Retard tries to take back an anti Nazi punk song, it goes poorly

35  2019-05-27 by MG87


Jews did this


  1. Retard tries to take back an anti N... -,

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Man these boys be hella stupid

Punk rock is supporting the President, you cuck.

I remember strolling through YouTube live performances from when I was a younger kid and I came across Sum 41 on Leno or some other late night show and they were all wearing gawdy American flag outfits, like top to bottom.

Granted Sum 41 isn't the embodiment of punk rock, but can you imagine today any single famous punk rocker flying an American flag on national TV and not being shit on by the entire punk culture? It's totally punk rock now to love America and guns and dangerous fun and make jokes and not be a raging pussy.

Following the rules and loving your country is so fucking punk right now. Thanks Daren the DARE lion.

Liking your country and hunting out of season and making campfires during burn bans is totally punk rock.

Are you sure it was patriotism and not irony? Sum41 are Canucks.

It could have been any other of those awful bands from the late 90s who sang about suburban girls and cars.

It was 100% irony. Sum41 were fiercly anti-war. Too many fuckin zoomers on this sub, pretending to know.

There are so many different facets to punk rock though, from crust punks to skinheads(the nazi kind and the not nazi kind). Alt right is counter culture but I wouldn't call it inherently punk and Anarchism will always have ties to punk rock

Alt right is counter culture but I wouldn't call it inherently punk and Anarchism will always have ties to punk rock

Oh youre definitely right about that. When it comes to punk rock, I'm talking about the attitude of defying purse-clutching and tone-policing faggots. I never thought I'd see the day where 22 year old left wing artists are said faggots and how it'd be edgy to say "guns and America are cool" but here we are.

Yep, and the bill named "the patriot act" is just about celebrating patriotism, right? How fucking dumb do you have to be to think anything named something factually means that same thing?

At least you seem to grasp that punk music is anti-establishment. Now, do you think that applies to a deep state group of career politicians, hell bent on denying free speech, different ideas, and rights; or do you think it applies to the never a politician wild card elected by the people to smash the corrupt establishment? Spoiler alert, it applies to the former.

Here is another post of mine you should read:

I am surprised how many douches are in the comments here, too.

First off, they don't understand the concept of separating the artist from the art. I don't give a shit if some members of DK are cucks now, hell, most of them have not been punk for over 20 years. I care that back in the day they made an anthem against fascism, which today means against antifa.

Hell, voting for Trump was the most punk rock thing a person could have done. We brought in a wild card, who offends shitty groups, to destroy the deep state. Punk has always been about freedom, just like Trump. Many bands offended the same shitty groups, lots of times writing offensive songs simply to offend, and to celebrate free speech. They knew how important it was to say things people don't like. Punk has been, and always will be, about free thinking, which is what the right promotes.

Punk is also about being anti authoritarian. Who is all about restricting your rights and controlling you? The deep state and political left. Hell, everyone knows they already control the media, and punk is against that very same mainstream.

I understand the confusion to a degree because punk is always counter culture, and for a bit that meant being left leaning, but we are the counterculture now. SJW bullshit is mainstream.

In closing, I was left leaning when it stood for equality and freedom over a decade ago. It does not anymore. It is the mainstream corruption punk fights. Stop being brainwashed and thinking what the media tells you. That is not punk.

The right is the counter culture now.

Punk fuckin sucks now.

Nazi punks isn't a good song.

This my favorite anti Nazi song

good shit

Not having the grades for college, pretending you would have enlisted if it weren't for some vague injury that you never actually saw a doctor for, getting married at 18 to your high school sweetheart that you can barely stand, getting a job digging ditches, having 6 children, going to church twice a week, posting boomer military worship memes on facebook, unironically believing in Q, becoming an alcoholic because you've been suppressing your homosexual urges, and dying of a stress-induced heart attack at 43 is the real punk rock lifestyle.

Are you triggered, liberal antifa cucks?

young'un don't remember this

MG87 and agenda posting, name a more iconic duo


headasplodes and dude lmao

captainpriapism and fenatyl

nmx onehundredandsomething and cope

mukumukmukumuk and alts and black trannies

I don't remember any other rightoids here

slaytina44 and tepid takes