lol Berlusconi

21  2019-05-26 by snallygaster



Snally's just mad she didn't get invited to the orgy.


*bunga bunga party

lol Farage

lol Europe


What did he do again and how did it involve coke & jailbait gussy?

He's a walking-talking meme, everything about him is ridiculous, he makes trump and Czechia's alcoholic president look kind put-together in comparison

He's probably my all-time favorite living political caricature

He's pretty awesome but only because Italy is more or less irrelevant, imagine if he were in charge of a country that was much bigger on the world stage

He would be Trump

All due respect to the Burgers, but Trump has nothing on Berlusconi.

Berlusconi resonates more because Italy is smaller, but there are a lot of similarities between the two.

I want to feel superior but maybe this is like Japan with hikikomori and shit where they're actually ahead of the curve and we're just catching up to them.

One of my all-time favorite headlines from The Onion: (yes I share links like a boomer)
