He really hates commie mommy

28  2019-05-27 by Alicesnakebae


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You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. He really hates commie mommy - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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When you have no rebuttal and instead try to cry to your echochamber. 😂😂😂

How hard are you jerking it to your rage porn of commie mommy

Lol! Not at all. Why don’t you rebut anything?

Why do you need an echochamber to back you up? Do you not have facts or evidence?

Why don’t you rebut anything? Why do you need an echochamber to back you up? Do you not have facts or evidence?

Because this isnt a debate idiot no wonder you're obsessed with aoc you're ben sharpio's alt


Imagine being this level of retarded smh

Why do you hate big puerto rican milkers?

Seems to be the appeal for a lot of people. There are plenty of great tits on smarter women, though.

Implying we're not a pro AOC sub and that we wouldn't collectively cut our dicks off for a chance to cum on her horse teeth

Whatch out for Red Cortez!

The scourge of the nuclear family! The bane of the free market! The destroyer of white picket fences!

She’s called “Red Cortez” for a reason.

Everyone is saying it

Him and the voices

You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

You poor poor brain* washed dorks Dorks

Why do chapos have the lamest insults?

because for some reason a lot of reddit leftists think that socialism is about being nice to people, and if you're rude then you're a doofus and not a true socialist

So wanting to help people is equivalent to being Hitler, got it.

well yea

Now that's a hot take right there.