupid how many people on this site supports communism. Whenever someone goes against the grain, they start spergin out about how the entirity of reddit is super right wing biased, and full of a bunch of Nazi shills. So backwards lol.

Again, horsesoe law. Not a theory, but a law, and a proven fact.

I'm lost on that even being horseshoe. It just looks like the same persecution complex every group shares now(everyone hates us we're the minority, but also we are obviously right and we assume all smart people feel the same way we do and nobody cool will like you for thinking what you think dummy peer pressure shame peer pressure).

Opponents get handwaved as "illogical haters" because everyone wants to feel like a prersecuted minority because they have beg raised feel that validates them...even if in the same breath they insist they are the will of the people.

Not even joking you see the exact same thing if, for example, someone offers a not glowingly enthusiastic review of dak Prescott the Dallas Cowboys sub. Not even bad, just not perfect.

99% of them get furious and start bringing up warped statistics and strawmen and then start whining about how everyone just wants to hate him for no for reason because they are dumb haters motivated entirely by hatred and stupidity. If we can pin it on race or something that's just a bonus

Also see Star wars and marvel "fans" for the exact same pattern of behavior.

hitler personally gassed checks random comment in a commie sub 6 gorillion people over his lifetime, so nazism is clearly more dangerous than communism which killed checks reddit propaganda again literally nobody in the holodomor. both sides are bad but the left is logically over 500000000x worse which is why I'm a centrist

For all horseshoe lovers out there. ❀❀❀

Except the rightoid version is (as always) way more entertaining.

It's always some variant of, "Hitler didn't kill 6 gorillion Jews but I wish he did."

Cope. And grugposting is superior to all leftist memes at this point in time.

You know when you rub your eyes too hard or when you bright bulb just blinds you, you see random shapes.. These people see nazis whenever they rub their eyes.

Why won't those people just take the centrist pill 😠 😠 😠 😠 😠 😠 😠 😠 😠

Why tf are they claiming being landowners is bad and is some sort of privilege?

My family was poor AF snd the only thing my grandad had was a piece of land.

Commie brainworms

They rely on outdated Marxist texts to understand the world. It's a religion to these freaks.

Didn't Marx also spout some major anti-Semitic shit with his "On the Jewish Question" thing.

He called his landlord a dirty jew, from what I remember.

A Jewish Nigger actually.

Wasnt marx jewish?

These people act as if anyone who owns property is one of those landlords who has a huge plantation with a house in the middle

landed family hates losing their power and prestige because of communists in shocking and completely unanticipated demand for privilege

Heh, yeah, those fucking rich romanians suck amirite girls?

Translation - white upper middle class american.....sorry CHILDREN of white, upper middle class americans from cth, cth2, shitredditsays (lol they think that their still relevant), shitliberalssay AND latestagegenderbinary gets really triggered by a stupid ama and suddenly decided that IT WAS REAL COMMUNISM AFTER ALL and they should defend it....

But only online, 'cause outside the walls of reddit and their young communist group at uni, these militant tankies only have enough balls to introduce themselves as "well, I'm kinda socialist bro".

At least own you bootlicking, you swines. Even trumptards do it. Are you bigger cowards than a fat middle aged trumptards?

Is this a copypasta

I don't think it is.

Y 😬 I 😬 K 😬 E 😬 S

Eh, you can use it as one. i don't give a shit.

Reddit just openly admitting to hating Roma is just so fucking disgusting.

Ah, another American being offended on someone elses behalve who has no experience with the Roma I see.