Two z tackles the “cis het male” problem

34  2019-05-27 by HardIsLife


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They targeted gamers. Gamers.


  1. Two z tackles the “cis het male” pr... -,

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I’d fuck her


I already did.

hatefucking twoxcels is my kink

Don't you just hate? How femoids? Overuse question marks????

Women don’t want attention from redditors. Shocking.

Have you seen those Redditors? They probably look like your stereotypical soyboy.

Can we make a bot that just replies to posts like these and suggests places to adopt multiple cats at a time?

Save them the trouble.

Nobody cares that your peepee got hard

I care

I care that my pp got hard

wish you'd care...

Volcel if you wouldn't

the fuck is r/toastme

Sub people visit to get free compliments. Seriously.

There is such a thin line between creepy and cute. I was once over that line and I'm not gonna risk it again. Not worth it for a compliment.

This brave feminist went over the line, but you don't need to fear. He's back to being an ally.